Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 401: : He Kang returns to Xiangyang

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Naturally, it is difficult for Guo Jia to understand Lu Bu's thoughts. Three wives and four concubines in the Han Dynasty are a common thing in people’s eyes. It seems that Lv Bu, as a Marquis of Jin, is a matter of course even if he is accompanied by many beauties. This is why people all over the world say that Lv Bu is lustful instead of saying that Lv Bu is ridiculous. He was not envious, he also saw that Qiao Xuan's young daughter had a good impression of Lu Bu, but Lu Bu hadn't noticed it, and the story of Zhao Yun and Qiao Xuan's eldest daughter had already been circulated in the army.

"Ben Hou and Qiao Shuang, they just met two sides, where did the feelings come from? If Qiao Shuang is not happy, he can only compromise in the face of the holy will. So, wouldn't it have delayed Qiao Shuang." Lu Bu sighed.

Guo Jia looked at Lu Bu dumbfounded, speechless for a long time.

"It is a good story for the lord and Zilong to marry Qiao Xuan's daughter." Guo Jiadao.

"The military commander's words are true." Dian Wei echoed.

The news that Lu Bu and Qiao Xuan's second daughter were given marriage by the sage spread through the army at an extremely fast speed.

After Qiao Shuang learned of this incident, he was excited and expectant, but also a little worried. After all, he met Lu Bu very few times. Even though Lu Bu had a great reputation, he could only serve as a concubine after he married Lu Bu. The fact that cannot be changed.

"Don't think too much about Shuang'er, Jin Hou is a hero who stands up to the ground, and he has a marriage gift from the sage. Even if Shuang'er arrives at Lu's house, he won't be embarrassed." Qiao Ying said with relief.

Qiao Shuang smiled and said, "My sister has General Zhao, so don't forget Shuang'er."

"After arriving at Lu Mansion, if you have any difficulties, you can come to your sister."

Qiao Shuang's eyes suddenly moistened. This is her sister, who loves her, for fear that she will be a little wronged, and for her own sake, dare to show her a dagger to Liu Qi.

After Qiao Xuan got the news, he was also delighted. Originally, he was a little worried about Qiao Ying marrying Zhao Yun. After Guo Jia’s deliberate disclosure, he learned that Zhao Yun turned out to be the brother of Jin Hou, and that Qiao Ying could be regarded as a regular wife. It’s not bad to marry Zhao Yun. The Holy Spirit gave Jinhou and Qiao Shuang to marry him. Qiao Xuan was happier. He had the Holy Mandate. After Qiao Shuang married to Lu Mansion, he would not be embarrassed. What a great honor, and it is said that Lu Bu also fought for Zhao Yun's life. In this way, it would be better for Qiao's family to reach Bingzhou.

Although Qiao Xuan was somewhat dissatisfied with Liu Qi, it did not hinder his respect for the Han family. The emperor's fate was greater than the sky. This was also the reason why Liu Qi wanted to take Qiao's family into the city that day.

After Liu Bei and Ma Chao learned of the incident, they came to congratulate Yuan Shao. As for Yuan Shao, naturally they would not give Bingzhou a good face. After the Youzhou incident, the grudges between the two sides have reached an endless state of death.

He Kang Fengchen rushed to the outside of Xiangyang City and was immediately received by Lu Bu.

The production method of the bed crossbow is now in hand, which makes Lu Bu very excited. Although he has not seen the power of the bed crossbow with his own eyes, it can be used by Yuan Shu to change the outcome of a war. It can be seen that this equipment is powerful, and Binzhou has been working on research. The bed crossbow has never broken through. I believe that Bingzhou will be able to make a bed crossbow after obtaining the drawing of the bed crossbow. Lu Bu is confident that the craftsmanship of Bingzhou is far ahead of the other princes.

Opening the drawing of the bed crossbow, although he did not understand, Lü Bu's face could not hide the smile, put away the drawing, patted He Kang on the shoulder and said: "He can bring back the drawing of the bed crossbow. It's the blessing of the combined state, and Ben Hou is very pleased."

He Kang's face flushed with excitement. The flying eagle soldiers are proud of being appreciated by Lu Bu, and Lu Bu has always had strict requirements on the flying eagle soldiers, "This is a matter of the humble position."

Although Lu Bu didn't ask carefully, he knew that it was extremely difficult to get the drawings of the bed crossbow. Yuan Shu definitely paid great attention to the matter of the bed crossbow. It was very dangerous to be able to bring out the drawings of the bed crossbow in Shouchun.

"Commander Ho, would you like to be a general in the army?" Lu Bu asked.

He Kang was taken aback for a moment. Although he was excited, he clasped his fist and said, "Master, I am willing to be among the flying eagles."

When Zhao Shu on the side heard it, he kept winking at He Kang. Feiying's soldiers were all elite soldiers selected from various ministries. The highest rank was just a military commander. What a privilege it is to be a general in the army.

"Also, He leads the Bingzhou with meritorious service and enjoys the treatment of a general." Lu Bu said.

The generals in Lu Bu's mouth are very different from ordinary generals. The real generals are all led by themselves, and there are not many such characters in the Bingzhou Army.

"Thank you Lord!" He Kang said with a fist.

"This thing was brought back to Jinyang by General He, and handed over to the military division, and asked him to give it to Master Cheng of the craftsman's workshop. This thing is listed as the top secret of Bingzhou." Lu Bu said.

After leaving the big account, Zhao Shu smiled and said: "He leads, no, it should be General He."

Seeing that Zhao Shu, who is usually meticulous, was also joking, He Kang also knew that the commander was happy.

"General He is the first of the flying eagle soldiers to be so appreciated by the lord." Zhao Shu sighed, because of the flying eagle the wolf riding on the battlefield suffered huge damage, even if Lu Bu didn't. Blame, he also feels guilty in his heart.

"The humble position is always the commander of Feiying Zuoying." He Kang clasped his fist.

"Okay." Zhao Shu laughed openly.

"General He led thirty flying eagle soldiers and rushed back to Bingzhou as soon as possible. This thing must not be lost." Zhao Shu exhorted.

Three days later, Liu Biao summoned hundreds of civil and military officials and all princes in the city to celebrate the defeat of the rebel Yuan Shu. Lu Bu also took Zhao Yun, Dianwei, Wei Yan and a hundred cavalry to the city. After all, Wei Yan had stayed in Xiangyang city. The situation is better than Lu Bu and others.

The awe-inspiring hundreds of flying horses walked on the wide streets of Xiangyang City, attracting a lot of attention. Unlike the cavalry in Jingzhou, the flying horses were carefully selected and higher than ordinary horses. The cavalry He is equipped with all black horse scimitars, bows and arrows. The nine-foot height and the black horse make Lu Bu stand out. The most amazing thing for the people is that these cavalry also maintain a neat formation during the march, so neat. This is the first time they have seen the cavalry.

In contrast, the cavalry led by Liu Bei and the cavalry brought by Yuan Shao seem to be different. The armor is not clear, which is understandable. After all, they have experienced a battle, but the horses of the cavalry are also uneven. There are black horses and pinto horses, and the cavalry's weapons are also mottled, with spears and long swords.

Under Liu Bei's careful observation, he finally found out why his cavalry was so far from the Bingzhou and Jizhou cavalry. It turned out that his horse had one more thing than his own cavalry, so he quietly ordered people to imitate and build it. Sure enough, it was rising quickly, but he was sure that the Union State Cavalry had more than these secrets.

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(End of this chapter)

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