Rebirth Of Medicine

Chapter 202: true and false

Chapter 202 True and False

In Jiankang's Gu family house, Gu Changchun and all the people gathered in the hall.

"Eighteen Niang's three million taels of silver has arrived..." Gu Changchun said in a deep voice. Since returning from the capital, his spirit has improved. Although his eyes are still muddy, his inside is firm.

Everyone looked slightly happy, and they talked in low voices.

"I don't know the time for the remaining silver..."

"Yes, now our bank is still being run on continuously. Three million taels will not last a few days..."

"Everyone, go and collect money again..." Huang Shiying said, "No matter what you do, it will last five days... This time it's up to everyone to live or die..."

"Always plan for the worst in everything, patriarch, what if Shiba Niang's money is not available or not enough?" an older man asked with a worried expression.

This is everyone’s worry. Although the glaring sight of the four large boxes of silver coins in the hall is still deeply impressed in everyone’s minds, Gu Shiba Niang is a teenage girl after all. In case of an accident...

"Grandpa Clan..." There was a shout outside the door, and two people rushed in, "Here is here..."

Gu Changchun stood up abruptly, with unconcealable tension in his voice.

"Come?" he asked.

"Silver...Silver..." The visitor wanted to cry and laugh, "Miss Eighteen's silver is here..."

This sentence made the depressed hall violently boil.

"Go..." Gu Changchun took the lead and walked out quickly.

When the crowd stood at the door, they saw two large carts pulling in the silver box.

"This is two million taels..." Gu Changchun said tremblingly, and waved a big hand, "Okay, hurry, divide it to each semicolon..."

"Grandpa patriarch..." The visitor carried another letter, "This is a letter from the young lady..."

Gu Changchun hurriedly reached out to take it, and couldn't wait to open it, his face changed involuntarily.

"This...this..." His voice hesitated.

"What's the matter?" Huang Shiying and others asked afterwards, their expressions becoming worried.

"Let's see if these things she said are too..." Gu Changchun passed the letter to them and sighed, "This is too risky..."

After reading the letter, everyone looked hesitant.

"All semicolons are not closed?"

"Send the interest of those big accounts who haven't paid the silver yet?"

"Also tell those big customers who need to withdraw the bank to make arrangements in advance?"

"How can this be?"

"We are not enough at all...If one person mentions us, we have a little more chance..."

"This...we are worried about the number of people who are paying for the silver, why are we still rushing to ask someone to pay for it?"

"Absurd and absurd..."

"She doesn't know how to direct her children..."

"Patriarch, love and justice return to love, but you can't let her do anything wrong..."

Everyone, you and I talk together.

"Stop arguing." Gu Changchun raised his hand to stop everyone, and said in a deep voice, "I promised Shiba Niang that this is her money, how to use it, how to do it, everything is only her head..."

Because the Gu family’s bank is on the verge of collapse, and the entire Gu family is also on the verge of collapse at any time. If it weren’t for Gu Shiba Niang’s move this time, they would have begun to be detained by the government to check their assets.

When a dead horse is a living horse doctor, you have to give it a try. After some calculations, survival becomes the highest pursuit, and everyone reaches an unprecedented agreement.

"Patriarch, we listen to you." They said in unison.

"Then follow the instructions in the letter from the Eighteen Mothers." Gu Changchun turned around and looked around at the crowd. "Ten days, as long as we survive ten days, our Gu family will escape..."

Soon, every bank in the Gu family was filled with shining money. The guys who were slow to act no matter how they scolded seemed to be full at once, and quickly took over the bank notes with a full smile. Give out white and colorful silver.

At the same time, those big households who had deposited large sums of money in the Gu family bank received this year's interest cash, and at the same time they also presented a deposit slip with the seal of the Gu family bank.

Several semicolons that had closed their doors and posted their business closures have also opened their doors, and no one will refuse to withdraw money.

This sudden series of actions shook the rumors that the Gu family bank had no money.

"This is called playing with a stone mortar..."

In the private room of the best inn in Yangzhou, Xin Chaoyang and Gu Bainiang sat opposite each other.

"Of course, this is not about trying to face and suffer... One is to stabilize people's hearts, and the other is to prevent outsiders from seeing how old they are..." He continued with a smile.

"Thank you." Gu Shiba Niang raised her eyes and smiled slightly.

"You're welcome, it's not for nothing..." Xin Chaoyang smiled.

"It depends on the payment, I remember." Gu Shiba Niang nodded and said.

Xin Chaoyang smiled, took a sip of his tea, looked at Gu Shiba Niang who was still dignified in his eyes, and suddenly asked: "Those things you said to your cousin, which ones are true or false?"

Gu Shiba Niang bowed her head to eat tea.

"True and false are important, what is important is the result..." she replied lightly.

Xin Chaoyang smiled and did not ask any more, and poured a cup of tea by himself.

"The IOU for borrowing one million taels of silver has been settled, and the young master also made a special trip because I was afraid that I would fall back on the bill?" Gu Shiba Niang asked.

"I don't worry about you because of such a big thing." Xin Chaoyang replied with a plastic surgery.

Gu Shiba Niang glanced up at him.

Xin Chaoyang smiled, "I came to Yangzhou to open a semicolon..."

"Which sentence is true?" Gu Shiba Niang asked with a faint smile.

"True or false is important?" Xin Chaoyang laughed, "What is important is the result."

"The result is very good. The first three medicines." Gu Shiba Niang shook three fingers at him, "This is the preferential treatment of borrowing silver to eliminate interest. Of course, whatever the medicine money should be counted..."

"Thank you very much..." Xin Chaoyang smiled, "Of course..."

Gu Shiba-niang stopped talking, and the room fell into silence for a while.

"Eighteen mother, what are you going to do next?" Xin Chaoyang did not mean to go, but asked.

"Wait, what else..." Gu Shiba Niang replied, leaning back in the chair.

Coming in a snow-capped boat, and meeting with the major pharmaceutical companies in Yangzhou for several days, she can no longer conceal her tiredness.

"Eighteen mother..." Xin Chaoyang couldn't help but whispered.

"Master, please, I will not send it far away." Gu Shiba Niang said lightly.

"There are more and more big pharmacists...but it's not enough. Don't say that if you change to your master, if you are here, you will not say this sentence..." Xin Chaoyang laughed.

"That's different..." Gu Shiba Niang sighed slightly and glanced at him, "I accept your love..."

Xin Chaoyang pursed his lips, didn't speak, and didn't mean to stand up. Instead, he looked at Gu Shiba Niang again with a trace of pity in his eyes.

"Eighteen mother..." he called again softly.

Gu Shiba Niang hummed and looked at him, "Please speak."

Xin Chaoyang smiled at her and shook his head, "It's okay."

Gu Shiba Niang glanced at him with joy and anger, and withdrew her gaze.

"Eighteen Niang..." Xin Chaoyang said again.

Gu Shiba Niang sits upright and looks over after a plastic surgery, her brows are already faintly angry.

"Then I will leave first." Xin Chaoyang smiled, stood up, and left without waiting for her to speak.

Lingbao came from the side and handed her a hot towel.

Gu Shiba Niang took it and gently applied it on the face for a moment.

"Lingbao, let's go." She stood up and said.

"Where to go?" Lingbao asked hurriedly.

"I have done what I should do here, now I am returning to Jiankang," Gu Shiba Niang said, taking a deep breath and smiling bitterly, "Besides, we won't have money to settle the bill if we stay here..."

Ling Bao bowed his head silently, and answered yes.

When Gu Shibaniang entered Jiankang, there was a little excitement. Gu Changchun personally sent someone to pick it up, and the Jiankang drug dealers who received the news were naturally not behind. There was another person who followed Gu Shibaniang into the Gu family mansion. There was a tight-looking car, the carriage passed by, and a stamp was stamped out on the road, showing that the things on the car were very important.

This is the first time Gu Shiba Niang came back since that time, but the treatment was completely different from when she came from Xianren County, and everyone smiled respectfully wherever she went.

"Miss?" Lingbao noticed that her expression was different, only when she was tired, he asked in a low voice with concern.

Gu Shiba Niang raised her hand and gently wiped the light from the corner of her eyes, this is the love of the world, the love of the world, whether you obey or resent, struggle or humble, it is always here, watching coldly, life and death for generations Never stop dying.

Seeing the silver car driving into the backyard, Gu Changchun finally sighed and looked at the girl sitting quietly eating tea.

"Eighteen mother, five million taels of silver is about to run out, you see..." someone couldn't help asking first.

"How much is there on the number?" Gu Shiba Niang asked with a smile.

"The total number is still twenty thousand taels..."

"I still have five thousand taels..."

"I only have ten thousand taels, but someone has already mentioned it..."

Everyone looked at Gu Shiba Niang eagerly.

"No hurry," Gu Shiba Niang smiled, putting down the tea cup.

"Eighteen mother is tired, go to rest first." Huang Shiying said, and without waiting for everyone to speak, she got up and led the way. "Your house has not been lived, and there is no time to clean up. Let me go coldly."

"Then disturbing the third grandma..." Gu Shiba Niang smiled, stood up, no longer being polite, walked to the door to watch the house full of hot, restless and anxious eyes and stopped again, "Right, a few days later, There is still money to come. It should be to walk the pier. Everyone will send someone to watch."

This sentence caused the room to boil suddenly, Gu Shiba Niang smiled and followed Huang Shiying.

When I left, I couldn’t go out. Seeing that my savings were declining, more and more people came to ask for money. Even Gu Changchun couldn’t sit still anymore. I came here a few times. Taking a bath is just sleeping....

"She was injured..." Huang Shiying said euphemistically.

With the strong return of Gu Shiba Niang this time, news about her spread widely among the clan, and the thrilling story of the Great Medicine Society is the most popular story.

Gu Changchun sighed, "This time... I worked hard for her..." He shook his head gently, "Unexpectedly...Unexpectedly... This time it was her who worked hard..."

Huang Shiying nodded silently.

"However, the time limit for the government to withdraw silver is coming. This is a huge amount..." Gu Changchun dispelled the complex emotions in his heart, facing the major events, and said in a deep voice.

"Well, she woke up and I went to talk to her." Huang Shiying nodded.

Gu Changchun stopped staying, got up to say goodbye, and walked out of Huang Shiying's house. Several elders from the clan ran over.

Gu Changchun coughed heavily, and several old men blushed and stopped their feet.

"Patriarch, someone from the government..." they whispered with some panic.

Gu Changchun's feet couldn't help but feel soft, here comes...

"I'm afraid, it's not that I have no money..." He took a deep breath, glared at a few people, and adjusted his clothes, "Go..."

When I entered the hall, I saw that there was only one man standing tall, wearing casual clothes instead of official clothes. When I saw Gu Changchun coming in, they saluted each other with smiles.

"Master Lu, I'll be negligent, so I will pretend to have some money and give it to you..." Gu Changchun said without any gossip.

Master Lu smiled and waved his hand, "Don't worry, don't worry..."

Gu Changchun only regarded his words as polite.

"My lord has said that when the spring begins, I will bring it together with the spring silver issued by the court..." Master Lu continued.

Gu Changchun was stunned immediately, thinking that he had heard it wrong, and couldn't help asking again.

"That's right..." Master Lu said with a meaningful smile, "Don't be in a hurry, Sir, please feel at ease."

Gu Changchun finally understood, and couldn't help shaking. This is because the government specially let them go and did not participate in this run. They left them with a few months of time. Don't underestimate these months. That is The difference between life and death.

"Thank you, my lord.... Thank you, my lord..." Gu Changchun was a little lost and couldn't help holding Master Lu's hand and said with a trembling voice.

"Whatever the old man said, others are fine, but Master Xiao Gu said, can we still believe it?" Master Lu meaningfully patted Gu Changchun's hand and said in a low voice.

At this time, Mr. Gu didn't use his words anymore, so Mr. Gu was little...

"Yes... It's Yu'er and he..." Gu Changchun couldn't help asking.

"Yu'er?" Master Lu was startled, then shook his head and smiled, "It's Gu Hai, Master Gu Hanzhi..."

"Brother Hai?" Gu Changchun was taken aback, somewhat unexpected and somewhat unspeakable.

"Our prefects once had a good teacher and student relationship with Lee University Scholar..." Mr. Lu said in a low voice, with a deep sigh, "... My lord has always been ashamed..."

Bachelor of Li, the examiner who Gu Hai tried his best to offend Zhu Chunming and the emperor, and almost died for it.

Gu Changchun was a little lost, and thanked him again and again to personally send Master Lu away. He sat down in the hall by himself, and sat down until the night covered the whole hall without moving.

Gu Yu of Yangzhou quickly got the news. In fact, he knew everything about Gu Shiba Niang and the Gu family.

He was still sitting in the large and comfortable study room, but his expression was not as relaxed as before. He frowned slightly, tapping his fingers on the tabletop, and when the night came, he sat upright.

"The beauty of thinking, I don't think you have all the benefits," he whispered, and then raised his voice, "Come on."

A guard came in silently from outside the door and bowed his head in response.

"Go, send the order, the boat can go down the river." Gu Yu said slowly.

" The guard didn't ask much, and immediately turned around.

Three days later, all the deposits in the Gu family bank were used up. Although the number of people running was much less, there were still people coming to cash the silver. The people who had been unable to see Shiba Niangmian were really anxious to death.

"It doesn't matter, let's go to the treasury to get the money. Anyway, Miss Eighteen is for us to use..." someone stamped their feet.

Before I finished speaking, I heard a shout outside the door.

"Master Yu has found the cargo ship, Master Yu, the delivery boat has arrived at the pier. There are goods and money to pick up."

The crowd roared, no longer looking for Gu Shiba Niang's money, and swarmed to the dock.

"It's finished..." After receiving the news, Gu Shiba Niang sat on the chair with one foot, her red eyes, and finally closed.

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