Back in Jiangxi City, Yun Hua resumed normal life again.

After the mid-term exam, she didn’t even see her results, so she went to participate in training, and later went to D city F province to participate in the competition, which took about a month.

Even if she didn’t go to school for such a long time, her academic performance did not fall at all.

Training is a physical exercise, learning is a mental exercise, and writing. It did make her messy at first, but this is not the first time. After she is used to this pace of life, she is very good at whatever she does. effectiveness.

The most important thing is that she is not really a fifteen-year-old girl and easily distracted by various things. She has the willpower and concentration that ordinary people cannot reach.

When she was doing something, she was very attentive, such as studying and reviewing. What others might take an hour to complete, she could do it in at most half an hour.

The reason is very simple. Most people have procrastination. They have to write homework. First wipe the table, then prepare pens and draft paper, and rubber rulers …

One third of time is spent just preparing.

I finally started to write, write a question, and when I erased, I suddenly found that the eraser was very fragrant. Well, write a few words on the eraser … Well, the writing is not good, erase it and rewrite it …

For the same amount of work, some students can complete it in half an hour, and some students can’t figure it out in three hours.

It’s really a matter of efficiency.

Normally intelligent people may take only ten minutes to recite a text carefully; but if they are half-hearted, they can’t finish that half an hour.

Yun Hua never considers herself a genius. Her IQ is indeed not low, which is high among normal people, but low before genius.

Her brain advantage lies in memory and logical analysis.

Her biggest strength is her focus and persistence.

Anyone who is successful may not be smart, but he must be focused and persistent!

Back on campus, Yun Hua felt the air was so fresh.

Those who miss the campus life in particular are generally “old” young people.

I do n’t have a chance to return to life. I feel particularly restrained and uncomfortable when I go to school, but I really entered the society, but I miss the campus life.

Yun Hua is so lucky to have a second chance, she really cherishes campus life.

Han Fangzhou and Ye Qingmeng also passed.

Everyone knows the truth.

Han Fangzhou was not a murderer, he was protecting Ye Qingmeng.

“Han Fang broke his leg with father. Aunt and Nono were in the hospital at the time. He was drunk and didn’t go to the hospital. He also found a swindler to apply plaster to him … It took too long, It was late when I arrived at the hospital, and my calves were necrotic. “

Zhan Shibang sighed, “One leg was amputated. Not only that, but liver cirrhosis was also detected, and the whole person’s energy was much worse than before.”

Such a person, Yun Hua could not sympathize, “As long as he no longer causes trouble for Aunt and Nono.”

Zhan Shibang nodded: “It won’t cause much trouble. Brother Han will be out in more than two months …”

Then, Zhan Shibang couldn’t help but glance at Yun Hua.

Yun Hua pursed her lips, not knowing what to say.


At this time, the detention center.

In the reception room.

Bo Siqing and Han Ark sat opposite each other.

Han Fang sentenced him to detention. He was detained during the review phase and the final sentence came one day at a time.

So the six-month detention actually counted from the day he was arrested. There are more than two months to go out.

Bo Siqing, not The Only One, came to visit Han Ark.

It’s The Only One. Han Fang promised to meet!

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