Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1370: : Hesitant Zhang Zhi

Zhang Zhi was surprised: "In this way, you dedicated Gaotang to Jinhou, but you didn't get any reward?"

"It was not that Gao Tang was dedicated to the Jin Hou, but the general Dian Wei under the Jin Hou's command entered the city and controlled him." Zhang Qi's complexion flushed red.

After looking at Zhang Qi for a moment, Zhang Zhi had a clear understanding, "In that case, why don't you stay in the army and fight against the enemy with this general. If you can succeed, you and I will both be the heroes of Qingzhou in the future."

Zhang Qi shook her head and said, "If General Zhang refuses to take refuge in Jinhou, I will definitely not abandon Jinhou."

Seeing Zhang Qi's expression firm, Zhang Zhi's heart moved, "This matter is important. Let this general think about it for a while before answering."

"I also hope that the general can be as soon as possible. Now the army of Jin Hou has gone to Gaotang and will soon enter Jinan County." Zhang Qi reminded.

Zhang Zhi nodded with a heavy face. The reason why he asked what kind of official position he would get after joining Jin Hou was also related to some rumors he heard. If the army is the most powerful, it is the army under Jin Hou. This is not only among the princes, but also the consensus of everyone, and becoming a leader of the Jin princes, and even more important in the army.

"Jinhou? Yehou?" Zhang Zhi looked in the direction of Linzi, his eyes gradually becoming fierce.

After Lv Bu led the troops to Gaotang, after replenishing the army's food and grass, he immediately came towards the Dongping Mausoleum. Seeing the army coming along the city, one after another opened the city gates and surrendered. There were only a few hundred defenders in these cities. Yuan Shao did not expect that Lu Bu dared to directly lead the army to attack Qingzhou, and ignored Qinghe's army. What courage is needed.

Qingzhou is the root of the Qingzhou army. If Lu Bu's attack on Qingzhou is used properly, it may not be able to play a better role. Maybe it will enable the soldiers in the army to explode more powerful combat power. However, Judging from Lu Bu's performance, he did not pay attention to the Qingzhou Army at all.

In response to this situation, Yuan Shao chose to be patient. There was no other way. There were originally five thousand cavalry in the army. After successive losses, there were fewer than five hundred men at this time, and these cavalry have lost their spirit. There was no self-confidence that a cavalry should have in his expression, Yuan Shao saw more panic.

Lu Bu led a large army to the Dongping Mausoleum.

With banners and flags lined up, Lu Bu ordered the army to frighten outside the city, and then ordered the army to encamp. Judging from the situation on the battlefield, the current situation is extremely favorable for his side. Ganling City, Yuan Shao did not dare to dispatch easily, and Yang Feng led The Montenegrin army has been defeated by Huang Zhong, and Yang Feng, the leader of the Montenegrin cavalry, was killed in the battle. All this will affect the situation of the war. If a large army does not have the slightest understanding of the situation on the battlefield, it wants It is very difficult to win on the battlefield.

"Lord, now Zhang Qi is persuading the guard Zhang Zhi in the city." Dian Wei said.

Now that the army came outside the city, Zhang Qi still failed to succeed, which made Dianwei a little dissatisfied. After the capture of Gaotang, if he could seize Jinan County in one fell swoop, it would be a huge credit. Dianwei didn’t care about these credits, he valued it. It was the strategy revealed in this action. This was the strategy on the battlefield. Dian Wei was a military commander. Success was the greatest affirmation for him.

As if seeing Dian Wei’s concern, Lu Bu smiled and said: "You can learn to use tactics, I am very pleased, but from the information obtained from the careful investigation, Zhang Zhi is not a loyal person to Yuan Shao. In the final analysis, he is Just want to benefit."

"Benefits?" Dianwei said coldly: "If this is the case, the lord might as well directly order the army to attack the city, and teach Zhang Zhi a severe lesson, and even threaten the lord with the city as a support."

Lu Bu shook his head and said: "Don't worry, after the army starts to attack the city, Zhang Zhi will definitely be anxious. If the two sides go to war, it will be an endless situation."

Today's Qingzhou, it can be said that facing its own army, it does not have the strength to contend. This is also the reason why Zhang Qi is confident to persuade Zhang Zhi after taking refuge, and the generals in the army also need benefits, especially those like Zhang Zhi. The county chief naturally did not want to live a humble life after taking refuge in others.

The arrival of the army led by Lu Bu really made the defenders in the city panic, especially the situation of the Qingzhou Army and the enemy on the battlefield recently spread in the city. Obviously, the Qingzhou Army is at an absolute disadvantage. If it can't win the battlefield in Jizhou If so, Qingzhou would be completely in danger.

The first person to bear the brunt is not others, but Zhang Zhi, the chief general in the army. He originally thought that the importance of the Dongpingling Mausoleum could allow Lu Bu to promise more. Who knew that Zhang Qi did not get any orders from Lu Bu, but just came to persuade. How Zhang Zhi willingly dedicated the Dongping Mausoleum to Lv Other cities in Jinan County took refuge in Lv Bu. In Zhang Zhi’s expectation, after all, there were only hundreds of defenders in other cities. Fighting against Lv Bu is no different from looking for death. .

Faced with Zhang Qi’s persuasion, Zhang Zhi once again chose to consider. Unlike Zhang Qi being controlled, he is a general with a large army in his hands. The three thousand defenders in the city are his confidence. He wants to get more benefits, no Willing to surrender so easily.

The next day, seeing that there was still no movement in the city, Lu Bu decisively issued an offensive order. A ladder and a Thunderbolt were erected outside the city. Many defenders were dumbfounded when they saw the huge Thunderbolt. , It’s just that compared with the enemy’s Thunderbolt cars, it’s not much smaller, and the Thunderbolt cars outside the city are controlled by more than a hundred people. What kind of destructive power this kind of Thunderbolt cars will bring.

Zhang Zhi appeared on the city wall. After seeing the scene outside the city, he took a breath. The dense army, although kept silent, gave people a strong sense of oppression. In addition to the black ocean, black gives people a sense of solemnity and solemnity. If tens of thousands of soldiers in black gather in one place, the visual impact alone will make it difficult for people to settle down.

This is the first time that Zhang Zhi has fought against Lu Bu. He had heard of Lu Bu's various achievements in the army, and he was naturally in awe of Lu Bu.

With an order, the Perak car launched a fierce attack towards the city. The target of the Perak car with a shorter range was the moat, and the direction of the giant Perak car was the city wall and the city gate.

The boulder fell on the city wall, Zhang Zhi could feel the city wall trembling slightly, and the defenders who hit the boulder made wailing sounds, and the city suddenly became lively. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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