At eight o’clock, class.

The school radio suddenly sounded.

[Schoolwide Notice, Schoolwide Notice: Take everyone’s 5 minutes to announce something! Last Friday 鈥檚 monthly exam, students in the second year of the 15 class achieved very good results in mathematics and physics. However, due to the selfishness of Director He Ming of the 1 class in the second grade, Xia Qingyu, a student who deliberately framed the 15 class, stole the papers! 銆?/p>

[The school did not find out the facts, listened to He Ming’s words, cleared the 15 class results, and made Xia Qingyu’s expulsion. The school expresses its regret for this. I myself, Wu Zheng, also apologized to Xia Qingyu and all students in 15 class! 銆?/p>

[Now that the school leaders have studied and decided to fire He Ming, he will report the bad behavior of He Ming to the Municipal Education Bureau, and strive to expel He Ming, a black sheep, from the teaching team! 銆?/p>

[Student Xia Qingyu from 15 class regained her school status and all tuition and fees were reduced. As long as Xia Qingyu reached the basic score, she was allowed to go straight to the high school section of the school! 銆?/p>

[Cancel the original record of all students in 15 class! 銆?/p>

[Restore the results and rankings of 15 class! The new monthly test results list, everyone can go to the publicity bar after the second lesson! 銆?/p>

[This time, the school is deeply sorry, congratulations to the 15 class students for their good results, and called on all teachers and students to learn from 15 class students! 銆?/p>


Rejoicing, excited, excited …

Various emotions erupted in the hearts of 15 classmates.

Slap the table, howl, sing, and cry.

All students in 15 class are venting their emotions!

All the grievances and pains are now replaced by excitement and happiness!

School bowed its head!

The school actually announced to the teachers and students on the radio that their 15 class results were real, and they did not steal the test papers to cheat!

Xia Qingyu even lay crying on the table.

Everyone did not expect that the fairness Yun Yun said would come so fast!

In fact, the reason why they turned their grief and anger into motivation and studied madly is because they never thought that they could get justice from school!

After all, they are a group of poor students who are holding back, they are poor students abandoned by the school.

They passed the test, not to mention that Teacher and his classmates did not believe it, even the parents of themselves did not believe it!

They never expected to be treated fairly.

What they think of The Only One is to study hard and take good grades again during the mid-term exam. Can the school say they cheated again?

This is how they fight back!

They really didn’t expect to get justice so soon.


They got it!

The school bowed its heads, and the school even publicized the innocence of 15 classes in the school in this way of publicly admitting mistakes!

How can you not be excited?

When Gu Zhun came to the class, the students in the class were carnival.

Seeing Gu Zhun, a few boys rushed up and lifted Gu Zhun up immediately: “Gu Teacher, Gu Teacher, thank you Teacher!”

The whole class started shouting!

Gu Zhun was extremely speechless, and quickly turned over: “Stop and stop, it’s none of my business. I haven’t had time to do it! It’s really not me!”

“Then … is the sister of painting?”

“Where is the elder sister?”

“It seemed that someone had called her out …”

“Who the fuck, who called the sister away. If it wasn’t for Teacher, it must be the sister!”

“I knew that painting sister is really good! If you give us a fairness, give us a fairness. If it is not a day, we will be injustice Zhao Xue! Painting sister is real!”

“Less nonsense, find your sister!”

… 3 even more …

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