Rebirth: I’m Lv Bu

Chapter 995: Break the line

Yan Liang rode his horse to the gate of the enemy camp and challenged loudly. However, the enemy troops in the camp were completely unmoved and no one challenged him. After tossing for a long time, Ailang couldn't ask for a battle, so he could only return to the city gate and think about the next method. Looking at the sand table in front of him, Ailang never thought of a feasible strategy, and felt as if he was facing a huge monster, not knowing where to speak. Under worry, Ailang couldn't help but hope that Sister Zhuge could come soon. Sister Zhuge is the military commander in this battle, but at the moment the two of them are still gathering troops in Luoyang, I am afraid that they will not be able to reach Yumen Pass in a short time. The Zhuge sisters were originally the chief executives of Xuchang and Xuzhou, but recently the two women have been transferred back to Luoyang, and their positions have been replaced by their former deputy. After all, Xuchang and Xuzhou nowadays don't need people like them to sit down.

Ai Lang suppressed the mess of thoughts in his mind, frowning and said: "The top priority now is to figure out the situation of Pu Changhai and Jing Jueguo, but should this be done?" Wei Yan clasped his fist and said: "Master, Pu Changhai and Jing Jueguo It should still be holding on at this moment. Otherwise, the main enemy force should have already arrived."

Ai Lang felt a little rest, nodded, and glanced at Wei Yan and King Hun (the Huns were in Xiutuze, not far from Yumen Pass, and they set off upon receiving orders, so they arrived at Yumen Pass before Ai Lang), and asked Said: "Wei Yan, Majesty, how many people do you have?" Wei Yan said with a fist: "The 20,000 men of the last general are all infantry." King Xiong said with a fist, "I have ten thousand knights." Thought: "Thirty thousand plus my twenty thousand is fifty thousand. The opponent is about eighty thousand. If it is a field battle, it should be able to defeat the enemy, but these **** are shrunk in a tortoise shell! What should I do? Then he said cruelly: "It doesn't matter! If the order is passed on, the troops will rest for one night and attack the enemy early tomorrow morning!"

In the early morning of the next day, Ailang led Yumen to close all 50,000 horses and marched out, pushing the enemy camp into army formations, beating the drums to challenge. But the enemy army was the same as before, unmoved, just guarding the camp. Seeing that the enemy was still not going to fight, Ai Lang was very annoyed. He raised Fang Tian's painted halberd and shouted: "The whole army listens to the order and prepares to attack!" When he heard Ai Lang's command, General Qin couldn't help but boil with his blood, making a huge sound Shout, the sound shook the sky! At this time, the enemy troops in the camp also heard the sound of commands, and saw their crossbowmen bend their bows and arrows, ready to go, ready to fight!

Ailang waved Fang Tian's painted halberd forward and shouted: "Offensive!" The 20,000 Qin Army infantrymen immediately approached the enemy's barracks with a rigorous line, and the whole army was like a whole. The mountain is slowly advancing, and the momentum is like a rainbow!

In just a few moments, Qin Jun entered the range of the enemy's crossbow. Only one general in the fortress shouted loudly. Almost at the same time, countless arrows flew out as the bowstring rang, as if a dark cloud was formed instantly and flew towards the Qin army! There was a loud shout from the Qin army, and the twenty thousand Qin army immediately stopped and raised the shield! In an instant, the dark cloud turned into a torrential rain, falling violently, hitting the shield, and making a loud crackling noise, like a torrential rain hitting banana leaves!

In an instant, a violent rain of arrows passed, but it did not cause any harm to Qin Jun. The Qin army removed the shield, and the crossbowmen raised their gods and fired their arrows at the enemy crossbowmen in the camp. The arrows shot out like electricity and made a sharp wind howl. Almost at the same time, the enemy bows and crossbows in the camp The hand was shot down, and the enemy crossbowmen looked panicked! The first wave of powerful arrows passed, and the second wave of powerful arrows followed. The enemy archers who were panicking were shot down again. The enemy archers became frightened and turned their heads and ran inward to avoid their opponents. The scene suddenly became chaotic after the shooting, and the generals' roars and curses were not good!

The Qin army finished shooting the second wave of bows and crossbows, and then launched the third wave of bows and crossbows again. This time the target was the shield line near the fence. The powerful arrows are like wind and electricity, destroying the shields and breaking into the human body. Many officers and soldiers screamed and fell to the ground. The originally tight line suddenly collapsed. The soldiers of the Western Regions did not expect that the arrows of their opponents would be able to destroy them. The shields, panicked, retreated one after another! The Qin army continuously suppressed the enemy forces with a three-stage shooting method, and the powerful arrows roared in the air. The Western Region coalition forces were difficult to fight, and the front line was suppressed and retreated! Faced with such a situation, the general also felt at a loss.

Suddenly, there was another rush of war drums in the Qin army, and the Qin army's line immediately separated. A dozen or so simple rushing vehicles that were obviously made temporarily rushed out of the army and rushed towards the gate of the other camp! Some arrows flew sparsely from the camp, but how could they stop Qin Jun? In a blink of an eye, Qin Jun rushed to the gate and began to violently crash into the camp gate and the surrounding fences, loud noises suddenly rang! How could the fences and gates of the camp compare to the walls and gates. Under the violent collision of the city car, they fell apart in twos or twos!

When the enemy general saw this, he was shocked and anxious, and roared anxiously, and then thousands of soldiers of the Western Region Allied Forces swarmed toward the gap, trying to plug the gap!

At this moment, the earth trembles suddenly, and at the same time a loud rumbling sound resounds through the world! The Western Region general looked up subconsciously, and he saw Lu Bu personally leading the cavalry rushing forward! Like a gust of wind blowing in the desert, the dust covered the sky and the sun, swept straight here with the might of the world! The generals of the Western Regions and everyone around them couldn't help changing their colors!

In a blink of an eye, the Qin Army's war cavalry rushed into the gap opened by the infantry and smashed into the middle of the Western Region Allied Forces. The violent impact suddenly sounded, and countless Western Region Allied soldiers were knocked out by the fierce impact. ! The scene was fierce and chaotic! Generally speaking, the formation of the infantry in the formation can withstand the impact of the cavalry. However, the allied forces of the Western Regions were hit by the fierce attack of the Qin army’s war cavalry before they were formed into the formation. Everyone seemed to be caught in the wind. In general, let alone resist, I was rushed into a mess almost instantly! The Qin Army’s battle cavalry is inexhaustible, and the iron hoof blade is like death's sickle, harvesting the enemy's life in succession, and the scene is a terrible scene of flesh and blood flying! The allied forces of the Western Regions could no longer contain the panic in their hearts, and they ran backwards to flee for their lives. The Qin army broke through the opponent in one fell swoop and broke into the first camp!

The general of the Allied Forces of the Western Regions looked at everything in front of him with wide eyes and pale expression. He was a Kangju man. He didn't believe what the Wusun people said, but at this moment he felt Qin Jun's The power is far more terrifying than what the Wusun people say! That strong bow, that iron hoof blade, is really amazing!

The allied forces of the Western Regions were panicked and ran backwards, rushing to escape along the many wooden ladders on the high platform! This piece of high platform is the second line of defense in the camp. It is one foot and five feet high, and most people cannot climb it with bare hands.

Qin Jun's war cavalry pursued and killed all the way to the high platform, killing the corpses of the Western Region Allied Forces everywhere. At this time, countless arrows flew down from the high platform, and many of Qin's arrows fell. Ai Lang was furious, raised Fang Tian's painted halberd and shouted: "Fight back!" Qin Jun Zhanqi quickly put down his long sword, took out the strong bow and crossbow, bent the bow and shot the arrow towards the high platform! The powerful arrows whizzed and flew away, as if raining on the high platform, countless people fell down the high platform with arrows. Ai Lang immediately rode his horse and rushed away. The Scarlet Rabbit Horse was extraordinary, and was able to gallop up the steep wooden ladder. The Western Region Allied Forces had no time to withdraw the wooden ladder and watched in horror as the opponent rushed to the high platform.

As soon as Ai Lang rushed to the high platform, he waved Fang Tian's painted halberd to kill and kill. Fang Tian's painted halberd opened and closed, raising pieces of shocking flesh and blood among the crowd! As long as the officers and soldiers of the Western Regions entered within two feet of him, they were immediately knocked down in a pool of blood, and no one was his one-stop general! Ailang is like a tiger rushing into the flock of sheep, wantonly showing off his lust! The general of the Allied Forces of the Western Regions looked at Ai Lang with horror, and cried out blankly: "Is he a human?" In his eyes, the Han Chinese who kills wantonly in front of him is like a frustration from **** to the world. !

As Ai Lang rushed to the high platform, the Qin army cavalry jumped off their horses and drove the Western Region officers and soldiers who were running along the wooden ladder to the high platform! Everyone is like a tiger and wolves, brandishing knives and guns to kill fiercely. On the scene, I saw flesh and blood flying across the Western Regions, but they couldn't resist the opponent's violent rushing and killing, and they were beaten back and forth with fear! The generals of the Western Regions shouted again and again, but it was useless at all! A young soldier from the Western Regions couldn't help feeling terrified when he saw the terrifying and **** killing before him. Immediately after seeing the officer of his team rushing towards a Han soldier with a spear, he mustered up the courage to follow the officer and charge. However, he only took a step, and was horrified to see that the officer was cut off his head by his opponent in an instant, and blood was spilled on the face of the Han soldier, he was as hideous as the most terrifying devil in hell! All the courage in the heart of this Western Region soldier completely collapsed at this moment. Then he saw the terrifying Han soldier looking at him, and his unspeakable fear suddenly surged up. He turned to escape subconsciously. He tripped and fell to the ground without knowing something, but he didn't care about getting up, siblings. He crawled on the ground with a rolling belt and desperately ran away. There were screams and fierce and terrifying sounds in his ears, and he didn't dare to stop and watch.

After the cavalry rushed to the high platform, the Qin army's infantry also rushed to the high platform, following the cavalry into the enemy line! The Western Region Allied Forces could no longer resist it, as the ice and snow under the blazing sun disintegrated! The officers and soldiers escaped from the barracks from behind, while the Qin army's infantry chased them. The merciless killing continued, and the yellow sand was stained with blood!


I like rebirth, I am Lu Bu. Please collect it: ( Rebirth I is the fastest literary update written by Lu Bu.

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