Oh——Fxxk!!! This is it???

The picture on the screen made Ethan a little unbelievable.

I told you this stuff is easy!

Evelin replied proudly: The light gun reaction is a technology from the 1920s! The photoelectric movement is a skill that has been mastered by engineers many years ago! The so-called electronic games are just a combination of these mature technologies. It’s just together, it’s not a big innovation.”

Can I play with it now?

Ethan turned his head suddenly and looked at Evelin expectantly.

At this moment, he didn't want to listen to any technical lectures at all!

He just wants to take the joystick and have a go!

You know, this is 1975!

The thing in front of him is not a future software game, but pure physical charm!


Ethan's joy made Evelin very happy.

As an engineer, there is nothing more satisfying than having your work recognized by others.

Wait a moment, I'll take the joystick.

As she spoke, Evelin cut off the power supply again.

After connecting the wiring left on the circuit board to the existing rocker, she turned it back on.

This time, the TV screen stopped flickering.

Holding the rough rocker, the silver object, which is no longer than a fingernail, is too small.

Since the joysticks of this era are mechanically composed of connecting rods and joysticks, they cannot perform rotational movements and can only swing repeatedly. Therefore, if you want to play games, you must use both hands at the same time, one to move left and right, and the other to move up and down.

But that's not important, right?

Ethan has already played with a Nokia candy bar machine, and this small joystick is so easy to control!

In less than two minutes, Ethan has already started.

As he fiddled with it, the little white snake moved smoothly on the screen. Every time it ate a 'food', its body would grow longer. When the dark world was completely occupied by light, the entire game also moved forward. The end...


Looking at the dark screen, Ethan clenched his right fist and waved it hard!

This is what I wanted! This is great!

Evelin! Thank you! I really love you to death!

He threw off the joystick, opened his arms, hugged Evelin excitedly, and spun around in circles a few times.


The sudden enthusiasm caught Evelin off guard and let out an exclamation.

But her genuine enthusiasm filled her face with a happy smile.

When she landed again, she was panting and flipped her hair, laughing and said: Okay! Okay! Ethan! I know you are very satisfied! But next time when you celebrate, can you not hug me and spin around in circles? ?My head...is so dizzy!

Okay, I'll try my best!

Ethan nodded very casually and said at the same time: But I don't know if I can control it. After all, this is so exciting!

Of course Ethan is excited, because Snake is not only a game, but also means countless Mane!

In other places, money may not be everything.

But in America, a country where everything can be traded, money is God!

Everyone doesn’t love green and beautiful knives!

However, just when Ethan wanted to say something else, the sound of dong dong dong suddenly appeared.

Such a sound made Ethan frown slightly, a little surprised, but Evelin tilted her head and whispered: Thomas.

Sure enough, when she opened the interior door from the garage to her home, Thomas walked in, wearing pajamas.

There was endless anger on his face, which was the eruption of a volcano after a clear dream was disturbed.

Children! It's already midnight! Why are you still so noisy!

Evelin, I know that today is the weekend and you don't have to go to school tomorrow. Ethan, I also know that you are unemployed and don't have to go to work. But me! Your father! I have to go to the orchard tomorrow morning. !”

Although this year's spring oranges have been picked! But they will bloom and bear fruit again soon! I'm very busy, okay!

I know you guys made up! I'm glad! But now it's bedtime!

We'll talk about it tomorrow if you have anything to do, so now get out of here and get out!!!

The spittle stars all over the sky made Ethan and Evelin look at each other.

The next second, the two of them raised their eyebrows and shrugged.

The tacit understanding of the catharsis made them burst into laughter, and then they quickly packed their things and left the garage under Thomas's death gaze. When they went upstairs, the two of them greeted him cordially.

Good night, Uncle Thomas~

I love you, Dad~


However, no matter how sweet their words were, they were answered with a dull sound of the door closing.

The two of them didn't take it seriously, after all, they did have a bit of a row just now.

When they arrived at the door of their bedroom, they also said good night to each other.

See you tomorrow, Evelyn.

Ethan smiled and waved.

See you tomorrow, Ethan.

Evelin leaned against the door and said, Don't call me before nine o'clock. I want to sleep a little longer.

You are the boss.

Ethan agreed.

The other person's lazy look made him a little curious, How do you know I have something to ask you for tomorrow?

Because I'm a genius!

Evelin made a face, and then said: Last night, no, if you look at it at this time, it should be the night before yesterday. The circuit diagram I rushed out the night before yesterday had many flaws. I only designed the game process. Photoelectric reaction, nothing else, so you must let me make up for it.

Okay, I admit you are a genius. Ethan nodded and said, Good night.

Hehe~Good night~

Just as Evelin said, the Snake game Ethan just played was actually very rough.

There is no entry interface, no background music, no operating sound effects, and no scoring marks.

Apart from pure game content, there is nothing else that can help players play better.

If placed in the 21st century, what Evelin made could only be regarded as a semi-finished product.

But now...

Just one successful game process can already be called perfect.

Ethan believed that as long as Evelin was given enough time, this technically savvy sister would be able to turn a circuit board into a game console. And this is also true. After waking up the next day, Evelin came to ask Ethan about his complete needs, and then she began to increase or decrease according to Ethan's idea.

She first redid three circuit boards labeled 1.2.3. to hold the game's start interface.

When the main circuit board marked 1 starts running, the Snake Game game logo will be displayed on the TV screen, and circuit board No. 2 will be powered on at the same time to start the background music.

Then, once the circuit board marked 3 detects the player's coin input by physical pressing, the power supply to the original No. 4 circuit board will be turned on, allowing the machine to enter the game interface.

And this No. 4 circuit board was also modified by Evelin.

Originally, this circuit board directly adopted the NTSC standard, wrapping the periphery of the pixel area with 640 pixels in the horizontal direction and 480 pixels in the vertical direction to act as a wall. However, after the modification, the game interface was reduced accordingly, and the top part was fixed. In the upper right corner of the game name, there is a score display.

Every time the player controls the snake to eat a piece of food, the light source point of the snake will increase by one point, and at the same time, the counter will start counting through discharge. When the player's level can be intuitively represented by scores, doesn't the fun of the game come?

Because it stimulates people to compare.

Of course, in addition to the change in the interface, circuit board No. 4 is also connected to a music circuit board. It took Ethan a long time to record the sound of himself eating an apple. Now, every time the little snake eats, there is a sound in the speaker. There will be a clicking sound.

After all the core components were completed, a week had actually passed.

Next, Ethan spent more than a day putting a shell on them.

It was a standing 'big refrigerator'. If I had to describe it, it was actually very similar to the self-service payment machine of the future.

With the arrival of April 13, 1975, this arcade machine with Snake Game printed on it finally came out.

Looking at the simple but not ugly guy with green paint, Ethan was very satisfied.

At last I didn't embarrass the fellow villagers.

He patted the guy on the back of the head.

what are you saying?

In the past week, I had been studying during the day and building machines at night. I was almost exhausted, but Evelin, who was very happy, didn't understand.

Nothing. Ethan replied with a smile, What I want to say is that the next step is to sell it.

Evelin, who had known about this step for a long time, was not surprised, but she also had something to say about Ethan's eagerness.

No, before that, there is one more thing.

The words in the father's tone made Ethan startled, What?

Mi Luohua. Evelin said the name of Ethan's former company.

Oh! This reminder made Ethan suddenly realize.

He smiled and nodded: Yes, there is one more thing. We need to find a lawyer first to solve the damn copyright issue!


Ethan's reaction made Evelin very satisfied, and this time, it was her turn to snap her fingers.

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