Yun Hua’s brow suddenly frowned.

She looked at Xia Qingyu, who almost narrowed her head into the neckline of the uniform, and whispered, “Why tell me?”

Xia Qingyu’s head was lower, and he did not say a word, rubbing his hands with the corners of his clothes and rubbing them back and forth.

“Ah, isn’t it? Xia Qingyu means, really saw Teacher Xiao tearing your test paper?” Zhan Shibang heard it, and immediately hesitated.

Xia Qingyu, who was so introverted, shuddered a little when he looked at everyone around him.

Yun Hua glanced at Zhan Shibang: “blind why do you shout!”

“Hey, it turns out that your three subjects were really hacked! Grass, can the old woman want a little face? All day, holding a lady on a shelf, she has a proud look!” Zhan Shibang took a sip.

The surrounding students also asked one after another: “Teacher Xiao really tore your other test papers? How can this be done! Too much!”

“Just say, you shouldn’t be our 15 class. Yesterday I went to inquire. Even 1 class didn’t have full marks for math exams! You should have gone to the first class.” English class representative Yu Sheng couldn’t help but say.

Everyone else was nodded, but they didn’t say anything, each and everyone seemed a bit lonely.

“Go and find that old woman! Grass, shameless!” Zhan Shibang stood up and yelled at the Korean Ark, “Brother Han, our 15 class people cannot be bullied like this!”

“People weren’t originally from the 15 class. They weren’t before, and they’re probably not going to be in the future.” Luo Xixi, a member of the entertainment committee, whispered with the rhinestones on his nails.

Zhan Shibang froze, yeah, Yun Hua’s grades have recovered, so she will go to class …

A second later, Zhan Shibang patted the table: “So what! As long as she is in the 15 class, she cannot be bullied by the old woman!”

“Don’t worry, everyone. I’ll fix this.” Yun Hua said, smiling and saying, “Your tasks haven’t finished the CD yet! I’ll go to the Principal.”

“Can you do it alone? We … Oh, let Brother Han be with you!” Zhan Shibang said.

Yun Hua shook his head: “No.”

After speaking, she went outside the classroom.

Behind the scene, Luo Xixi still muttered, “Don’t watch the condom, people will definitely return to 1 class. Besides, even if we don’t do it now, we will go back one hundred before the next exam …”

Yun Hua, who walked to the door of the classroom, couldn’t help looking back.

Xia Qingyu is looking at her, Zhan Shibang is looking at her, Luo Xixi is looking at her, Yu Sheng is looking at her, and many eyes … even Han Fang!

At this moment, Yun Hua felt so uncomfortable in their hearts. They looked at her … as if she left, she would never come back again!


Yun Hua took a deep breath and went to the school’s monitoring room.

“Security big brother, behind the basketball court, I saw a few classmates who seemed to hit the camera with a basketball in the game …”

“A group of bastards, I said how the camera is broken every day!” The security man stood up, raised his baton, and ran out quickly.

These years, the school’s security room management is not strict. These cameras are usually used to prevent thieves and prevent students from undermining public affairs. The monitoring room is on duty alone, most of the time watching TV that’s all.

Having taken away the security guard, Yun Hua immediately rummaged through the video.

She didn’t know how to copy the video from the surveillance, and she didn’t have a large enough USB flash drive at hand. At this time in 06, 128M’s USB flash drive will sell for more than 100 pieces!

But 128M can’t even save a few minutes of video.

Yun Hua didn’t plan to copy the video, too much trouble!

She also wants to be simple and rude!

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