Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 856: : Tai Shi Ci came to vote

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "If the lord wants to support Liu He as the emperor, he must not be an enemy of Jin Hou at this time. Jin Hou is powerful, but there is no doubt that Jin Hou is strong. Hedong and Henan Yin are only separated by a river, and there is no benefit to Yanzhou in terms of being in a bad relationship with Jinhou." Xun Yu said, he also suspects that the Jade Seal of the State is in the hands of Cao Cao, after all, it was Cao Cao who broke Shouchun in the first place. .

However, as long as Cao Cao still keeps his heart in the Han room, Xun Yu will not have too much care. It can be seen from Cao Cao's deeds that he is indeed working hard for the revitalization of the Han room. It is also a last resort for him to be an enemy of Liu Biao. Therefore, putting the same thing on other princes, they may not do better than Cao Cao, such as Jiangdong's Sun Ce, who repeatedly sent troops to attack Jiangxia, and his heart was clear.

"But Lu Bu's Bianzhou Army and Youzhou Army are strong, and the combined force that the Bianzhou Army can mobilize at any time has reached 50,000. Together with the defenders from all over the country, Lu Bu can mobilize an army of 100,000. Wealthy, the food and grass needed to support the army is not a problem at all." Cao Cao worried. Although he can mobilize an army of 100,000 people, the soldiers in the army practice the farmland system when the war is not tense. They want to farm the land, but the soldiers in the state are standing soldiers and horses. The standing soldiers and horses are trained every day and can go to the battlefield at any time. Such soldiers are extremely terrifying.

Moreover, there is a reward and punishment system in the Union State Army, which stimulates ordinary soldiers to use their lives even more. It is the soldiers at the bottom that really decide the victory or defeat. If everyone uses their lives, even if it is 30,000 vs. 50,000, it can be won.

"If the lord obtains the support of Jin Hou, great things can be accomplished." Xun Yu said.

Cao Cao nodded slightly. Lu Bu is indeed a crucial step. To overthrow the court represented by Jingzhou, he must have sufficient support. Lu Bu's attitude is very important. The current premise of all this is that Lu Bu's existence cannot be allowed. The princes were shocked, otherwise, the first person the princes wanted to deal with was probably Lu Bu, and now Lu Bu just has an enmity with Jizhou.

"From Wenruo's point of view, how should we deal with this matter?" Cao Cao asked.

"Send an envoy to Bingzhou to make good contact with Jin Hou, and it is best to make the matter of Jingzhou clear to Jin Hou." Xun Yu said.

Cao Cao understood the meaning of Xun Yu's words after a little thought. Jingzhou secretly united the princes to deal with Bingzhou. If it was passed to Lu Bu's ears, Liu Biao would not want to repair the relationship between Jingzhou and Bingzhou. Simply, he believes that the position of a mere general is not enough to appease Lu Bu.

Liu Biao is dim and weak. At this time, he still represents the Han Dynasty. Cao Cao needs a strong force to provoke the majesty of the Han Dynasty.

"This matter will be the case with Lao Gongda." Cao Cao said.

After Lu Bu received the news from Xuzhou, he was overjoyed. Zang Ba was an important piece of chess that he ambushed in Xuzhou, and beside Zang Ba there were smart men like Chen Gong. After capturing Donghai County, he only needed to develop slowly and secretly. With the support of Bingzhou, it is not so easy for the Xuzhou Army to break through the East China Sea. As for Cao Cao’s secret plan, Lu Bu has also heard about it. For this kind of thing, Lu Bu does not intend to mix it into it. Regardless of whether Cao Cao succeeds or not, Jingzhou is bound to be unlucky. If it occupies a wealthy place and does not have enough strength to guard it, it will be swallowed by others sooner or later.

This was because Liu Biao had the huge Han Dynasty hat on his head, otherwise it would be easier for Cao Cao to attack Jingzhou, without any scruples.

"Lord, when secretly sending someone to tell Chen Gong and Zang Ba, you must not reveal the identity of Chen Gong and its relationship with Bingzhou, otherwise it will definitely attract Cao Cao to attack." Jia Xu reminded that Lu Bu planted such a piece in Xuzhou He strongly agrees with the chess piece. The world is in chaos. It is impossible for Lu Bu to stay in Bingzhou all the time. Sooner or later, he will set foot in the Central Plains. The Bingzhou Army in the Central Plains is like a rootless duckweed. The Central Plains family's rejection of the Bingzhou Army is definitely It is very strong. If Zang Ba is on the sidelines, he will have a greater chance of winning when he captures Xuzhou.

Lü Bu nodded and said, "This matter is well-written. Zang Ba and Chen Gong are not waiting for you. As for Cao Cao's attack on Langxie, he must have that appetite. When the time is right, he ordered someone to secretly send the Thunderbolt to Langxie. evil."

Jia Xu said that from Lu Bu’s words, he could feel Lu Bu’s trust in Zang Ba. The Thunderbolt can be said to be one of the most important equipment of the Union State Army. Although the princes knew that there was a Thunderbolt, they really owned the Thunderbolt. However, there are only Jingzhou, Yanzhou and Bingzhou. Whoever gets the Pili car will not easily leak the news. Lu Bu has used the battles to tell the princes of the importance of the Pili car.

"My lord, the strongman named Yang Feng that I met on the way back from Jingzhou was outside the house." Dianwei rushed in with excitement. He admired such fierce generals as Yang Feng, Zhao Yun's martial arts. Gao Zaijun is undoubtedly and Yang Feng can suppress Zhao Yun, which shows his greatness.

"Let Yang Feng come in quickly, no, I'll go there in person." Lu Bu stood up and said, since returning to Bingzhou, he is looking forward to Yang Feng's arrival.

Jia Xu reminded: "The lord is a general, and you should pay attention to your status." No matter how powerful Yang Feng is, Dianwei’s Yang Feng is just a general, and Lu Bugui is a general, and how honorable it is to rule the world. .

Lü Bu calmed down after hearing the words, "General Dian goes to invite this person in, and there is no negligence."

"Here." Without Lu Bu's reminder, Dianwei would not neglect Yang Feng.

This is the first time Yang Feng and Tai Shici have entered Bingzhou. In their perception, Bingzhou is barren. This is also recognized by the world. However, after arriving in Bingzhou, their knowledge and legends are very different. Especially after entering Jinyang, they felt the prosperity, and the orderly Jinyang City made them feel the vitality.

Tai Shici was also a little nervous. He was only temporarily taking refuge under Kong Rong's command, more for repaying his favor. Now Kong Rong was defeated and fled to Jingzhou. He also tried his best. Lu Bu's name is too big, as long as he is A general, the first thing he thinks of when he mentions the Marquis of Jin is Lu Bu's various deeds.

"The general does not need to worry, Jin Hou is very easy-going. With the general ability, he will definitely have a place under Jin Hou's command." Yang Feng seemed to see Tai Shi Ci's anxiety and comforted.

Tai Shi Ci was about to ask, Dian Wei hurriedly walked out of the Hou Mansion and said loudly: "Two strong men, please invite Jin Hou."

"There is General Lao." Tai Shi Ci clasped his fist.

"Zhuang Shi Yang, who is this?" Dian Wei only noticed the extraordinary appearance of Tai Shi Ci beside Yang Feng, and it was also because he was too excited to see Yang Feng coming to Jinyang.

(End of this chapter)

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