Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 866: : Mo Dao

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Lu Bu nodded. He knew what Hua Tuo's prescription was. What Ma Teng lacked was encouragement.

"This is Zeng Di, who is good at building Thunderbolt cars. In the future, Deheng can modify the bed crossbow by heart." Lu Bu introduced.

"I've seen Master Zeng in Xia Ma Jun, written by Deheng." Ma Jun arched his hands.

Zeng Di's face was reddish, and he hurriedly replied: "I'm not an adult here. I hope Master Ma will show you a lot of advice in the future."

"Biaobing, let's stay here in Deheng for the time being." Lu Bu said. After all, Zeng Di represents the Mo family, and it is already a great trust to allow him to enter the craftsman's workshop.

Zeng Di handed his hand and said yes, knowing in his heart that if he wants to further cooperate with Lu Bu, he must show enough value. What he is best at is building Thunderbolt cars. In Momen, he is responsible for different equipment disciples, and he is good at different things. Yes, he is confident to build a thunderbolt with a range far beyond that of the craftsman's workshop. Not only that, but he also has the idea of ​​placing Momen in the White Wave Valley. Of course, the premise of everything is to be truly connected with Lu Bu.

Compared to the place where the equipment is made, the place where the armor of the weapon is made is a lot more lively, and the armor and the weapon are both in charge of Pu Yuan. Although Pu Yuan is young, no one dares to ignore it in the workshop, especially Pu Yuan's technique is unique in building a weapon.

The knife made by Pu Yuan can split a bamboo tube full of iron **** without curling the blade.

"I don't know the lord's arrival in a humble position, and there is a long way to go." Compared with Ma Jun's dullness, Pu Yuan looks a lot more exquisite in terms of being a person. At the same time, he is in charge of the building of weapons and armors, and he can handle the two places properly. See Pu Yuan's ability.

"When did Zhong Yu become so talkative, he can teach Deheng when he has nothing to do." Lu Bu smiled.

Under Pu Yuan's leadership, Lu Bu asked after seeing the place where the weapon was built: "Zhong Yu, now that you have enough iron, you must step up to build a new weapon."

"The humble duty must make every effort to live up to the master's entrustment." Pu Yuan saluted.

When he came to Pu Yuan's residence, Lu Bu took out a drawing from his arms and said: "This thing can be made from a hundred steel."

Pu Yuan took the drawing, and after reading it, his face was shocked. Judging from the drawing and the description below, this weapon, which looked very similar to a long sword, was seven feet long, with a handle of three feet and a blade. It’s four feet long. It’s important to know that the height of people in this era is about seven feet tall, and more people are still not up to this standard. Once such a weapon is built, it will only be visually impactful. force.

"Zhong Yu, this weapon is called Mo Dao, which was accidentally thought by Benhou. If it can be used in the army to deal with cavalry, it will definitely be invincible, and temporarily build two thousand." Lu Bu said.

Modao was a long sword held by infantrymen in the Tang Dynasty. It was developed from the sword of horse cutting in the Han Dynasty. Modao is extremely sharp and has an excellent slashing effect. It is mainly used to slash enemy cavalry in wars. The disadvantage is that, of course, the cost of a Mo sword soldier is not lower than that of a cavalry. The heavy armor of the whole body, plus the Mo sword weighing 15 kilograms, is more than enough to build a cavalry.

Mo Dao soldiers, Lu Bu intends to be used as a surprise soldier. Now the army of the princes is developing very fast, especially for the cavalry. Too great an advantage. At this time, if there is an infantry in the army that can deal with cavalry, it is particularly important.

"The humble job must be done with all my energy, and the weapon will be completed as soon as possible." Pu Yuan handed his hands over. Although Lu Bu rarely asked about the work of the craftsman's workshop, the craftsman's workshop did nothing but complete the tasks that Lu Bu gave him.

Nowadays, there is no need to worry about the supply of iron in the craftsman's workshop. There are iron ore in Liaodong, and the iron materials are continuously shipped in. The craftsmen of the craftsman only need to forge the iron into weapons. Ascension, in the craftsman’s workshop, the technology of hundred steel forging has gradually matured and stabilized. This is a huge step for the craftsman’s workshop. They were left behind.

As for the talents of craftsmen, the craftsman's workshops are also emerging in endlessly. The reward system makes every craftsman very strong. Under the rule of other princes, such a system could not be possible.

"Not only that, the armor that is created must be polished to be smoother. The standard of armor is to be built according to the trapped camp." Lu Bu said.

Pu Yuan arched his hands and said that heavy armor was the most expensive material. However, there were two heavy armored troops in the Bingzhou Army at this time. One was the well-known camp, and the second was the newly formed heavy cavalry wolf cavalry. Now there is another one, but the material consumed by these armors is a huge amount.

"Zhong Yu, this weapon is a matter of great importance, so we must be cautious, but it is related to the future soldiers facing the enemy on the battlefield." Lu Bu exhorted again.

"The humble job understands." Pu Yuandao, the craftsmen in the craftsmanship did not dare to relax the slightest when it came to building a weapon.

Then Lu Bu went to the place where Cheng Tie was. The most leisurely person in charge in the craftsmanship workshop was Cheng Tie. He didn't need to worry about the creation of Shenli, and the production of Xianlian was much simpler. He only needed to be among the people in the valley. Recruiting some people can be done, and all he has to do is to be responsible for transporting these Shenli, Xianlian and Jinjiu to Jinyang.

For Cheng Tie's choice, the old man Cheng was helpless. The blacksmith's son went to smash these weird things, but seeing Cheng Tie's success, the old man Cheng was also happy from ear to ear.

Lu Bu plans to live in Baibo Valley for two days to feel the breath of life in Baibo Valley.

The general stationed in Baibogu is a partial general of the Bingzhou Army, named Du Guo. The Baibogu who is guarding now is equivalent to an indirect promotion. The generals who can lead a single in the Bingzhou Army are all. Unable to character.

After asking Du Guo some things, Lu Bu showed a satisfied look. Du Guo handled the details very well.

With the participation of Zeng Di, Lu Bu believes that the level of building Thunderbolt cars in the craftsman's workshop can be further developed. Lu Bu has no doubts about Ma Jun's ability. In terms of building equipment, Ma Jun's ability is no one in the craftsman's workshop. Can make it.

Not long after Ma Teng's messenger arrived in Jinyang, the flying eagle soldiers brought Pound's family from Hanyang.

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