Rebirth in America: Great Slave Owner

Vol 2 Chapter 131: campaign (1)

"Master, Mr. Carlos is waiting for you in the living room!" The housekeeper Rob reported to Tangning that day.

Because she was writing "Crazy Oil Painting", Tangning didn't react for a while and asked casually, "Which Mr. Carlos?"

"It's Mr. Philippe Carlos of the Constitutional Federal Party!" Rob reminded.

Tangning exclaimed suddenly, and at the same time felt a little self-blame, because a few years ago, she had asked someone to join the Constitutional Federalist Party, and then went to run for parliament. .....

So he hurried to the living room and greeted warmly, "Uncle Philip, long time no see!"

Philip replied with a kind smile: "It's really been a long time since I haven't seen Tony, what are you doing recently?"

"I just came back from New York a few days ago, and I'm currently busy writing a novel for the City News," Tangning replied.

After a few chats, Philip started talking about business: "Tony, do you remember when you ran for Congress?"

Tangning nodded and replied, "Remember, Uncle Philip was the chance you gave me back then!"

"Then do you still keep all the campaign materials you used back then?" Philip asked again.

Tangning was stunned for a moment, and then replied somewhat uncertainly, "I have to look for this. After all, the time interval is too long, especially since there was a war in the middle!"

"Yes, this war has really changed too many things!" Philip said with emotion.

Then he asked, "Tony, do you still want to run for Congress this year?"

Tangning was stunned again, because he didn't say he didn't prepare for the question Philip asked today, and he hadn't thought about it for several years, and even this person had almost forgotten...

So he replied after two seconds: "To be honest, I really didn't think about it, but if Uncle Philip you wish..."

But before Tangning could finish speaking, Philip interrupted, "I guess Tony, you don't have time to run for election right now, after all, you have so much business and you have to write novels. Actually, that's what I'm here for today. My nephew Linton is going to represent our Constitutional Federalist Party in this year's election. I remember your issues back then seemed pretty good, but like you said, it's been too long and it's been through this **** war, so I I can't remember clearly, I just wanted to see if Tony still has a manuscript here."

Hearing this, Downing immediately understood why the old guy Philippe Carlos came to visit him on his own initiative. He was co-authoring to find information for his nephew's election for Congress. After thinking about it carefully, he was right. Back then It is definitely a good idea to draw up the votes of wounded soldiers with my own topic "Healing the Pain of War".

And no wonder he was about to interrupt himself just now. If he said that he wanted to run for election, how could he ask for information for his nephew? This sly old thing!

Although she understood the old man's thoughts, Tangning still sent someone to rummage and gave Philip some of the information she could still find.

After the old man left, Tangning fell into deep thought. At this time, Heidi joked, "Why, do you regret it?"

Unexpectedly, Tangning nodded and replied, "Well, I regret it a bit!"

"Since you still want to run, why did you give the information to Philip just now?" Heidi asked in confusion.

Tangning spread her hands and said, "Because even if I want to run for the election, it's too late this year. First of all, the Constitutional Federalist Party must not be able to count on it, because it is obvious that the old man is planning to support his nephew. I am now temporarily changing the party and qualifying for the election. It is not a problem that can be solved in a short time, so we can only consider the next session.”

"Tony, you're right, it's definitely too late this year!" Heidi echoed, but then changed the conversation and said, "But it's actually a good thing not to be able to run for election, because political troubles are going to die, and there are often those who have to go. I don’t want you to be like that, and I don’t want you to be like that, writing novels and painting all day long like you are now!”

"There are indeed many things that I hate about being in politics, but there are many benefits to being a member of parliament. If you don't believe me, ask your brother!" Tangning replied with a smile.

Heidi chuckled lightly: "He, he can't do this, in fact, my brother tried it at the beginning. I only learned what I just told you from his experience. Fortunately, he gave up later and concentrated on following You are in business!"

Tangning thought to herself, Bryan is indeed not suitable for politics, but Heidi can say this, it is not convenient for her to be her brother-in-law. So he smiled and said, "If you don't tell me, I really don't know that Bryan also participated in the election!"

"He has never participated in the election, because he has not even passed the vote in the party. In fact, you don't know, my brother has tried many things..." Then Heidi said a lot Bryan's embarrassing Hearing Tangning's interest...

Tangning originally thought this matter was over, but unexpectedly, half a month later, Philip came over again and asked Tangning with a sad face, "Tony, do you want to represent our Constitutional Federal Party in this year's parliamentary election?"

"But this year, isn't Uncle Philip and your nephew Linton representing our Constitutional Federalist Party in this year's election?" Tangning asked in confusion.

Philip let out a long sigh: "Hey, I originally wanted Linton to run for election, but I didn't expect him to suddenly become seriously ill and couldn't go, so I thought, this issue was originally raised by you, Tony. And I can see that you also have this meaning, so it is better for you to represent our Constitutional Federal Party to participate in this year's parliamentary election, otherwise if no one runs this year, then the next election may not have this place. It's gone!"

Tangning was very surprised by this news. She didn't expect this opportunity to come back to her, but even though she was very willing, Tangning was hesitant on the surface, "Aiya, Uncle Philip, you The news is a little too sudden, can you give me some time to think about it?"

Although Philip knew that Tangning was taking advantage of Joe, he had to endure it, "Okay, but Tony, you have to think about it as soon as possible. After all, there is not much time until the election!"

"Don't worry, within three days, I will definitely give you a positive answer!" Tangning promised.

PS: I found out that Da Luoluo has opened a new book "1825 My New Daming". This guy is really diligent. If several books were not sealed, he must have passed 20 million words, but to be honest, I like it the most. It's his old book "Dream of Heaven"!

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