Rebirth: I’m Lv Bu

Chapter 958: Like a broken bamboo

Seeing that the enemy army had retreated, Huang Yueying handed over the work of vigilance to Dian Wei, and she herself returned to the hall of the prison under the support of a group of female soldiers. Just sitting down, Bai Qiao came to see him: "The villain pays a visit to the princess and empress!" Huang Yueying is the Queen of Qin, so people like Xiang Bai Qiao generally call her the empress.

Huang Yueying smiled and said, "You don't need to be polite, get up and talk." Bai Qiao thanked him and stood up. Huang Yueying took a look at him and praised: "Bai Qiao, you have made a correct choice. In the future, you and your tribe will benefit infinitely because of this choice." Bai Qiao was only conscientious, looking ashamed. At this time, Bai Qiao also knew that, in fact, his every move was under the supervision of the princess empress. If he hadn’t finally decided to continue his allegiance to King Qin, I’m afraid that before today, he and his followers would be affected. Qin Jun was wiped out. I chose to continue my allegiance to King Qin, but I really took my life! Thinking of the current situation, Bai Qiao couldn't help but worry again, and said respectfully, "Manny, although the enemy's spirit has been set down tonight, the enemy's strength is still far more than ours. I don't know, when will King Qin come back? "

Huang Yueying smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry. I just received the news that King Qin has repelled the Western Region Allied Forces in Wuwei, and it will not be long before King Qin leads the main force back!..." Bai Qiao heard this. Can't help being overjoyed. However, it was two days before Ailang and the others launched their counterattack. Wuwei's situation was actually unfavorable for Ailang. The reason Huang Yueying said so was just to calm the army. Huang Yueying said: "Go down and rest. If I have an order, I will send someone to notify you." Bai Qiao clasped his fists to promise, and bowed back. Huang Yueying showed a thoughtful look, and asked the female soldier on the side: "Is there any news from Mr. Zhuge?" The female soldier shook her head, clasped her fists and said: "Not yet." Huang Yueying frowned slightly. At this moment, a female soldier stepped forward quickly and presented a roll of bamboo slips to Huang Yueying, reporting: "Madam Kai, Mr. Zhuge urgently."

Huang Yueying's heart moved, she immediately took the bamboo slips, and read it again. The frowning brows immediately unfolded, and she exclaimed with great joy: "Great! Mr. Zhuge really deserves to be the elder brother's strategist!" The female soldier said: "Call all the generals, including Bai Qiao, immediately. I have good news to announce!" The female soldier clasped her fists and hurried away.

At the same time, Liu Bei had already returned to the big tent, with a depressed look on his face, and immediately revealed a fierce color, muttering to himself: "It seems that it can only be a storm of Hanyang! As far as the current situation is, a storm of Hanyang must It's successful!" Pang Tongzheng was about to speak. At this moment, a messenger who was servant of the wind suddenly rushed in and hurriedly said with a fist to Liu Bei: "It's not good, the lord, the pass is lost!"

When this remark came out, everyone present was shocked! Liu Bei hurriedly walked up to the messenger and asked angrily: "What did you say? There are 20,000 horses defending in Sanguan? How can it be lost?" The messenger hurriedly said: "The enemy, the enemy doesn't know where to inquire. A small road bypassed the Sanguan and suddenly appeared behind the Sanguan. The support troops pretending to be our army fraudulently opened the gate and entered the gate. Then in the evening, they raided the gate and opened the gate. The Qin army immediately poured in. Our army hurriedly tried to resist but finally failed to resist. The army was defeated and escaped from Sanguan. General Zhang Ren ordered the villain to come for help. Now the whole Wudu County is in critical condition. Please lead the army back to help immediately! Otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

Liu Bei's face was very ugly, and he said in a bad manner: "Why did the enemy open and close the door so easily? Zhang Ren, I trust him so much, how did he do it?" The messenger hurriedly said: "The other party took the lord's handwriting. The letter, and the master’s seal of the general, so..." Liu Bei opened his eyes wide and exclaimed in disbelief: "This is so possible?" Pang Tong frowned and said, "It's possible...." Liu Bei couldn't help but look at Pang Tong. , Asked: "Why did the scholar say this?" Pang Tong clasped his fist and said: "Master, this Zhuge Liang is very good at copying other people's notes, and has been a military teacher of the master, quite trusted by the master, for the master's various seals It's all clear to the chest, with his forgery, it's no wonder that General Zhang Ren can't distinguish the authenticity!" Liu Bei's face turned pale and speechless.

Pang Tongdao: "Lord, now that the pass is lost, the entire Wudu County is in danger. If the enemy forces seize the Wudu capital along the way, the consequences will be disastrous. We should immediately return to the aid of the army and stop Zhuge Liang!"

Liu Bei looked a little unwilling, frowning and said: "The whole army is back to aid, isn't it a failure here!" He seemed very unwilling to speak. Pang Tong said: "If Wudu loses, even if it takes Hanyang, it will be a great loss! Lord, now the military situation is like fire, don't hesitate anymore!" Liu Bei frowned, finally sighed, and nodded. Then he said to Pang Tong: "Notify Xihai Qiang of this matter and tell them to retreat with us." Pang Tong clasped his fists and promised.

It is said that after Xihai Qiang leader Aijian suffered this setback, he was furious and was planning to attack Hanyang to avenge this arrow. However, at this moment, someone from Liu Bei came and told him: "Qi Zhen Shan Yu, because my patron is going to retreat overnight because of the enemy’s attack, he sent a villain to notify Shan Yu that he would also retreat at the same time. Qin Jun can take advantage of this opportunity!"

Aijian was surprised, and immediately shouted in annoyance: "It is Liu Bei who spurred me to attack Hanyang! Now he is going to run?" The messenger quickly said: "Shan Yu, forgive me, it is really sudden, and I have to! The lord said , He will never forget Shan Yu’s high meaning, and he will be a heavy declaration in the future!" Aijian couldn’t help cursing: "What is the use of such a scene?" The messenger thought to you, it’s unreasonable that you, a savage barbarian, would dare to speak like this. He hung his head and didn't answer him. Aijian only felt full of anger and nowhere to vent. He glanced at the messenger and shouted angrily: "You get out of here!" The messenger sneered in his heart, arched his hand slightly, and turned away.

Aijian glanced at everyone under him, and saw that everyone was at a loss. The gaze fell on the eldest daughter Shu Ya’s face, and she said grumpily: "Look! This is the result of your strategy! We have lost so much, but we have to go back to Xihai!" Shu Ya only felt very depressed. I just think what happened to Liu Bei? How could the Qin army break through the crucial Sanguan?

Seeing Shu Ya not speaking, Aijian snorted, and then raised his voice: "Send the order, start immediately, and return to Xihai!"

Qin Jun's scout rushed into the city. It didn't take long for Huang Yueying to receive the report that Liu Bei's army and Xihai Qiang all retreated in a hurry. Bai Qiao was amazed, and couldn't help bowing to Huang Yueying, "Niangniang is a magical calculation! The enemy has retreated!" Huang Yueying smiled slightly and said: "Sanguan has been captured by Mr. Zhuge, and the enemy's retreat is inevitable." Said to everyone: "If the order is passed on, all armies must be strictly guarded and not slack! Although the enemy's retreat is expected, we must also guard against what tricks they play." Everyone clasped their fists and promised.

After reading Huang Yueying's letter and learning about the battle in Hanyang, Ai Lang was delighted and admired again and again, and then told everyone the good news. Everyone is also happy. Wei Yan clasped his fist and said: "Master, in this way, there will be no worries, and you can fight back against the allied forces in the Western Regions!" Ailang nodded and said in a loud voice: "The order goes on, the army rests all night tonight, and comes with me tomorrow morning! "The generals clasped their fists and promised.

The Queen Jingjue spent a night as a prisoner in Wuwei City. The queen could not sleep for one night. But what made her feel a little more relieved was that one night, no one came to their camp to harass them under house arrest.

However, early in the morning, the horn hummed loudly. Queen Jing Jue was taken aback, and hurriedly ran out of the tent and looked at the sound. From a distance, she saw the main force of the Qin army swiftly driving out of the city gate and heading west. The Queen Jing Jue couldn't help but her heart moved, and she murmured to herself: "The Qin Army is going to chase the coalition forces! I wonder if the coalition forces have prepared for this?" A close friend on the side gloated, "It's best they The entire army was killed by the Qin army!" Queen Jingjue frowned and shouted: "Don't talk nonsense! If the allied army is annihilated, the Qin army will take advantage of the trend to attack the Western Regions, and our Jingjue country will never be spared. !" Then he looked into the distance, and there was a look of worry in those extremely deep eyes.

Ailang led a 100,000 army out of Wuwei and stormed westward. The previously defeated Drizzle Allied forces had just retreated to Shandan County to the east of Zhangye, and immediately received an emergency report that the Qin Army had been chasing them. The entire city suddenly became chaotic. Even if General Wusun Lufudang was going to gather all the officers and soldiers to fight, all the troops were already rushing for their lives, and even many of his Wusun army fled without his orders. Up. Love had no choice but to follow the crowd and flee west with the army. Fleeing all the way to Zhangye, feeling unsafe, he continued to flee westward until he fled to Jiuquan County hundreds of miles away. He felt that this place was not far from the Western Regions, and Qin Jun should not be chasing after him, so he stopped.

Love was full of resentment, with a very unwilling appearance, and kept yelling at Qin Jun for being mean and not daring to confront him directly! Then he scolded the other small countries, only saying that the pigs and dogs they said were not as good as nothing, as if the defeat in this war was because the small countries dragged him back. Huo Tuo hurriedly came in front of Love and clasped his fists; "General, there is a serious situation..." Love was startled, jumped up and asked anxiously, "Qin Jun is coming?" Huo Tuo He shook his head quickly and said, "It's not the Qin army! It's the grain and grass! Most of the people in this Jiuquan County have fled. We searched the city and we didn't find much grain and grass! With the current situation of the grain and grass in the army, I'm afraid it will not last a day. After that, I can only fill my hunger by killing the horse!" Loew felt a little overwhelmed, and then hurriedly said: "Hurry up and pass the order, retreat to Yumen Pass, Yumen Pass should have a large amount of grain ready to be transferred!" Huo Tuo nodded. Nodded, and said: "I think so too, I'm going to send orders!" Then he hurried away.

Soon after, the coalition forces fled from Jiuquan County. In order to contain the Qin army, they set off a fire before fleeing. The entire Jiuquan County was plunged into a sea of ​​flames. The people who had no time to escape were burned to death in the city, and there were screams everywhere. ll. Soon, the Qin army led by Ailang arrived. Seeing this, they could only stop chasing and extinguish the fire. Fortunately, most of the houses here were built with mud, bricks and stones, and the fire was extinguished shortly afterwards! However, the entire city seemed to have just experienced a catastrophe, a miserable and messy scene!

I like rebirth, I am Lu Bu. Please collect it: ( Rebirth I is the fastest literary update written by Lu Bu.

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