5: A girl in the 15 class was identified by the then 1 class director He Ming as stealing the papers.

The school leader had some suspicions in his heart, coupled with the identification of the theft test paper, he immediately took part in the collective cheating of the 15 class!

I really want to pry open the heads of the school leaders. If the papers were stolen, why didn’t English cheat? Why doesn’t Chinese cheat? Just math and physics cheating?

By the way, the 15 class has the first grade and the second age. If they really steal the test papers for their grades, then even if they want to exceed the 1 class, it will not be a problem!

Are all the school leaders completely mindless?

Because of the words of Director He Ming from 1 class, he directly expelled the student who was identified as the “stealing paper” and cleared the monthly test scores of 15 class.

This processing method is really pass like thunder, move like wind.

But after just one day, did he slap?

The video did not explain what happened in the middle, but one day later, the school leader broadcast an entire school announcement, apologized to 15 class, and apologized to the girl who was stigmatized for “stealing the test paper.”

Because there is enough evidence to show that the girl did not steal the test paper, the 15 class results are truly valid!

I really want to say, is this Nanxi Middle School making a TV drama? Even if it is a TV drama, the leading role should be a student. But they stole the limelight of the students. There are so many shows. Each and everyone is a showman!

Is there no one in charge of Jiangxi Education Department and Jiangxi Education Bureau?

A good school has become a smoky thing.

School, is it the stage where the school leaders and some teachers perform? What you want to do, do whatever you want!

In summary: I would like to ask a reasonable explanation about the section!

In addition, talk about positive energy.

In the video, those negative energies were actually taken in a few words and a few shots. I was really angry and I watched it again and again and wrote this long post!

And the real ink in the video is more positive energy!

For example, in the video, the layout of the 15 class was detailed, and the penalty measures for the running circle.

There are also learning methods for 15 classes, which are fully announced in the video, and some people have organized them.

there is a person A very outstanding Teacher gave a high evaluation after reading the learning plan of 15 class! And said that if you stick to this plan, even the poorest students will be able to counterattack!

What moved me the most was that after experiencing so many twists and turns, the 15 class finally ushered in Caihong!

In the mid-term exam a few days ago, they scored third best overall score!

Although the total score ranking did not eliminate 1 and 2 classes, but don’t forget, they were two months ago, but the poorest student in the school’s bottom-most poor student!

The video also interviewed the parents of 15 classmates. Who doesn’t want their children to be good students? It’s really difficult! The sincerity of those parents sounds really touching!

Then it is the most exciting part.

The prizes for the mid-term exams of 15 class turned out to be our living autograph books and all the peripherals that have not yet been released!

aaaaaah, so jealous!

envy, jealousy, hate!

However, I still have to say that they are worthy of such rewards!

I even doubt that the 15 class has a great connection with us. It is believed that the 15 class was also moved by the 15 class, so it was such a great talent to contract all the prizes of the XNUMX class!

It’s so powerful!

PS: The subject is finished. This is the first time I have written a long post. There are too many things to say, and everyone is welcome to speak freely and participate in the discussion together! ——Favorite Han Han is my favorite!

… 2 even more …

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