Rebirth in America: Great Slave Owner

Vol 2 Chapter 135: Father and son

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"Tony, what do you mean? Didn't you say it before? Why did you go to my father to file a complaint again?" The next day, Levin approached Tangning angrily and asked.

Tangning replied with a bewildered expression, "I didn't complain!"

"Did you go to my father after you got out of my place yesterday?" Levin asked.

Tangning nodded and replied, "Yes!"

"Then what did you tell him?" Levin asked.

"I didn't say anything, I just greeted his body and chatted for a while before I left!" Tangning replied casually.

"You didn't say anything about the newspaper? Didn't you say you're very unhappy about the ending of my revision of "Crazy Oil Painting" this time?" Levin asked impatiently.

Tangning thought about it for a while, then replied, "I did talk to Uncle Milo about these things, but I didn't tell him about it, but he took the initiative to mention it to me!

Actually, when I went to Uncle Milo, I really hadn't seen him for a long time. On the other hand, like I told you yesterday, I had to maintain my image with Deanna and Melissa, so I went to find him. Uncle Milo complained, but I didn't tell him the truth! "

"What you said is true?" Levin asked, frowning.

Tangning nodded and replied, "Of course it's true, why am I lying to you?"

At this time, Levin pondered for a long time, and then said thoughtfully: "If Tony didn't lie to me, then I think I know what's going on?"

"What the **** is going on here? Levin?" Tangning asked curiously.

And Levin hesitated for a while, then replied: "Tony, it's not convenient for me to tell you about this, but it definitely has nothing to do with you!"

Seeing Levin's expression, Tangning knew it was inconvenient for her to ask, so she replied, "Okay, then I won't ask you, but I still hope you can clarify the matter, at least make sure that I didn't tell you Uncle Milo. shape!"

"I will, then I'll leave Tony first!" Levin said goodbye.

Less than two minutes after Levine left, Melissa came. As soon as they met, she asked Tangning with a smile, "I met Levine at the door just now, why is he here?"

Just as Tangning was about to answer truthfully, she suddenly realized that she couldn't tell Melissa the truth, so she explained, "Didn't I go to Uncle Milo yesterday to file a complaint, but today he came to me to ask him about the crime!"

Unexpectedly, Melissa chuckled softly after hearing this: "Tony, did you really go to Uncle Milo to complain yesterday?"

"Yes, of course!" Tangning replied somewhat unnaturally.

And Melissa questioned: "Diana is not here, there is no need for you to lie to me!"

"Why do you say I'm lying to you?" Tangning asked rhetorically.

Melissa replied: "It's very simple, based on what I know about you and Levine, if the two of you really quarreled yesterday, then your expression at that time will definitely not be like that, you will definitely be very excited and happy. anger!"

"But I've already slammed the door in anger?" Tangning asked in confusion.

Melissa shook her finger and said, "If you are really angry, then just slamming the door is definitely not enough!"

Although Tangning wanted to argue, but seeing Melissa's presence, she knew it was futile to argue, so she sighed, "You can't tell Deanna about this!"

"Don't worry, I definitely won't tell her!" Melissa promised, and then continued with the first question: "Now can you tell me what Levine was looking for you for?"

"Speaking of this, I'm really wronged..." Tangning then recounted the entire incident, and finally said, "Now Levin seems to understand what's going on, but he just refuses to. tell me!"

And Melissa disagreed: "I think it's normal that Levin refuses to tell you, because this matter involves a conflict between him and his father, so there's no need to tell an outsider like you, it's shameful!"

"What?! This incident involves the conflict between Levin and Uncle Milo? What kind of conflict can they have between father and son?" Tangning asked in confusion.

Melissa shrugged and replied, "How obvious is the contradiction between their father and son, it's the City News!"

"About the "City News"?" Tangning was still a little confused.

Melissa explained helplessly: "Don't you realize that after Levin took over, the development direction of the entire "City News" has been completely different from when your Uncle Milo was there?"

Tangning nodded and replied, "I see. I talked to Uncle Milo about this yesterday, but it's normal. After all, Levin is different from Uncle Milo!"

"It's normal from your point of view, but it's not normal for your Uncle Milo because City News is his life's work and he won't allow anyone to make it something he doesn't want Even if that person is his own son!" Melissa said solemnly.

"However, the current "City News" has more sales and more influence than when Uncle Milo was there. Could it be that Uncle Milo still doesn't want to see all this?" Tangning asked inexplicably.

Melissa sighed: "Of course he wants to see the "City News" get better and better, but that must be based on not changing his policy of running the newspaper, otherwise, no matter how well he does, he thinks it is a You are ruining your whole life!"

Tangning pondered for a moment, then nodded in agreement, "You're right, but how did you know these things?"

And Melissa replied in disapproval: "This is no secret in the "City News" newspaper, but you don't go to the newspaper very much, otherwise you would have known it!"

Then he said: "Didn't you find Since Levin took over, many of the former old employees have been slowly fired and transferred from their posts by him, and they are replaced by listening to their own words. Newcomers, so how could those old employees feel comfortable and naturally go to your Uncle Milo to complain and complain..."

Before Melissa could finish her sentence, Tangning interrupted, "That's why Uncle Milo already knew about the ending of Levine's revised "Crazy Oil Painting" before I went?"

Melissa nodded and replied, "That's right, that's why your Uncle Milo used this to blame Levin..."

Tangning interrupted again, "That's why Levine came over to question me in a rage today, and after getting my affirmative answer, he wanted to understand what the **** was going on?"

"That's right, after all, those old employees came to complain in front of their father, it's impossible for Levin not to know!"

PS: Thanks to the book friends "Determining the Future", "Flying Dante" for their support and "Yulong in the Sky" for their strong support!

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