Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 797: : Cao Cao committed Xuzhou

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Cao Cao is also preparing a plan for Xuzhou. The people from Xuzhou have strengthened his mind to seize Xuzhou, an important place like Xuzhou. , It is a waste in Liu Bei's hands, because Liu Bei does not have the strength to hold Xuzhou, and even Xuzhou is not completely in his hands.

"My lord, Jin Hou broke into Xianbei, chasing the Xianbei tribe and fleeing everywhere on the grassland. Once Youzhou and the state are stabilized, the next step Jin Hou wants to seize must be Chang'an." Xun You said.

Cao Cao nodded slightly, "Fengxian is so brave and let Xianbei run away. He is really a powerful general."

Xun Yu also listened to the envy in Cao Cao’s tone. Perhaps Lu Bu’s identity may not be valued by the princes, but after this general has achieved remarkable achievements, will it be as simple as a general? Feng, although the aristocratic family is not friendly to Lv Bu, what Lv Bu has gained is the support of the people and has the existence of Jinyang Academy. Even if there is no aristocratic family, there will be no shortage of talents for local governance.

"Lord, why don't you send someone to Jinyang for a trial." Xun Yu said, he is a man with a heart in the Han family. As long as he can continue the big man, he is willing to make more efforts. It is not satisfactory. It is not that he is unfaithful to the Han family, but that the current Han family needs powerful people to help. Cao Cao sits on Yanzhou and Yuzhou, and after occupying Xuzhou next step, he is prosperous. If Cao Cao comes to support the Han family, it is not impossible. Convince the princes of the world.

Yuan Shao is a famous family, after the fourth generation and the third master, but Xun Yu was not optimistic about Yuan Shao, otherwise he would not go from Jizhou to Yanzhou to seek refuge in Cao Cao.

"We will talk about this after Feng returns to Jinyang. The most important thing is to seize Xuzhou." Cao Cao showed confidence. The Chen family's refuge was the key to his seizure of Xuzhou. The Chen family was a prominent family in Xuzhou and prepared. Trusted by Liu Bei, the betrayal of these characters is the most deadly.

Cao Cao can also understand the choice of the Chen family. A strong Xuzhou is in the interests of the family. The chaos of war will only cause more and more damage to the strength of the family. For example, Xuzhou was originally a land of wealth. In successive wars, Gradually, people's livelihood is withered.

"Lord, if you want to capture Xuzhou, Hua Xiong who is stationed in Xiapi today cannot be underestimated. There are thousands of elite soldiers under his command, most of whom are cavalry." Cheng Yu said.

Cao Cao laughed and said, "Hua Xiong is so worried. When he was in Yuzhou, he didn't still fled with Benhou in embarrassment. This time he must capture Hua Xiong alive."

After agreeing to dispatch troops, Yanzhou, which had been silent for more than half a year, moved. Grain and grass from various places were continuously transported to the direction of Xuzhou, and the counties also sent troops and horses to Shanyang.

Yanzhou’s big move made Liu Bei more worried. Those who went to Jingzhou and Bingzhou for help did not get very good results. Hezhou was busy dealing with Xianbei, and Jingzhou just lost on the battlefield of Jiangxia, even if Liu Biao wanted to support Xuzhou. Liu Biao was very jealous of Cao Cao. At this time, if he sent troops to attack Yuzhou or Yanzhou, it would be no different from seeking death.

The reason why Cao Cao didn't deal with Jingzhou was because Jingzhou had a royal presence. Once the halo on his head lost its function and found an excuse for Cao Cao, Jingzhou's fate can be imagined. Liu Biao was not arrogant enough to compete with Cao Cao. .

Perhaps before, Liu Biao thought that Cao Cao was nothing but that, but after seeing Cao Cao’s marching methods, Liu Biao was still more afraid. Under such circumstances, Cao Cao was able to seize Yanzhou and drove Jingzhou army back from Yanzhou to Jingzhou. It is a very incredible thing in itself, not only Liu Biao, others also think that Cao Cao is going to die.

Although the retreat of the Jingzhou Army was related to Yuan Shu's interception of the Jingzhou Army's retreat, it was still in exchange for the Yanzhou Army's life-death fighting. When it comes to Cao Cao, the Jingzhou Army's soldiers are the last to think of the Qingzhou Army.

Although the Qingzhou army has not been following Cao Cao for the longest time, it is the fiercest army under Cao Cao. The Qingzhou army is composed of the Qingzhou yellow turbans. It is these yellow turbans that caused the death of the Yanzhou governor Liu Dai. The Qingzhou army only obeyed Cao Cao’s orders. Following Cao Cao's orders, this yellow scarf is also the most elite yellow scarf in Qingzhou.

In September, Cao Cao ordered his general Xiahou Dun as the vanguard and sent his troops to Xuzhou, still under the banner of revenge for his father.

Before Cao Jun entered Xuzhou, Xisuo spread rumors in Xuzhou, saying that Cao Jun came just to avenge his father and would not infringe on ordinary people. However, officials who took refuge in Cao Jun would not be embarrassed. After Cao Jun broke through the city, the chickens and dogs did not stay.

When Cao Jun attacked Xuzhou last year, the officials in Xuzhou already felt Cao Jun’s sincerity. With the previous experience, they became more comfortable with Cao Jun. Maybe some officials didn’t want to just surrender, but Xuzhou’s strength Weakness prevents them from seeing the hope of victory. Officials often represent the will of the family does not want to coexist and die with Liu Bei.

Xiahoudun led his army out of Yanzhou into Yuzhou, and entered Xuzhou directly from the Pei State Department of Yuzhou. He attacked Pengcheng. Pengcheng Xuzhou’s state governance was in a certain sense. This represented Xuzhou. This was also the embarrassing situation that Xuzhou faced after Cao Cao unified Yuzhou. You can directly enter Xuzhou from Yanzhou or Yuzhou. It is impossible for Liu Bei to stock up all the cities and guard them. Besides, Xuzhou does not have that many troops.

Xuzhou is really in the hands of Liu Bei's three counties, Pengcheng, Xiapi, and Guangling. Among them, Guangling has not been seized by Liu Bei from Yuan Shu for a long time and can provide not many troops. At this time, Huaxiong is stationed in Xiapi.

The number of troops gathered in Pengcheng reached 40,000, which is also Liu Bei's strongest force. Instead of distributing his troops, he should stick to one place.

This time Cao Cao was determined to attack Xuzhou. The number of his army reached 80,000. He also carried a large number of crossbows and thunderbolt carts, and he wanted to take all of Xuzhou in one fell swoop.

Faced with such a situation, Liu Bei could only gather the families in the city. Liu Bei spoke with each other for a long time, even tearing down what he said. The families in the field did nothing other than pledge to support Liu Bei's defense of the city.

When Cao Jun attacked Xuzhou two times before, the family in the city also produced a lot of food and armor. This time the family's actions made Liu Bei a little confused. If the city is breached, the family will also be unlucky. These families are not afraid of the brutal Cao Jun.

"Xianhe, the family in the city are not willing to give too much assistance, why?" Liu Bei turned his attention to Jian Yong. Although the power that the family can provide is not strong, it represents the attitude of the family. Liu Bei does not value the family. He did not want to have uncontrollable factors in the city when Cao Jun attacked the city.

(End of this chapter)

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