The last paragraph was not written by Gu Huaiyi, but spoken out.

It’s unbelievable that three years have passed and Gu Huaiyi can repeat it completely!

“Because there were a lot of Journalist present and even live broadcast pictures, Zhang Xinlu’s last words and the picture of him jumping off the building were filmed.”

Gu Huaiyi said, “It should be in another file. I’ll ask someone to find it tomorrow.”

Yun Hua pursed her lips, still a little confused, “Zhang Xinlu is clearly dying, so did you investigate later?”

Gu Huaiyi nodded, “I investigated, but nothing could be investigated. The strongest evidence is the recording. Zhang Xinlu was extorting Kong Yuanjie during the recording, claiming that if he did not give 50 million, Kong Yuanjie would be troubled. . “

Yun Hua is completely imaginable.

Once this recording is in place, Zhang Xinlu will really be extorted and extorted without the support of other evidence.

“But what about Xia Qinyan’s videotape?” Yun Hua asked again. “Her humiliated videotape is always true, you always have to investigate the source of the videotape!”

Gu Huaiyi clenched his fists, he clinching one’s teeth said: “Of course, we need to investigate. But the result of the investigation is that these videotapes appeared as if they were out of thin air, or Zhang Xinlu made somebody himself!”

“…” Yun Hua looked stunned.

“The source of the videotape was not found at all, but Zhang Xinluo recorded a record of remittance to the Swiss bank.” Gu Huai took a deep breath before continuing, “Have you heard of the Elysian Fields organization? EF organization for short, translation To become Chinese means Bliss World. “

Yun Hua has been stuck.

Gu Huai repeatedly said, “If there is a hell in this world, EF is the most real hell. You have the best understanding of EF.”

Yun Hua turned her head and looked towards Bo Siqing, she was shocked to add more.

she was……

She certainly knew what EF was.

After a few years, ordinary people will come into contact with a word called “dark web” through television movies, fakes, arms, killings, and sales confessions … any transaction you can imagine and you can’t imagine will be in the dark. There are the most specific and real manifestations on the Internet.

It is called a heaven of sin.

For many people, they just know from the Film and TV materials that there is such a dark and horrible thing as “Dark Web”, but because people can’t reach it, they think that this kind of thing is far away from everyone, and it is a bit unreal.

But ten years later, a very famous model kidnapping case, the model was kidnapped and auctioned … This incident caused a sensation in the whole world, and also made the term “dark web” instantly in the whole world It spread, and it really caught people’s attention.

At the same time, the EF organization has also entered the public’s sight. This organization named after “Elysium World” is actually a paradise for criminals and a hell for victims!

Yun Hua looked at Bo Siqing in shock.

She still remembers that Gu Huai said a few people in the video tape communicated in English during the whole process. The content of the exchange was to shoot X-massage-themed films on Xia Qinyan.

And this is exactly the most common and common one in dark web transactions. It is sexual, violent, and bloody … it is the favorite of many perverted buyers.

Yun Hua looked up towards Gu Huaiyi again: “Zhang Xinlu’s remittance was remitted to EF? You mean, those people who want to shoot X-ray killing videotape of Xia Qinyan, Zhang Xinlu is the buyer behind the scene? Is Zhang Xinlu a film Director all these things, and then took this video tape to blackmail Kong Yuanjie? “

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