Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1380: : Cao Jun Breaks Through Wancheng (Part 2)

However, after the battle with the Qingzhou Army, Guan Yu’s expressions of worry became even stronger. The Qingzhou Army on the opposite side seemed to be crazy. They went forward and succeeded. The fall of their robes seemed to have no effect on them. Their goal was to kill. Kill again!

The crazy Qingzhou Army has shaken the Jingzhou Army. If it is not necessary, no one is willing to face a crazy army. Compared with the Qingzhou Army, the reaction of the Jingzhou Army is slower, and the speed of the attack is lower. There is a big gap in combat effectiveness.

Within half an hour of fighting, the five thousand Jingzhou Army was completely suppressed by the Qingzhou Army, and more and more Qingzhou Army entered the city.

"General, retreat, Wancheng can't hold it anymore." The deputy general said.

Guan Yu's hands trembled slightly. He wanted to ride a horse to go forward, and his personal bravery couldn't change it on such a battlefield.

"Retreat!" Guan Yu reluctantly issued an order to retreat. The Jingzhou Army's confrontation with Cao Jun in Wancheng, accompanied by Guan Yu's order, declared a failure. The reason for the failure of Jingzhou Army was not only the betrayal of the family, but also the betrayal of the family. The overall strength of the Jingzhou Army is much worse than that of the Cao Jun.

Although Liu Bei controlled the Jingzhou army, he was far worse than Cao Cao at the level of generals in the army. Even though their strength increased in a short period of time, the combat effectiveness they showed when facing true elites was not satisfactory.

Tigers and leopards attacked the gates everywhere, and more and more Cao troops entered the city.

Seeing the Jingzhou Army retreat, Xia Houyuan sent out five thousand soldiers to chase Guan Yu, and he led the remaining Qingzhou Army to wipe out the remnants of the Jingzhou Army in the city.

The five thousand Qingzhou Army completely drove Guan Yu out of the city. During the retreat, many soldiers chose to flee, especially the recruits in the army. Although they received strict training, they did not want to follow a defeated soldier. When retreating, there are many soldiers who have such ideas. Even some generals in the army secretly escaped from the army and chose to surrender.

Guan Yu's face was low and deep. This was the first big defeat in his life, and the defeat was so complete. Ten thousand defenders only had more than four thousand people who followed him to escape from Wancheng. More than four thousand soldiers looked in panic. I completely lost the confidence that I had when I first arrived in Wancheng.

"The defeat in this battle is the fault of this general!" Guan Yu looked back at the city in the dark night, and sighed.

"General, if it were not for the betrayal of the Cai family, our army would not be defeated. Why should the general blame yourself." The deputy general said with relief. Since Guan Yu entered Wancheng, he has been working hard, and Guan Yu's performance in combat has won The support of the lieutenant generals, especially the two consecutive victories of Bo Wangpo, made the morale of the Jingzhou army even higher. Otherwise, why did the Jingzhou army persist for so long under the attack of Cao Jun.

Guan Yu's heart was a little heavy, and the loss of Wancheng meant the loss of Nanyang County.

In the Jingzhou Army, the soldiers who escaped secretly are still continuing. Although there are orders from various generals, they are frightened and uneasy in the face of failure.

Suddenly, there were intensive war drums from both sides of the Jingzhou Army, and the ambushing Cao Army soldiers suddenly slammed out, causing great turmoil in the Jingzhou Army.

"Guan Yu, don't hurry to dismount and surrender, Cao Gong has long expected you to be defeated and pass by." Xiahou Dun shouted.

Looking at the panicked generals of the Jingzhou Army, Guan Yu shouted vigorously: "Cao Cao has committed trouble, dare to invade Jingzhou, such troubled courtiers and thieves will be blamed for everyone!"

"Whoever puts down the sword, don't kill!" Xiahou Dun said nothing about Guan Yu's words.

This loud shout made many Jingzhou sergeants choose to retreat, no matter whether they occupy the righteousness or not, they are now considering the issue of life and death.

The two armies fought fiercely. After only a quarter of an hour, the Jingzhou Army showed no support, fled from the city in fear, and encountered an ambush by the enemy. You can imagine the mood of the generals of the Jingzhou Army at this time. I even regretted why I didn't take the opportunity to leave the army when I was in the city before.

Hundreds of swordsmen around Guan Yu broke out in powerful battles. These swordsmen were trained by Guan Yu quietly. They selected the most elite soldiers in the army. In previous battles, these swordsmen played With a huge effect, Zhou Cang, who has a long knife in his hand, performed extremely bravely on the battlefield.

With the stubborn support of hundreds of swordsmen, Guan Yu was able to lead troops and horses to fight through the siege.

When Xiahoudun saw this, he was chasing after him. Before he came, he claimed to have captured Guan Yu in front of Cao Cao, so how could he let Guan Yu escape like this.

After ten miles of chasing and killing, the Cao Jun behind him still showed no signs of giving up, which made Guan Yu a little puzzled. The effect of Xiahou Dun’s fierce pursuit was obvious. He directly drove the shaken Sergeant Jingzhou out of the fleeing team. At this time, Guan Yu had no intention to restrain the soldiers in the army.

"General, the enemy is in hot pursuit!" The lieutenant's face was a little was faced with wars one after another, and he was all in a weak position, and the anxiety in his heart can be imagined.

Guan Yu coldly snorted: "There is a dangerous place ahead. As long as he gets here, Cao Jun will definitely not dare to chase after him!"

As Guan Yu had expected, Xiahou Dun had already dispatched scouts to learn about the terrain ahead. Seeing that he could not catch Guan Yu alive on the battlefield, he was a little bit regretful, so he could only choose to retreat and gather the surrender soldiers of Jingzhou Army along the way.

It was twilight, and the generals of the Jingzhou Army beside Guan Yu were exhausted. The battle last night was a nightmare for them. Originally, they had the advantage of the city wall and could block the enemy’s attack, but they encountered successive encounters. Failed, almost unable to escape from the city.

After counting the soldiers and horses, Guan Yu's complexion was not very good. At this time, there were only more than two thousand soldiers in the army. Xiahou Dun's interception made the number of soldiers and soldiers dropped to half.

"Return to soldiers!" Guan Yu categorically ordered.

The flag on the head of Wancheng City was replaced by Cao Jun's flag. The streets in the city showed signs of battle very obvious. The people who walked out of the house looked at the soldiers Cao's soldiers on the street, and their expressions were full of panic.

Many people noticed that new content appeared in places where notices were usually posted.

Next to the notice, there are officials responsible for interpretation, explaining the contents of the notice to the people.

There are two notices. The first one is very common. It is nothing more than that after Cao Cao seized Wancheng, he would do nothing against the people Qiu in the city. In fact, when the army broke through the city, it was impossible to completely achieve this. Enemy soldiers, some soldiers will even arouse their fierceness when facing weak people. In this way, ordinary people will always be unlucky. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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