Rebirth in America: Great Slave Owner

Vol 2 Chapter 108: Mark Twain

"Master, do you have time now?" Yin Sabel suddenly asked Tangning in a serious tone.

To be honest, Tangning felt a little uncomfortable with Yin Sabel's expression, "Uh, yes, what's the matter with you?"

Yin Sabel waved her hand and said, "It's not me, it's Caroline who asked me to discuss something with you!"

"Caroline, please consult with me? Then why didn't she tell me?" Tangning asked in confusion.

Yin Sabel explained: "Well, because she's afraid that if you don't agree, she'll be too embarrassed, so it's easier to talk through me like this!"

"Okay, what's the matter?" Tangning asked casually.

Yin Sabel replied, "Caroline wants to take little Michael to Brazil."

"Huh? Why?" Tangning frowned and asked in displeasure.

Yin Shabel quickly explained: "Master, don't get me wrong, in fact, it's mainly for little Michael. You don't let little Michael call Little Locke little master, but it's impossible to call him little brother. Now they're all young, so it's nothing for now, but When they grow up, how will this get along, so it might as well..."

Although Yin Sabel didn't say everything, Tangning already understood what she meant. As a transmigrator, although Tangning's three views have been destroyed and changed a lot by the life of the great slave owner, there are still some bottom lines, such as He could never accept that his son called his other son master, even if his skin was black; but if they were brothers, it would be inappropriate, at least in the circumstances of New Orleans, if he did so. , will definitely be laughed to death by people in the circle.

So it seems that living in two places is indeed a good solution, and it can also increase your control over the Brazilian estate.

So Tangning nodded and replied, "Okay, go tell Caroline, I agree to this matter, and I will try my best to make time every year to visit her in Brazil."

I saw Yin Sabel breathed a sigh of relief: "Then I'll thank the master for Caroline first. By the way, the master, and Hannah and Holly plan to follow!"

This time, Tangning agreed without hesitation, "Yes, with her mother and sister by her side, she won't be too lonely!"

Then he asked, "Yin Sha, won't you go?"

Yinsabel shook her head and replied, "I'm not going, I'm not pregnant with your child, Master!" Then she said in distress, "Master, am I sick and unable to have a child?"

"It's not your problem. Look at all the women I have, and now Heidi, Nicole and Caroline are the only ones who have children, so it's not your problem!" Tangning advised.

However, Tangning's consolation did not seem to be relieved by Yin Sabel, so Tangning planned to use another way to comfort her, and Yin Sabel also welcomed this kind of consolation, because it was most likely to solve the problem she was most concerned about. The problem......

While sending off Caroline's mother and son, Tangning also sent a telegram to Nicole, asking her to help take care of the point, and at the same time watch the point, lest the three women do some embarrassing things. come out.

That night, Tangning went to Garrison's house to attend Uncle Miro's "Ceremonial" reception. In fact, Old Miro officially handed over the letter to his son from the City News. This reception was to be announced to everyone.

As soon as they met Garrison, he told Tangning, "Tony, in the future, you can support your letter, and the serialized novel must be placed in our "City Newspaper!"

"Don't worry, Uncle Milo, when have my novels been published in other newspapers?" Tangning swore, but in fact, he has only written a novel like Gone With the Wind...

Then he reassured: "And the letter is so smart, so you don't have to worry so much!"

It just so happened that a middle-aged man with fluffy hair and a mustache came over. Although Tangning looked familiar, she couldn't recall it for a while.

Fortunately, Garrison helped to introduce: "Samuel, you came just in time, Tony, let me introduce you, this is my good friend, Samuel Landhenk, er, say this name, you may It's a little strange, but I believe you must have seen "The Famous Leaping Frog of Calaveras County..."

Before Garrison could finish speaking, Tangning couldn't help but exclaimed, "Oh my God! Are you Mr. Mark Twain?" In fact, Mark Twain was a pseudonym, in memory of his captain when he was a sailor.

At this time, Garrison had already introduced Tangning's name, so Mark Twain replied with a smile, "It turned out to be Mr. Tangning. I really liked "Gone with the Wind!"

"Thank you! I also like your humorous stories very much, and I have always thought that real humorous stories are the hardest to write!" In fact, Tangning wanted to chat with him about "Million Pounds and Running for" ~ But at this time he hasn't written yet...

After chatting for a while, Tangning learned that Mark Twain was also planning to create a newspaper, although Tangning wanted to tell him that your "Express Newspaper" went bankrupt within a year, and the automatic typesetting machine you invested in would also go out of business. Bankruptcy, so it is more suitable for you to honestly write novels, but then again, if you don't have these experiences, it is estimated that he will not be able to write these fine works, because real writers need life experience.

Because he wanted to create a newspaper, the main purpose of Mark Twain's participation in this reception was to meet people in the publishing industry, so he left after chatting with Tangning for a while.

At this time, Melina came over and asked Tangning somewhat unexpectedly, "Mr. Tangning, it seems that you value this Mark Twain very much!"

The reason why Melina would ask this is because in the literary contempt chain at that time, those who wrote long novels despised those who wrote short stories, those who wrote serious literature despised those who wrote humorous comedies, and Mark Twain was the two most important at this time. The long novels "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and "The Adventures of Harry Finn have not been written yet, but they are published in newspapers with some short humorous stories, so their status is far less than that of later generations."

"Well, I think he will be the king of short stories in the future!" Tangning replied "with confidence."

ps: Yesterday, an editor from another website came to find me to open it with him. Haha, I really look down on me. Anyone who knows me a little should know that it is very difficult for me to guarantee that a book can be updated twice a day. Also double open...

In addition, pray that there will be a short stop this afternoon, it is too hard to live without a recommendation!

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