Having said this, Downing paused, then pointed at Pascal and continued: "If you complete the task for three consecutive years and never make a mistake, then you can become a supervisor like Pascal, and you can get rid of heavy labor and engage in supervision. Management work, and the benefits of food, living and other benefits will be greatly improved."

If Tangning was just saying this out of thin air, then the **** below wouldn't believe it, but now there is a ready-made example like Pascal, when the **** saw that his clothes were much more decent and tidy than other **** , representing the ruddy complexion of ample food and the majesty of always giving orders, they felt that what their new master said should be believable.

In fact, this was also one of Tangning's goals in quickly promoting several puppet army leaders. That's how people are. As long as they can see an opportunity to change their lives, they will give up their thoughts of resistance, even if the chance is very slim. It's like the imperial examinations in ancient times. Although the poor know that the chances of children from poor families becoming jinshi are slim, as long as there is such a hope, they will be much more stable.

In fact, Tangning even planned to tell these black slaves, "As long as you work hard for 20 years, I will give you freedom!" He believed that if he said that, the black slaves would be even more excited, but he also knew that Such words must not be said, because once he said it, the other slave owners would have to tear themselves apart.

In addition, this in itself was deceiving the black slaves, because three years later the "Civil War" would break out and slavery would be completely abolished, so all the promises Tangning made at this time were meaningless.

However, even if they are free, it does not mean that the life of the black slaves will be better, because then the capitalists in the north squeeze the workers and are sometimes more cruel than the slave owners in the south...

After the black slaves' excitement subsided a little, Tangning said, "Okay, Pascal will read out and explain the rules and regulations of the manor to everyone, everyone must pay attention, if you violate any of them , then there will be penalties, and the time to get rewards will be extended accordingly.”

After finishing speaking, Tangning stepped off the stage, and Pascal explained the "Tangning Manor Black Slaves Rules" to the slaves one by one: "Support the master, abide by the scope and discipline prescribed by the master. Obey the supervision and management, receive education, participate in labor, and be serious. Homecoming. Love the plantation, love the master, love the collective..."

Tangning has always been very proud of what she has done, because since the implementation of this code, the black slaves in the plantation have become much more manageable. In fact, in Tangning's opinion, many black slaves are not dishonest, but It's that they really don't know what they can and can't do. After all, their original living environment and code of conduct are completely different from here, and they don't feel that they have done wrong in many things, so they are suffering because of these things. When the supervisor is beaten, he will feel dissatisfied, which will lead to the accumulation of negative emotions and even rebellion and escape.

And Tangning has now clearly stipulated all the things that can and cannot be done, so that the black slaves will know exactly why they made mistakes, and it will become easier to manage everything. Tangning now felt that she had too many thugs under her wing. They had to know that the wages of these guys were not low.

These black slaves were managed and trained by Pascal, Mike, and the overseers, but the three little girls he had just bought couldn't be handed over to them, so Tangning had to train them herself. Tangning first asked the two little girls from her own room to teach the three new arrivals the rules of the house and American English that they could use every day.

After three days, Tangning called the two mixed-race girls to her side, trying her best to put on an amiable face and said to them, "Caroline, Isabelle, how have you been living here these past few days? Are you still getting used to it? ?"

Caroline, who is 1.7 meters tall, is obviously a little bolder than Isabelle, nodded and replied: "Life is very good, I have never slept in such a soft bed, and I have never tried to eat enough for three consecutive days. ." Isabelle on the side also nodded, apparently Caroline had spoken her heart out.

After hearing Caroline's words, Tangning nodded in satisfaction, then continued to ask, "Then do you still want to go back to your hometown?"

Caroline and Isabel shook their heads and said, "I don't want to go back, this place is much better than home." Speaking of which, Caroline suddenly seemed to remember something, and said sadly: "The only pity is that there will be no more I can't see my mother anymore." But she said randomly: "But when I left, Mr. Sheffield gave my mother a lot of money, which is enough for her to live in the future, so she doesn't have to work hard to do those humiliating things. to make money."

"As long as you do things well and serve me comfortably, then it's not impossible for Sheffield to take over your mother next time," Tangning said with a big wave of her hand.

Caroline's eyes lit up and she asked in disbelief: "Boss, is what you said true? Are you really willing to take my mother over to live a good life?"

PS: I was indeed inspired and influenced by Qingshan when I wrote this book, but it must be different from his direction. At least the mistakes he made will not be repeated, and I have already told him that we are relatively familiar with it. .

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