Chapter 662 Aftermath

   Kishimoto Masayoshi and Ida Kamiji had a little more time, so Miyazaki Longjing, who arrived at the headquarters of the Hard Gold Group, was waiting outside to sit and drink coffee.

  Kishimoto Masayoshi still stayed at the base camp in Tokyo, Japan, while Ida Kamiji personally led the team to fly to the front line in Seoul, South Korea. He and Kobayashi Qingzhi were the same in the division of labor when he was shorting Argentina in the first war.

   As soon as the door opened, Kamiji Ida came out. When he saw Miyazaki Longjing, he simply greeted him and left.

   Miyazaki Longjing also just said hello to the other party. Both of them knew each other well, they should ask what they should ask, don't ask what they shouldn't ask, say what they should say, and don't say what they shouldn't say.

   Then, Miyazaki Ryujing walked into the suite of the president's office and met Kishimoto Masayoshi. He found a place to sit down and said straight to the point: "Hard gold e-commerce has turned losses into profits. Can we consider the bonus for the first half of this year?"

   "You came to see me specifically to talk about this one thing, and you want a bonus?" Kishimoto Masayoshi leaned back on the chair and said.

   "For a long time, in the whole group, only our hard-gold e-commerce company has not issued a half-year award. I wondered if this opportunity could be used to boost the morale of the employees."

   The reason why Miyazaki Ryujing wanted to win the approval of the other party was that he knew that once he took the initiative to raise it at a regular high-level meeting on a Monday, there would inevitably be opposition from others.

   At that time, it will inevitably be another quarrel. If you have the president's approval and support, then the next thing will be a matter of course.

   "Wait until the second half of the year." Kishimoto Masayoshi did not agree.

   Miyazaki Longjing saw that he said it simply, and he knew that this matter was completely out of the question. He believed that the president had the president's consideration.

   The other party is not a mean man. When it's time to be rewarded, it will be rewarded. When this should not be rewarded, there will be no reward.

   Although he said he was not waiting for the half-year bonus, the employees of the hard gold e-commerce company were more or less looking forward to it.

   "Rather than focusing on the trivial things, you might as well think about how to greatly improve the actual performance of hard gold e-commerce.

  From the day I put you in full charge of hard gold e-commerce, what I want is for it to become the number one e-commerce platform in Japan, dominating the country’s online shopping business, rather than being the second. "Kishimoto Masayoshi reminded.

   "For now, our hard gold e-commerce is already the largest local online shopping platform in Japan." Miyazaki Longjing blurted out.

   "Then do you think you should sleep on the credit book? Don't forget that there are three companies, eBay Japan, Amazon Japan, and Yahoo Japan.

  Although our hard gold group owns some shares of Amazon and Yahoo, there is still a competitive relationship. Investment is investment, business is business.

  I will not include them in hard gold e-commerce through mergers and acquisitions for the time being. These companies have advantages, and ours has them. The advantages they don't have, we have to have.

  I ask you to vigorously develop your logistics, which is an advantage that they do not have at present, but our advantage. "Kishimoto said calmly.

   "I will lead the hard gold e-commerce business to make persistent efforts to further compete for the broader market share of the Japanese online shopping industry, and to be the veritable number one in Japan." Miyazaki Longjing vowed.

   "I don't need you to express your position here, but I hope that the hard gold e-commerce companies you lead can conscientiously promote this new business.

  At the beginning of the twentieth century, Argentina was considered a developed country. It is the only example in the world that has regressed from a developed country to a developing country.

  Why does this happen in Argentina? One is the chaotic situation in its domestic politics, which has led to the chaos of economic development, and the other is that it missed the historical opportunity of the third scientific and technological revolution.

   What I mean when I say this is that in my opinion, the development trend of shopping in the future is online shopping. Our hard gold group cannot miss such a historical opportunity period for the development of the Internet.

  If you miss it, you can only catch up after you recover. You can only run behind others. Apart from eating ashes, there will be little room for development and profit.

  My attitude towards this online shopping business is consistent, constant, and unchanging, and it will not be the same as Argentina's economic development policy. "

  Kishimoto Masayoshi was serious, but he also thought of Spain. In 2002, Spain embarked on a development path that seemed to be an economic miracle, but it laid the groundwork for an economic crisis to break out in 2011, resulting in a long-term unemployment rate of over 50% among young people in the country .

   The economic crisis that broke out in Spain in the future started with the country's booming real estate construction, which led the government to issue something called the "Labor Reform Law".

On the face of it, if workers' benefits are reduced, there will be more competition among companies, transactions will be more frequent, big bosses will have more money to hire more people, and unemployment will increase Decreased.

   As a result, the demand for labor begins to surge. Reading can't save the Spaniards, and thousands of young Spaniards have abandoned school to devote themselves to construction.

   At the same time, a large number of overseas workers also came to Spain to make money. The essence of a good life in Spain is to buy a house (don’t mistake Europeans for renting a house rather than owning their own property. Renting a house is often the result of not being able to buy a house).

   Buying a house became a trend among the Spaniards at that time. If a Spanish man is disliked by people, especially women, it is because he does not have a house (is it familiar, the importance of buying a house, men do not have a house, and women do not marry).

  In the eyes of the Spaniards at that time, what age were they, and they still rented a house? This is no different from begging (does this sound familiar? In Shanghai, the monthly income is over 10,000, and there is no house, so it is begging).

  As the demand for houses increases, house prices begin to rise. The price of the land has also increased. With such a high profit, it will undoubtedly attract countless speculators, which is commonly known as "real estate speculators" with large capital, and "house bugs" with small capital.

  Spain has built more properties than France, Italy, and Germany combined. Stimulated by real estate, Spain's economy has risen as fast as a rocket.

   On the other hand, most of the ordinary working class in Spain hold SDM (average salary), which is also called "shit-like salary" by Spaniards because it is too low.

  High housing prices and low wages, how can Spaniards afford housing? At this time, the good friend of the people, the bank should come on stage.

  The mortgage can be repaid in installments up to 40 years. As for the guarantee or something, it is completely useless. As long as the Spaniards take the initiative to submit an application to the bank, they can definitely be reviewed and approved and the loan will be released immediately.

  If Spaniards applying for a mortgage are worried about whether house prices will fall, they will surely hear the words that they will never fall (is it familiar again, house prices will only rise).

   For other countries, it is an economic crisis, and for Kishimoto Justice, it is a good opportunity to short other countries and loot a lot of other countries' wealth.

   Of course, this is something else. In addition to Spain, there is also Greece, a European country, which will also become one of the targets of short-selling and looting in the future.

   (end of this chapter)

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