Chapter 507

“That island, he was going to take ownership of him alone, and at the same time, he got the plot of land for us over there…” The rabbit glanced at Kovarubi again, “So When preparing to clean up the president, Kaka is going to clean up even you. Otherwise, he won’t get anything. If you succeed in kidnapping, then…”

The rabbit stared at Xie Kai with a smile on his face, making the hairs on Xie Kai’s back stand up.

Xie Kai is indeed a good ticket. Even if he kidnapped him and extorted 100 million dollars, he still has to be given.

Looking for mercenaries to rescue?

Xie Kai didn’t dare to find Liao Dong and the others. After all, Liao Dong and the others are good at kidnapping and other things. However, Xie Kai never mentioned about rescuing hostages, nor did they conduct such training. They were armed police The troops need to do it.

In the domestic People’s Liberation Army, special training focuses on collecting intelligence and combat operations, while counter-terrorism and hostage rescue are performed by special forces in the domestic security forces such as the armed police.

“So, are we being used?” Xie Kai asked the rabbit.


Xie Kai turned to look at Kovarubi, who looked at Xie Kai anxiously, unable to understand Chinese, which was terrible.

“Mr. Minister, I think we should have a good talk.” Xie Kai’s face became serious. “Our first cooperation was to make money, but now you are monopolizing the profit for one person…”

Kovarubi didn’t expect that Xie Kai would know things so quickly.

“Thank you, once Kaka gets more money, he will definitely be active more frequently. At the beginning, he joined President Mwini as a stopgap measure. Therefore, the land acquisition on San Island is progressing very quickly, and he will appear on the road. Such a thing…” Kovarubi explained hurriedly, “If thousands of armed forces are stationed on San Island, what will happen?”

Zanzibar Island originally had no decent military power.

If there are thousands of mercenaries stationed on the island, once the mercenaries unite with the rebels in Zanzibar, this will be a very headache.

Tanzania is inherently poor. If there is a war, it is impossible to take advantage of thousands of islands defended by Chinese mercenaries. Heavy equipment is not available, and there is no huge navy. Even the entire Tanzania mainland will be transformed by the war. It has to be like other countries.

“This is what the President doesn’t want to see, and what your government doesn’t want to see.” At this point, Kovarubi’s face is full of seriousness. “In addition, our President wants to see you and talk to you. The question of cooperation.”

“Did you tell Mwini?” Xie Kai didn’t know if this guy was stupid or smart.

He also wants to cooperate with the country, so that it will be more convenient for mercenaries to act.

But Tanzania is a sovereign country.

“Including this time Kaka’s operation, we all know. There are not many people dispatched by the 32nd battalion in South Africa, and the elites are all used to murder the president. On your side, if the river crab mercenary group can’t handle it, between us Cooperation, there is not much need, at least it will not expand the scale.” Kaka said without hesitation.

Xie Kai’s anger rose sharply.

It’s no wonder that this product arrived so quickly, and they knew the feelings before.

In order to test the strength of Liao Dong and others, he actually took risks with his own life. If he died, he would be dead in vain!

“The president began to plan economic reforms when he came to power. This is difficult to be effective. Our country’s resources are not as rich as other countries, and agricultural production does not have much prospects for development… If the army can support itself, it will let the government reduce A lot of pressure.” Kovarubi ignored Xie Kai’s cannibalistic eyes, but continued earnestly, “This is the best opportunity for the crab mercenary group to cooperate with our Ministry of Defense. They can station directly in The barracks can even mobilize some of our domestic heavy weapons, such as fighter planes and tanks, to provide military training, security, etc. to surrounding countries…”

“Is this really what your president meant?” Xie Kai didn’t believe it.

Surprises always come so suddenly.

Once it cooperates with the Tanzanian Ministry of National Defense, the entire Africa can provide sufficient security services. Whoever pays the money can directly call the Tanzanian army.(Read more @

This is very similar to the world’s largest private armed EO company that has not yet been established. If it does, this company will become a good company for making money.

The EO company is very mysterious. Although many people speculate that this company is probably one of the 32 plus subsidiaries of the South African Strategic Resources Company, one of the reasons is that the subsidiary company of the Strategic Resources Company provides air transportation services to the EO company under the cover of providing air transportation services. Air support.

When the company was the largest, it had 5,000 personnel. Military experts came from South Africa, North America, Europe, New Zealand, and Australia, and the source of troops was veterans from South Africa and Namibia.

After the 1990s, the EO company’s business was very prosperous.

In 1994, EO sent a small, fast-deployed mercenary force with good air protection and armor. It quelled the Rwanda crisis within a few days and easily earned tens of millions of dollars.

Since the civil strife broke out in Sierra Leone in 1991, the rebels have attacked fiercely and the government forces have been retreating steadily. In desperation, the government signed a two-year contract with EO in 1995. EO sent 300 mercenaries to assist the government forces in combat. Within a few months, the rebels were crushed and had to sign a peace agreement with the government. And EO company accounts for 1.2 million US dollars every month, and also obtains a large amount of mining rights for diamond mines.

Help Papua New Guinea to encircle and suppress the 9-year-old rebels of independence. Although the Pakistani government had a coup d’etat and the contract was interrupted, EO still made a high profit of 36 million U.S. dollars.

In June 1998, the Angolan rebels agreed to negotiate after the EO company helped the government army fight for two years and suffered heavy losses. The Angolan government paid a total of US$60 million.

Xie Kai is very familiar with these things.

These are all positive things. If you add in the shameful things of EO and help the rebels to overthrow the government, the profit will be so high that you don’t know where it is going.

Xie Kai originally used mercenaries, but to get back the Soviet legacy.

But now it seems that this magical land of Africa has completely opened its arms to him, and rich profits are in front of him.

The crab mercenary group exists, what else can EO company do?

The reason why I chose Lake Tanganyika is to find business for mercenaries. The civil war in Angola will have to be fought for many years; and in the near future, riots will occur in nearby Rwanda and Burundi, especially Rwandan ethnic The massacre shocked the entire world.

The source of troops is very important.

It is impossible to provide troops in China all the time. Once the government knows about it, Xie Kai will not be able to support all kinds of weapons in the future.

So, he pulled the Iraqis in.

Although the combat capability of Iraqi soldiers is not very good, they are much better than the black brothers who are lazy and can’t control their crotch in Africa, aren’t they? Don’t Tanzania still provide troops?

Thinking of this prospect, Xie Kai’s saliva flowed down.

“Thanks, thanks…” Seeing Xie Kai’s drool, Kovarubi yelled several times without getting a reply, and stretched out his hand and shook in front of Xie Kai’s eyes.

“When will your president have time?” Xie Kai asked directly. “He is not afraid of mercenaries overthrowing his regime?”

As for the Kaka matter, I don’t bother to ask.

Anyway, he didn’t care about himself, even the other party was too lazy to care about himself.

“I’m afraid, so I need to talk to you, otherwise, no… and even if you have established a mercenary camp here, you will always be monitored. It is even more impossible for you to bring in heavy equipment.” Ruby didn’t deny it at all.

No one is not worried.

Especially the Tanzanian army, they all learned from the People’s Liberation Army, even if they only learned a little bit, even Gaddafi’s army was overwhelmed.

Thousands of the most elite mercenaries from China are in Tanzania, who can’t be afraid?

“Go to Dudoma?” Xie Kai didn’t bother to talk to him.

“No, right here, the president will come to see you this afternoon.” Kovarubi’s words made Xie Kai a little flattered.

It was frightened. If the communication with Mwini can achieve a satisfactory result, it is also very good.

“Don’t be too happy, why did they do this? Although Mwini is Nyerere’s designated successor, he prefers Western countries, especially the United Kingdom…” Xie Kai told Liao Dong about the matter. However, Liao Dong was not happy, “Especially the army of their country also participated. Have you ever thought about the consequences if mercenaries control their army?”

Liao Dong’s analysis surprised Xie Kai.

He considered the prospects instead of thinking deeply about the impact of such cooperation.

“In many countries, the government does not welcome mercenaries. In particular, there are notorious mercenaries like the 32nd Battalion. During the battle, they kill whoever pays the money, and even shoot at civilians who don’t have any threats… “Liao Dong lit a cigarette.

“Don’t you stop smoking?”

“The pressure is too high. It doesn’t matter if I die by myself, but I can’t care about the lives of those brothers. The larger the scale, the more tasks we have, and the more people will die… this time In Afghanistan, we did make millions of dollars. That is something we didn’t even think about before, but what about death and wounded brothers?” Liao Dong’s question made Xie Kai unable to answer.

Originally for the country, now it is for them personally.

“If you don’t want to, you can stop now. I will find a way to re-arrange your identities.” Xie Kai lit a cigarette again.

He did not see the gunfight last night, not even the body.

However, he had already noticed the distortion of the rabbit. He couldn’t stand it just by slashing a finger, let alone being in a bloody sea of ​​corpses every day, in an environment where he could lose his life at any time.

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