Rebirth in America: Great Slave Owner

Vol 2 Chapter 114: Hopsolo's death

"Tony, what do you think this is?" Morgan proudly pushed open the door of a room.

Tangning walked in and took a look, she couldn't help but exclaimed, "Snooker!"

Morgan nodded and replied, "That's right, it's snooker!"

In fact, billiards already existed as early as the 14th century. In 1510, King Louis XIV of France also built a billiard room in the Palace of Versailles, but now the popular English-style sixteenth color, er, just when we play billiards on the street It's the kind of game that's common in rooms, and snooker wasn't invented until 1875.

At this time, Morgan complained again: "Tony, why don't you tell me such a fun thing, you know how much I like billiards!"

Tangning thought to herself, as far as your billiards skills are concerned, even if I told you, you wouldn't understand the game, but on the surface it was impossible to say that. She smiled and said perfunctorily, "I've been too busy lately!"

"I know, are you busy writing "Titanic and the treasures in the Declaration of Independence, but it's funny to say that there are liars who take the opportunity to deceive people with the treasures in the Declaration of Independence, and it is said that they really deceived a lot of people. People!" Morgan replied with a smile.

That's right, just like what Tangning told Brian before, that Steven was a liar. Soon after Brian told himself about the incident, many people claimed that they were cheated by Steven. The mining fee, the one with the most was actually cheated out of two thousand dollars...

"Hey, there are too many fools and not enough liars!" Tangning sighed.

Hearing Tangning say this, Morgan was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly, "Tony, you are so humorous!"

After chatting for a while and playing half a game of snooker, Tangning said goodbye and left, and came to Danina's shop. Looking at the shop that was more spacious and beautifully decorated than the last time she visited, Tangning praised, "Dannina, it seems that your business is getting bigger and bigger! I even saw someone wearing your shop in New Orleans. Clothes sold!"

"Maybe what you see is not the clothes in my store, because there are more and more small stores that imitate or even directly copy my store, and they are still not in New York. Even if I call the police, it will not help!" Danina is depressed! said.

Tangning replied disapprovingly, "You don't need to care about that kind of small shop, the people who go there to buy clothes are not your customers, your customers are all ladies and ladies, so they won't buy fake goods, otherwise if they go there to buy clothes, they are not your customers. If someone finds out, how can you stay in the upper class?"

In fact, Tangning's theory is the business logic of these modern luxury stores. People are not afraid of you copying it, because even if you copy the exact same thing, those customers who have spent a lot of money on genuine goods to prove that they are buying genuine goods will spontaneously find faults and find fakes. All kinds of faults in the goods, and most of them dare not buy fake goods, otherwise once they are discovered, the white and rich character will collapse.

After listening to Tangning's words, Danina thought for a while, then nodded in agreement, "Tony, you are right, those who buy fakes can't afford real ones!"

But then he coquettishly said, "Tony, when will you help me design new clothes?"

As soon as she heard this request, Tangning's head was swollen. Although she knew more about women's clothing than other men because of her painting, she was limited, and even fewer had to conform to the aesthetics of 1869. , so he replied with a bitter face: "Inspiration can be found if it is said to exist!"

Then he rolled his eyes and smiled evilly: "How about you and Kayla model for me again tonight and help me find inspiration!"

Danina blushed and spat: "Forget it, all the clothes you designed under this condition are all that kind of clothes, and you can't hang them at all."

"Are you saying that the sale is good?" Tangning asked.

"The sales are really good!" Danina replied awkwardly.

To be honest, Tangning didn't expect those **** lingerie and uniforms to sell so well before. It seemed that no matter what era, human nature was the same. Of course, this kind of clothes cannot be publicly sold in the store, they are all secretly traded, but the more this is the case, the higher the price...

After chatting for a while, Danina suddenly asked, "Tony, is there any news about Paul? Has he recovered his memory?"

Tangning shook her head and replied, "Probably not, at least I haven't heard any news about this, but I heard that his health is getting better and better. In fact, this is also normal, because his current life is too healthy and too regular. It's completely different from the life he used to spend all day long!"

"Looking at it this way, this is actually a good thing for him!" Danina said with emotion.

Because Tangning was reluctant to talk about Paul in front of Danina, she changed the subject and asked, "How's Kayla doing?"

"Oh, she's lining up your Titanic!" Danina replied casually.

"Titanic? She played Ruth?" Tangning asked curiously.

Danina nodded and replied, "Of course!"

"But she's not fat~ Has she gotten fat recently?" Tangning asked in confusion.

Danina shook her head and replied, "That's not true, but who ruled that Ruth had to be fat to play!"

"I stipulated it, because this is what I wrote!" Tangning replied confidently.

"But you are also a shareholder of the Abel Theatre, so as long as Kayla wants to play, the heroine can only be hers!" Having said this, Danina seemed to have thought of something and said to Tangning, "By the way, Hope was shot, you know what?"

"What?! Hopsolo was shot to death? Who did it?" Tangning couldn't help but exclaimed.

Danina looked left and right, then stretched out three fingers and replied, "The 3K Party! It is said that Sister Hope supported the liberation of black people and was assassinated by the 3K Party half a month ago. Why is it such a big deal, Tony? You don't even know?"

"Of course I don't know, I have nothing to do with the KKK!" Tangning replied angrily.

Danina retorted: "But they all said..."

Before Danina could finish her sentence, Tangning interrupted, "Don't believe those rumours outside, don't you know what kind of person I am? The KKK guys just used my name in my novels. Actually, it has nothing to do with me at all!"

Then he whispered: "No, I have to go back and ask Jonathan what is going on, and I have to talk to Booth!"

ps: Thanks to the book friends "Mers", "True Xalafi", "Lonely God of War 1", "deathhonour", "Hey hey go to bed", "Magic Magician", "Big Madman" for their support!

In addition, I would like to express my sincere thanks to Zhang Tui, the author of "Driving the Fog", and also recommend his new book "When I have the ability to make money!"

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