Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6404: : no hope of victory

It's just that after meeting the Jin army, Ye Khan experienced more failures. It wasn't because of Ye Khan's ability to command soldiers in combat, but because the Jin army's strength on the battlefield was too strong .

When such a strong strength will have more influence on the subsequent war situation, when Guishuang's high-level officials and generals can't see the hope of victory in the war from such a battlefield, they will respond to the Jin army's attack. What will show up is the negative side.

To deal with war, victory itself is very important. Victory in war can inspire the lieutenant soldiers more and make them act more unscrupulously on the battlefield.

How many war victories are there for the Jin army to be brilliant today? On the current battlefield, the Jin army's offensive is still so powerful, and the Jin army's attack will bring greater damage to the soldiers of Guishuang , so that the soldiers of Guishuang could not see the possibility of victory in such a war.

Only by inflicting greater blows on the enemy in the war, and allowing the enemy to suffer more failures in such confrontations, will there be greater achievements on the subsequent battlefield.

The victory of the Jin army in the war was a great challenge to the soldiers of Guishuang, and it made the soldiers of Guishuang see the possibility of their failure in the continuous impact. In such a battle, let alone What kind of means will Guishuang's soldiers adopt? If such means cannot be used, it will make the subsequent situation even more dangerous.

The strength of the Jin army has been well demonstrated on such a battlefield. When the strength of the Jin army will be stronger, and the attack of the Jin army will be more fierce, it is only relying on the defenders in the royal city to stop the Jin army. It is simply impossible to win when you are attacking.

Even if the officials and generals of Guishuang understood the situation, they would not say it publicly. Who knows what the queen will think when it comes to this.

In the previous war against the Jin army, Guishuang's soldiers paid a heavy price, but the queen still persisted on the battlefield. Under the current war environment, could it be said that the queen will give up easily? ? Or should we choose to die together like the general.

The victory of the Jin army on the battlefield of Guishuang is obvious to all, and when the attack of the Jin army has greater power, and when the impact of the Jin army will have a greater effect, the soldiers of Guishuang will be more powerful in the war. situation will be more difficult.

To deal with the war, it is extremely important to have fierce means as a support, so that one's own soldiers can achieve some achievements in the face of war.

Looking at the victories achieved in previous wars during the march, you will see what kind of impact the strength of the Jin army will bring on such a battlefield, and it will even make the enemy's strength in such a war environment What I realized more was the tense situation in Guishuang under the fierce offensive of the Jin army.

Guishuang's army has been unable to win for a long time in response to the war, and even suffered more failures under the attack of the Jin army. When such a war situation will impact Guishuang's soldiers more, Guishuang's The actions of soldiers in the war are bound to be more affected.

To achieve greater victories in the war, to make the offensive of your own soldiers more effective, and to let your soldiers display greater power on such a battlefield, these are crucial to the subsequent confrontation of the influence.

From the victories of wars in the past, we can see the terrifying strength of the Jin army, and what impact the Jin army's methods will have on the enemy.

Not to mention what kind of dangerous situation will be encountered in the war, let alone what kind of situation will be encountered on such a battlefield, the soldiers of Guishuang have done their best in the war, and they showed it when they blocked the Jin army. The most important thing is their tough side, but their toughness failed to play a greater role in front of the Jin army.

When the lieutenant soldiers cannot have more effective means when the war is going on, and when the impact of the lieutenant soldiers will be more affected, their actions on the battlefield will be more affected.

The Jin army on the battlefield will not give the enemy more opportunities. As long as it is for the Jin army to seize the opportunity on the battlefield, their subsequent offensives will be even crazier until the enemy suffers in the war. the price of destruction.

Such a fighting style can enable the Jin army to show more extraordinary means and strength when dealing with complex war situations, and can enable the Jin army's terrifying strength to be better displayed on such a battlefield. The impact of the army will have a greater effect.

The strength of the Jin army makes the soldiers of Guishuang see the possibility of defeat in the war, and the soldiers of Guishuang see more of the difficult situation on such a battlefield. When the lieutenant soldiers lose confidence in the war , They will show a more negative side when dealing with war. ..

The battle outside the king's city is a good illustration. In such a battlefield environment, the soldiers of Guishuang saw what kind of impact the Jin army's fierce offensive brought. At this time, even if they are on the battlefield There is more persistence, how much effect can such persistence play in the subsequent war.

No matter what kind of critical situation will appear on the complex battlefield, no matter what kind of danger will be in such a war, the success of the Jin army's actions in the war is guaranteed.

And it is precisely because of the many victories that the Jin army's actions on the battlefield will be smoother, and the Jin army will be more unscrupulous when attacking the enemy.

The victory of the Jin army has a great impact on the soldiers of Guishuang, and it also has a great impact on the choice of Guishuang's top management at the last moment of the war.

When the people of Guishuang can't see any hope of victory in such a war, and when the offensive of the Jin army will be launched more fiercely, what will the high-level officials of Guishuang do in this war? What kind of choice?

When facing the emergency situation in the war, the officials and generals of Guishuang also have their own considerations. What kind of actions will they show in such a war.

The effect of the resistance of Guishuang's soldiers in the war is limited, which is doomed that Guishuang's soldiers will suffer the punishment of failure in the battle of the royal city. When the failure of the war affects more In the case of lieutenant soldiers, even high-level officials will have more encouragement in the face of war, but how effective such encouragement can be.

The soldiers in the army have lost confidence when dealing with the war. Even if there is more encouragement, the effect of these encouragements is limited.

From the victories in the war, we can see the strong achievements of the Jin army, and what kind of impact the Jin army's attack will bring, and what the Jin army's means will get on the battlefield is If it is used better, the situation of Guishuang soldiers on the battlefield will be more dangerous.

In the current confrontation, as long as the methods of the Jin army will be better used, as long as the offensive of the Jin army will be more fierce, the Jin army will play a greater role in the future battlefield.

Attacking the Guishuang Empire and letting the Guishuang Empire belong to the Jin State is the goal of the Jin army in this war, and for this war goal, the price paid by the Jin army is not small, but in In the face of victory in the war, such sacrifices are worthwhile in themselves.

In war, victory is not easy to obtain. When dealing with the enemy's attack, you need to show a strong side, and you need to show more extraordinary strength on the battlefield. If you can't effectively deal with the difficult situation in the war on the battlefield, and if you can't show a more extraordinary side in the subsequent war, it will inevitably make the subsequent situation more complicated.

The new Jin army in the war is terrifying strength, and if such a powerful strength will further affect the subsequent war situation, how would the soldiers of Guishuang feel when they dealt with the war?

The strength of the Jin army made the soldiers of Guishuang see the possibility of failure in the war, and let the soldiers of Guishuang realize more about the damage caused by the impact of the Jin army in such a war environment.

Only by showing a more extraordinary side in each war, only by showing a stronger strength in each confrontation, can the subsequent situation be better eased.

Under the attack of the Jin army in the war, Guishuang's soldiers will see the tension of the war situation, and even the Guishuang's soldiers will not be able to win in such a battle. The emergence of such a war situation makes Guishuang Soldiers and soldiers will inevitably have more worries when dealing with wars. After all, any dangerous situation may appear on a complex battlefield. If there is a problem, it will inevitably lead to more changes in the subsequent war situation.

The strength and fierceness of the Jin army are well displayed on the battlefield, and the facts have proved that when the Jin army's combat methods will have greater effects, let alone what the enemy will be like on such a battlefield It is difficult for their preparations to win the final victory under the attack of the Jin army.

The powerful Jin army has proved their strength to the enemy in many wars, so that the enemy will see the possibility of losing the war when they bear the fierce offensive of the Jin army. In such a war situation, regardless of Guishuang How tough the soldiers of Guishuang are to block on the battlefield, they have never been able to win under the attack of the Jin army, this is the biggest shortcoming of Guishuang's soldiers on the battlefield.

Guishuang soldiers who cannot win the war will be more restricted in their actions on the battlefield. When the war is going on, Guishuang soldiers will see more dangers in the war, and more What is clearly seen is how difficult it is for them to use their methods.

When such confrontations occur more on the battlefield, the actions of Guishuang soldiers on the battlefield will inevitably be more affected.

The Jin army is famous for its strong strength. If the Jin army's offensive methods will inflict more damage on the enemy, the enemy will have more worries and more fears when facing the Jin army's fierce offensive. What's more, the methods displayed by the Jin army on the battlefield this time are so terrifying.

Under the fierce attack of the Jin army, it will bring more failures to the soldiers of Guishuang. What the soldiers of Guishuang see on such a battlefield is the obvious gap between their strength and the Jin army.

In a war, when the strength gap between the two sides is more obvious, and when more situations will arise in the battle between the soldiers of the two sides, it will become impossible to better adapt to the changes in the situation on the battlefield.

A lot of fierceness in the war came from the attack of the Jin army. Under the sharp attack of the Jin army, the soldiers of Guishuang will see the critical situation in the war, and the soldiers of Guishuang will have more courage in such a war. Panic and fear, they will have more worries when facing the Jin army's In fact, there are many dangers in the war to stop the Jin army. If there is a problem with the means adopted in a dangerous situation, it will make the subsequent confrontation situation more complicated, and even more unpredictable situations will appear on the battlefield.

The victory of the Jin army was accompanied by the continuous failure of the soldiers of Guishuang in the war. What the soldiers of Guishuang saw more clearly in such a war environment was what kind of defects existed in their means, and When such defects become more obvious on the battlefield, Guishuang's soldiers will inevitably face greater troubles in their actions in the war, and they will inevitably see the urgency of the situation on such a battlefield.

Victory in war may seem simple, but it is not. After all, there are many uncontrollable situations on the battlefield. If there are more problems with the means of your own soldiers on the battlefield with complicated situations, it will be difficult for future wars. What will be faced is a more critical situation.

The strength of the Jin army makes the soldiers of Guishuang see the urgency of the situation, and the actions of the soldiers of Guishuang on such a battlefield will be more impacted, and the only way to better adapt to the fierce offensive of the Jin army , In the face of war, show more extraordinary strength, in order to avoid more critical situations in subsequent wars.

The display of the strong strength of the Jin army in this war had an obvious impact on the soldiers of Guishuang, and it made the soldiers of Guishuang directly give up in the war.

When such a situation will affect the actions of Guishuang's soldiers more, Guishuang's soldiers will have more uncontrollable situations in the subsequent wars.

When Guishuang's high-level leaders completely give up on the war, it will be of greatest help to the Jin army's subsequent offensive, which is also inevitable.

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