Rebirth: I’m Lv Bu

Chapter 991: Concubine Dong's thoughts

Ailang stayed in a daze for a while, recovered, and said depressedly: "I said Yunlu, I have nothing to do with this kind of thing! This is completely a matter of personal feelings, and I can't control it! I can't Said to Bao Sanniang, I don’t allow you to like your Big Brother Ma! It’s not ridiculous!"

Ma Yunlu blushed, looked at Ailang, and said; "If you don't help me solve this matter, I'll say, say..." When it comes to this, Ma Yunlu's cheeks are even redder, and his beautiful eyes Ripples with indescribable charm. Ai Lang was shocked and stunned for a moment. Immediately he patted his head in annoyance, and muttered: "Who did I really provoke someone? How come such troublesome things fall on my head?" Ma Yunlu looked at Ai Lang, and his beautiful eyes seemed a little difficult. The taste of words is unclear, and the way is unknown.

Ai Lang thought for a while, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he clapped his hands: "I have a way!" Ma Yunlu was surprised, and immediately became happy, and quickly asked, "What can you do?"

Ailang glanced at Ma Yunlu and smiled: "In fact, this matter is not difficult to do. We are just afraid to tell her straightforwardly that it will make her too sad. But as long as Bao Sanniang finds you inadvertently As a woman, although she will not feel very well in her heart, the degree of sadness will definitely be less! In this way, this matter will be solved?" Ma Yunlu frowned and thought for a moment, but felt that it might be the same now. The best way. Then he looked at Ailang and asked: "Then what should I do?" Ailang said, "I have to think about the details. You should go back and rest first. Ming, no, I'll look for you in two days." Ma Yunlu looked at Ai Lang suspiciously, and asked: "You didn't lie to me, right?" Ai Lang said with a serious face: "Why! Speaking of which I am also your elder brother, how could I lie to you!" Ma Yun Lu looked at Ai Lang, snorted, then turned and left. Ai Lang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when she saw that she was finally gone. Thinking of Ma Yunlu and Bao Sanniang's affairs, he quickly got up and went to the backyard. Ailang thinks that the eldest wife should handle things like this kind of love between men and women.

Ma Yunlu came out of the Qin Palace and saw his eldest brother and they were waiting for him. He said with joy, "Big brother, you haven't left yet?" Ma Chao smiled and said, "Get on the horse." Ma Yunlu responded and walked to him. Next to her rouge horse, the stirrups leaped up, the posture was both chic and neat, and beautiful. The siblings urged Zhan Ma to go to his home. Ma Dai finally couldn't help asking, "Sister, what did you and the lord say?" Ma Yunlu looked red and groaned: "What's up with you?" Ma Dai shrank his neck and whispered: "It's so fierce, no wonder no one came to propose a marriage!" Ma Yunlu was furious, and asked: "What did you say?" Ma Dai was startled, and quickly waved his hand: "No, I didn't say anything!" Ma Yun Lu snorted. Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help laughing.

Ma Chao asked: "Yunlu, you only told the lord about Miss Bao's thing?" Ma Yunlu nodded, eh. Ma Chao asked, "Big Brother, what did he say?" Ma Yunlu snorted and said naturally, "It can be said that he provoked this, so naturally he promised to help me solve it!"

Ma Chao became silent, with a thoughtful expression on his face. And Ma Yunlu went to bully Ma Dai, and everyone looked at Ma Dai, who was bullied by Ma Yunlu like a **** that was defeated in a fight, and laughed around.

In the early morning of the next morning, Ai Lang brought a large number of gifts to the orphans early, and came near the gate of the city, only to find that Concubine Dong's maidservant had already arrived. The two parties exchanged greetings, and then walked straight to the mountain village more than a dozen miles away from the city, talking and laughing all the way, Ailangdong chuckled various jokes from the 21st century, which attracted Dong. The imperial concubine chuckled from time to time. Ellen started talking, and he couldn't help but tell a joke again: "I'll tell you a riddle. A rooster came home one night and looked listless. The hen asked him why he was listless? You said that. How did the rooster answer?"

Concubine Dong Gui frowned and thought, and the mandarin duck was also thinking carefully, and said: "Why is the rooster listless? Could it be that it is because the morning crow is too tired?" Ai Lang smiled and shook his head. Concubine Dong Gui said: "Is it because it is too hard to catch bugs to support the family?"

Ailang laughed and said, "No, right? You think the problem is too serious, and you have to think about it in a serious place!" Concubine Dong Gui and Yuanyang looked at each other, all looking at a loss. The mandarin duck couldn't help saying: "King Qin, your riddle is too difficult! Neither the maidservant nor the empress can guess it, so just tell the answer!"

Ellen smiled triumphantly and said: "The answer is very simple. The reason why the rooster is listless is because he went to sell chicken essence early in the morning!" After Ellen said, he couldn't help laughing. Concubine Dong Gui and Yuanyang looked at each other, with a dazed and inexplicable look.

Seeing the appearance of the two women, Ai Lang realized that he was a little smug, he quickly stopped his smile, looked serious, and talked about the orphans with Concubine Dong Gui. When Concubine Dong Gui talked about the orphans, her eyes shone like a holy light.

Unknowingly, the group of people came into a green hills and green waters, and a large-scale mountain villa came into view. This villa was originally the property of the Han Dynasty general He Jin. After He Jin died, the villa changed hands several times. More than a year ago, a large merchant bought the villa from the government. Merchants bought this villa as a place to house war orphans.

Ailang couldn't help but sigh when he saw such a villa, "I didn't expect you to be so rich, so you can afford such a villa!" Dong Guifei smiled slightly and said: "If you really want to spend so much money, I can I can't get it out anyway! Fortunately, the merchant also had a very kind heart. After hearing about my intention, he didn't take any money and gave this villa to me free of charge."

Ai Lang was surprised and asked curiously: "What's the name of the merchant?" Dong Guifei glanced at Ai Lang and smiled and said: "The King Qin should know each other. They are two people who are doing business together. Now the rouge gouache and The business of Lingluo silk and satin has spread all over the country! One surnamed Cai and the other Xiao!..." Ai Lang was stunned for a moment and couldn't help asking: "Could it be that..." Dong Guifei smiled, "Wang Qin has a good guess. , It is the relatives of Queen Qin's family, the Xiao family, and the Cai family!" Although Ai Lang had guessed it, he couldn't help being taken aback when Dong Guifei confirmed his judgment, and then smiled: "I didn't expect it! I didn't expect them to have such a heart!..." Dong Guifei said seriously: "They are all amazing people!" Ai Lang couldn't help but nodded.

A group of people entered the villa, and the children heard that the imperial concubine and empress were coming, and they swarmed out, encircling the concubine Dong in the middle, and the empress screamed! Ailang couldn't help but feel a little shocked when he saw these hundreds of children! Immediately seeing those children like Dong Guifei so much, I couldn't help feeling relieved by the game.

At this time, the children noticed Ailang, and all of them showed a curious look. The fat little girl curiously asked Concubine Dong: "Sister Empress, that big brother, is he the husband of Sister Empress?" "A large group of children looked at Concubine Dong Gui with curious eyes. Concubine Dong Guifei didn't expect that the child would ask such words, and she was at a loss on Xiafei's cheeks.


The day was swaying west, and it was too early. Ai Lang and Guifei Dong spent most of the day in the orphanage before they finally left the orphanage and returned to the city.

Concubine Dong Gui was riding on the horse, her head hanging down and she didn't speak, and she didn't know what she was thinking. But Ailang didn't pay attention to her, because his head is still buzzing, and he has been quarreled by so many children for a long time, and it is really a headache! The Mandarin Duck, who followed the two of them, looked at Concubine Dong and Ai Lang, looking a little anxious, and finally couldn't help but said to Ai Lang: "His Royal Highness, the imperial concubine finds it rare to be with King Qin, so she plans to set up tonight Have a feast for King Qin. I wonder if King Qin is willing to show his face?"

Ai Lang was still patting his head, and when he heard this, he couldn't help looking at Concubine Dong Gui. Concubine Dong did not look at Ai Lang, and felt her heart beating. Ai Lang chuckled, and said, "Don't say anything about cheating, I can't ask for a drink!" Dong Guifei couldn't help being overjoyed and turned to look at Ai Lang. Seeing Ai Lang looking at him with a smile, he panicked for no reason, and quickly looked away. Ai Lang was stunned for a moment, he suddenly realized that this concubine Dong Gui was really unexpectedly beautiful and charming! After returning to his senses, he quickly suppressed the rising Qi Nian, and muttered to himself: What are you thinking about? What are you thinking about! They have a husband!

Luoyang’s night is lively and beautiful, and it looks like a world of heaven and earth under the background of the sky and white snow. Empress Cao Jie, came out of the emperor’s bedroom and returned to his bedroom. Suddenly seeing the bright lights in Concubine Dong’s bedroom and the faint laughter coming out from a distance, I couldn’t help feeling very surprised, and asked the maid on the side: "Why is Concubine Dong so busy?" The maid glanced at Cao Jie. The appearance of the deputy hesitant to speak. Cao Jie frowned and shouted: "Say!" The palace lady was startled, and immediately said: "Yes, it is King Qin! Concubine Dong is banning King Qin in the palace!" Cao Jie was furious when he heard this, and shouted: "As a The royal concubine was openly banqueting and entertaining with the ministers in her own palace. It was unreasonable and extremely shameless!" All the court ladies bowed their heads and did not dare to take her.

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