The rain keeps going down, and the tiny patters are ringing. The wind is rolling in the rain, it will be slow, and it will be anxious.

Shen Jiu’s clothes have been stained with a lot of rain, but he still feels unconscious.

At this time, Shen Jiu’s eyes only saw the thin girl in front.

What if she is really an aunt?

Shen Jiu’s step was a bit faster, and his eyes always followed her.

Shen Jiu’s thoughts are very chaotic. If she is really an aunt, how can he speak the first sentence?

It has been many years since Auntie sent him an umbrella. If it is now, only the thing he remembers, Auntie has long forgotten, what should he do?

The girl held an umbrella and blocked most of the figure. From the beginning to the end, Shen Jiu could not see her face.

The girl in front of her footsteps and walked another path. Shen Jiuxin tightened and immediately ran forward.

Shen Jiu looked around and there was no one left.

At this time, there is only one person left on this road.

The silence is very quiet, and it looks empty. The temperature is getting lower and lower, and the cold wind gently licks the cheek of Shen Jiu.

It seems that it was just the illusion of Shen Jiu.

The rain was quietly underground, and the air was cold and cold, but the heart of Shen Jiu was a bit colder than the bleak winter.

Shen Jiuyi stood there and did not move for a long time.

"Auntie?" Shen Jiu hesitated for a moment and called out indefinitely.

On the small road, only the tiny rain fell on the ground, and no one responded.


Lu Huai is answering the phone.

It was Lu Zongqi’s call. He was busy in Nanjing and couldn’t get back in a while. He could only ask the aunt’s situation on the phone.

"Auntie is not in good health, you have to pay more attention." Lu Zongxi's voice is low, giving a feeling of serious oppression.

"Auntie is very good, I will take care of her." Lu Huai voice is heavy.

Every time two people mentioned Auntie, the atmosphere would be dull.

The incident that happened to Auntie was a topic that Lujia could not touch at will.

Everyone in Lujia has been affected by that incident. Therefore, they will jointly protect the aunt and stop her from being hurt.

"I will come back soon." Lu Zongxi still does not trust.

Lu Huai also has the same mind: "Auntie is my sister, I will naturally protect her."

Lu Huai just hung up the phone and Shen Jiu just came in from the outside.

Shen Jiu's clothes were wet, and his expression was somewhat wrong. It seemed to be lost.

Lu Huai frowned. "What happened?"

Shen Jiu shook his head, then he sat in a chair and leaned against the back of the chair, as if he had exhausted his heart.

Just now he was not sure whether the person was an aunt or not, and how to explain it to Lu Huai.

"The rain is too big outside, I forgot to bring an umbrella."

Lu Huai looked at the window and he did not believe in Shen Jiu’s remarks.

It was raining outside and watching Shen Jiu’s look. It was rain that had been drenched for a long time.

However, Lu Huai did not continue to ask, Shen Jiu has his own secrets.

After a while, Shen Jiuqi straightened his back from the chair and looked at Lu Huai.

"Have your sister returned to Shanghai?"

Shen Jiu was very concerned about Lu Huai’s affairs. He knew that Lu Huai’s departure from Shanghai was to take his sister home.

Shen Jiu knew that Lu Huai had a younger sister. She had an accident and was sent out to Shanghai very early and stayed in a sanatorium outside.

Lu Huai once mentioned with him that the Superintendent of the Warlord had a big fire that year, and Lu Huai’s sister was injured in the accident.

"She just came back a few days ago and has been staying in the Warlord's Office." Lu Huai did not talk about the aunt's affairs and Shen Jiu.

Shen nodded nine points, did not ask.

That fire must bring a bad memory to Lu Huai’s sister. Shanghai is just a sad place for her.

He knew that Lu Huai’s sister stayed in a nursing home all the year round and rarely contacted outsiders.

Shen Jiu naturally will not bother his sister because he cares about Lu Huai.

Shen Jiu out of the Governor's Office, did not stay outside, they went straight home.

After returning, Shen Jiu locked himself in the room. After the door was closed, the strength that previously supported him back seemed to disappear.

The light rain outside is still going down, and it’s so bitter and addicted.

Shen Jiutou had a terrible pain. He went to the bed and lay down at will.

I don't know how long it took, Shen Jiu slept. In the dream, he dreamed of aunt.


Shen Jiuyi opened his eyes and found himself in a lot of darkness, his eyes were indistinct.

There was a piece of black lacquer that didn't have a glimmer of light, as if the darkness was boundless.

It’s quiet and quiet, and it’s so quiet.

I don't know what's going on around me, and I don't know what to expect. Everyone in this place always thinks a little more.

Shen Jiu extended his hand and only felt that the air was cold.

Shen Jiu was still a lazy gesture, and he walked a few steps at random.

At this time, a burning smell was introduced into the nose of Shen Jiu, and Shen Ji’s brows were faintly wrinkled.

This taste is extremely shallow, but it makes people feel vigilant.

Shen Jiu looked up and looked around. The original eyes were dark, but now there is a small spot.

It stands out in the dark.

The spot was still spreading and slowly turned into a small bright area.

The burning smell was getting thicker, and people’s hearts panicked.

Shen Jiu lifted his footsteps and walked over to the bright spot.

There are no other exits here. It is better to go there first.

The more you go inside, the more you can feel the heat.

Shen Jiu implicitly guessed a few points.

Shen Jiu took a step and walked out of the darkness. The surrounding light lit up and his vision gradually became clear.

When I saw the scene before my eyes, Shen Ji’s eyes were tight.

There is a house here, but it was surrounded by fire.

In the dark night, the fire waves skyrocketed, and the raging fire seemed to engulf the entire sky.

The fire was not blocked by the darkness, and the fire seemed to be bigger. The fire climbed up the house and it became darker everywhere.

Shen Jiu frowned, why is there such a big fire here? It looks very unusual.

There are many people around the house, and they look anxious. Everyone is busy fighting the fire and wants to slow down the fire.

Surrounded by loud noises, the small voice fell into the ears of Shen Jiu, and their tone was extremely flustered.

"How come suddenly on fire? When the fire is so big, when will it be extinguished?"

"I didn't see the girl, the aunt girl will not be in the room."

"What if the aunt girl has an accident?"


The heart of Shen Jiu was shocked, and the aunt was inside?

Shen Ji looked up, the fire was getting bigger and bigger, the sky was dyed with a faint red color, and the red color was still spreading slowly.

The air in winter is very cold and cold. Because of this fiery fire, the wind is so heavy that it is a little warm.

Although everyone is worried about aunts, but such a big fire, no one dares to go in and save people.

If you walk into the house, don't say that you have saved people, even your own life will be lost.

This hot, people are fearful.

Shen Jiu did not care about his safety. There was only one thought in his heart.

That is to bring the aunt out.

Shen Jiutou did not return, and went straight into the sea of ​​fire.

From the outside, I can already know that the fire is huge. When I walk inside, I can feel the horror of this fire.

Just entering, a fire wave rushed to the surface, with a burning temperature.

Shen Jiuhuan looked around, all the flames were everywhere, the intense smoke was rising, and the burning smell was stronger than the outside.

Shen Jiu’s footsteps are extremely fast. He knows clearly that there is not much time. He must find the aunt as soon as possible.

Shen Jiu walked quickly to a room, opened the door and swept it quickly.

There are no people inside.

Then, Shen Jiu immediately left and went to another room.

The arm is filled with burning pain, but Shen Jiuyi does not feel it.

He looked eager, and Auntie stayed in it for so long, not knowing if there was any accident now.

Shen Jiuyue wants to be anxious, but he knows he can't mess around.

Walking through the long corridor, passing through one room after another, I could not see the aunt's figure.

Shen Jiu was very upset, but he still tried to stay calm.

Aunt is still waiting for him.

He will definitely find an aunt.

The fire was already great, the strong smog came up, and the line of sight began to become a bit fuzzy.

Shen Jiuhui heard a faint voice: "Help!"

The sound is very small, and you can still hear coughing.

Shen Jiu-shen took a deep breath, and Auntie is very likely to be here.

Because of this fire, the door became hot, and Shen Ji touched the door, only to feel that the palm was hot.

Open the door, Shen Jiuyi saw the aunt.

She was sitting in the corner, her body was very thin and her face was very pale.

At this time, the aunt seemed to be smoky, and she pouted, coughing in a low voice, and her body trembled slightly.

Shen Jiuxin is loose, but fortunately, it is still too late.

He called: "Auntie."

Auntie was surprised. The fire was so big. She didn't expect someone to save herself.

She was already desperate.

Aunt looked up and just crashed into the eyes of Shen Jiu.

They are connected four eyes.

Surrounded by raging flames, their faces were illuminated by fire and they saw themselves in each other's eyes.

Auntie’s voice whimpered: "Shen Gongzi."

Shen Jiu is very distressed: "Auntie, don't be afraid, I will take you out."

Shen Jiu looked at it carefully, and there were some sundries scattered around the aunt. The sundries were already on fire, forming a relatively closed area.

Because of this, the aunt's actions were limited, she could not get out of it and was trapped inside.

Shen Jiu looked to the side again. There are fewer sundries on the left side and the fire is small. If you pass from there, you can bring the aunt out.

Shen Jiu went over.

The fire is getting bigger and bigger, and the flames are on the hands of Shen Jiu, and the pain of the heart is heard.

Shen Jiu took a breath, but still said: "Auntie, I will come soon."

Auntie couldn't see the situation over there, she was very worried: "Shen Gongzi, you have to be careful."

When Shen Jiu pushed away from the obstacles, he walked toward the aunt, and the things touched him extremely hot.

Shen Jiu soon went to the aunt's side.

Aunt’s eyes are full of concern.

Shen Jiu did not want the aunt to worry, he hid his injured hand under the sleeve.

Looking at the aunt, Shen Jiucai found that some of her face was burned, but she completely ignored her own injuries and only concerned whether she was injured.

Shen Jiu was very upset, but he knew that now is not the time to speak, he must leave here as soon as possible.

Shen Jiu did not know if there was any injury in the rest of the aunt. He worried that the aunt could not stand up and extended his hand to the aunt.

He took the hand of Auntie and took her out.

At this time, a room beam suddenly fell off the air, completely blocking the road between the two.

Shen Jiu’s consciousness has protected the aunt.


Shen Jiu was awakened and he opened his eyes.

The sky is already dark, and the silence is so powerful that there is no sound.

Shen Jiu’s back was covered with a thin layer of thin sweat, as if reminding him of the terrible dream.

Everything in the dream is as real.

Black night, raging fire, strong smoke...

And aunt.

In the dream, he and his aunt were trapped in the sea of ​​fire and could not escape.

Shen Jiu remembered the helpless look of Auntie in his dreams. He was very distressed. Auntie must be very scared at the time.

Shen Jiu did not know why he would do such a dream.

He remembered that he had talked with Lu Huai during the day. Lu Huai said that his sister had encountered a fire and was injured in the fire.

For this reason, he only made this dream.

However, there is one thing Shen Ji can be sure.

Aunt did have an accident.

Shen Jiu’s intuition has always been very accurate, although this is rare, but if something bad happens, Shen Jiu will feel something.

The night is deep and the air is getting colder.

Shen Jiu had no movement for a long time, and a man sat there.

There is only one thought in his heart.

No matter where the aunt is, whether she is different from the previous one.

Even if her appearance has changed, Shen Jiu will definitely recognize her at a glance.

He must find her and hurry up.

Don't let her suffer any more damage.

I will never let go again.


There are a lot of things in the school, and I will take the exam soon. Ye Chu is very busy, and the drama of the school's small theater is not scheduled.

After the end of the exam, the drama "Yi Jun" will continue to rehearse. After all, this play will be staged at the Cathay Theatre, representing the face of Xinli Middle School.

At the weekend, Ye Chu finally got empty.

On Saturday morning, Ye Chu received a call, which was called by the housekeeper of the Governor's Office.

The voice of the housekeeper is very polite: "Miss Ye Er."

Ye Chu: "Well, it is me."

Female housekeeper: "Miss Miss misses you some, I wonder if I can come to oversee the military office?"

Miss Four refers to the aunt, outside, and everyone called her Miss Lu Si.

Of course, the aunt’s return to Shanghai is secret. On the beach, no one knows that Miss Lu Si is back.

Ye Chu did not think about it: "Okay."

Ye Chu quickly left the Ye Gongguan, and she asked the driver to send her to the Mansion area of ​​Wilson Road.

The Warlord House is near the mansion area.

The car ran smoothly, and the scenery swept past the window and became more familiar.

This is the first time after Ye Chu’s reunion, he went to the military office, and his heart was a little nervous.

She got off the bus in the mansion and went to the Warlord.

The closer he is to the Warlord, Ye Chuyue feels confused.

The door was already in sight, and she was overwhelmed.

When the guard saw her, she quickly recognized it: "I am Miss Ye."

Previously, San Shao had already confessed to him, so Ye Chu could enter the Warlord House unimpeded.

Ye Chu’s foot stopped and took a deep breath and walked in.

The sky was a bit gloomy, the sun was invisible, and the house stood quietly.

The main building of the Warlord House is a Western-style building, a four-story garden house with a very nice style. I had a fire before, so the house was refurbished.

Ye Chu did not expect that she came to the Governor's Office in this life, for this reason.

As she walked into the house, she tried to calm down.

Ye Chugang walked into the house, and the scene suddenly flew to his heart.

There is a dining room on the first floor, and the utensils are neatly arranged and clean. She has always ate at eight in the morning.

Maybe because it is not yet at noon, the dining room at this moment is empty and no one is busy.

The living room of the Warlord’s Office has always been a display, and Ye Chu knows that Lu Huai often does not see guests in the living room.

If it is a business official, Lu Huai will talk in the outside restaurant. If a friend comes, Shen Jiu will go directly to the study to find him.


The familiar scene is in front of you, and the memories of the last life are vivid.

Ye Chu’s heart suddenly burst into an inexplicable sadness.

She is standing here again, but her mood is different from before.

Ye Chu looked at everything in the Warlord's House, and nothing changed with the previous world. It was almost necessary to drop tears.

At this time, someone suddenly called her: "Miss Ye Er."

Ye Chu’s thoughts were immediately pulled back. She looked up and looked at Chen’s standing on the stairs.

Ye Chu’s face was not obvious, maintaining a calm surface, and Chen Ma did not see anything wrong.

Chen Ma’s tone is soft: “The four ladies have been waiting for you.”

Ye Chu calmed his mind and walked up the stairs: "Which room is the aunt?"

Chen Ma: "Miss Ye Er, please come with me."

After the fire, the original room of Auntie was no longer used, and the Governor’s Office was refurbished.

In order to prevent the aunt from thinking of bad memories, they now let her live on another floor, and the decoration of the room is completely different from the previous one.

Aunt lived on the third floor now, and Ye Chu was led by Chen Ma and entered the room.

She closed the door and found the aunt on the table and slept.

Fang Cai, Chen Ma just went down and gave the aunt some things, but happened to bump into Ye Chu, who had just come to the Governor’s Office, and naturally led her over.

Chen Ma whispered, "Miss Four."

Auntie just came back these days and couldn't sleep at night. She was groggy in the daytime. She didn't want to worry about them, nor did she say anything to her family.

Aunt slowly opened his eyes and his eyes gradually became clear.

When I saw Ye Chu, the aunt suddenly woke up.

There was a smile in her mouth, and the smile became more and more obvious.

Aunt is trying to make a bunch of sign language, and immediately thinks that Ye Chu does not understand. Soon, she picked up a pen and wrote it down.

A blank sheet of paper was prepared on the table to allow the aunt and Ye Chu to communicate.

A line of words appears above.

Hey, I want to see you these days.

Ye Chu did not live in the Governor's Office and wanted to come to the real relationship between them. Lu Huai had already explained it with Auntie.

Now, the aunt is just confused.

However, Ye Chu did not tear her down, and Auntie continued to call her.

Ye Chu smiled: "I also want to be aunt."

Auntie wrote a line on the paper.

If there is an opportunity, I must remember to stay in the army.

Ye Chu bowed, she understood the meaning of the aunt. Under the gaze of the aunt, she nodded.

Auntie did not have a lot of things to do. These days I watched the works of the Russian novelist Kuplin.

Ye Chu will accompany her aunt and know her hobbies little by little.

Life in Shanghai is not like a nursing home. You don't have to get along with doctors and nurses all the time. I hope that Auntie can speak.

Regardless of the outcome, they will always protect her.

After reading the book for a while, Auntie felt tired.

She often feels sleepy, and the time to take a nap happens to happen again.

After the aunt fell asleep, Ye Chu left the room and quietly closed the door.

Today, the governor’s office came, and Auntie called her over. Since Auntie slept, Ye Chu naturally prepared to leave soon.

Ye Chushang did not leave the house, and the housekeeper of the Governor’s Office stopped her.

"Miss Ye Er, three less let you wait for him in the study."

She pointed the direction to Ye Chu.

When Ye Chu was stunned, she nodded to the housekeeper and turned to go to the study. There is no need to point the way at all, because she has come back too much.

The door of the study was hidden, and Ye Chu gently pushed it and opened the door.

Everyone in the Warlord’s Office knows that you can’t enter the study room of the Three Little, and no one will come.

In the last life, Ye Chu came to the study of the Imperial Army for the first time and signed a contract with Lu Huai.

In this study, Ye Chu and Lu Huai sit on both sides and are alienated.

In order to maintain a cooperative relationship between husband and wife, they each proposed a treaty, which was agreed upon by both parties to be deleted or added.

The three chapters of the law, never exceed the distance.

When Ye Chu solemnly signed her name, it meant that the husband and wife relationship between the two began formally.

Thinking of this, her heart jerked.


Ye Chu took back her thoughts and she could no longer fall into the memory.

She shook her head and tried to throw away the previous things, but it didn't help.

Ye Chu wants to find something to divert attention. What she found, her eyes were awkward, and she saw a photo album on Lu Huai’s desk.

The album unfolds and stays on one of the pages.

Ye Chu did not consciously walked over.

On the page of the photo album, there is a photo with a small line below.

Auntie, when I was one year old.

It turned out that this is all a photo of the aunt. Ye Chu couldn't help but smile. Turn it down.

The aunt in the photo smiled brightly, like the warm sun in the winter.

But the more he turned back, Ye Chu became more and more worried.

All the photos were parked in one place, and the rest was blank.

Ye Chu was faintly aware of what.

Compared with a few years ago, the aunt’s appearance...

At this time, the door of the study was opened, and Ye Chu looked up and looked at it. Lu Huai stood at the door and looked at her.

"You knew already?"

Lu Huai put this photo album on the desk just to let Ye Chu see it. He wanted to tell her a secret.

Ye Chu brows a wrinkle: "Auntie looks like..."

"You guessed it, the aunt looks different than before."

"This is the housework of the Governor's Office, but I will tell you."

Lu Huai came over and told Ye Chu to sit beside him.

"Sit down and listen to a story."

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