Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 325: Special Episode: Ultraman N

Are you ready? 3, 2, 1, start!

At the command, the actor wearing a shadow mask released the iron rod he was holding in his hands and fell to the ground. There were people on both sides throwing gravel and soil, creating an astonishing landing scene.

And just on the opposite side, the actor wearing a monster leather suit looked up to the sky and made a roaring gesture, and rushed forward with cumbersome steps.

The obstructive leather holster obviously couldn't present any exciting fights. The monster just waved its claws blindly and opened its mouth to spit out fireballs.

The Gaiying wearing a leather sheath kept turning over, as if he was really trying his best to avoid the non-existent fireball.

After the filming of a battle scene, the holster actors on both sides breathed a sigh of relief, took off the holsters on their upper bodies, and gasped for air.

Although today's technology has become extremely advanced, leather cases are rarely stuffy and airtight like before, but it is indeed not easy to perform stunts while wearing this thing.

Really, I didn't even plan to be a leather actor. If it wasn't for that guy Qinglian who kept pulling and pulling me, who would have come back? Zhu Xingluo complained.

Okay, just restrain your grievances. Qinglian Keiichi patted his shoulder and said, We can't let Gai Ying fight in obscurity in that world. We must give the light he conveys to everyone who watches Austria. Terman’s people.”

However, the human body this time is really not Koshizaki Rō. That guy will be greatly shocked if he finds out. Although Zhu Xingluo's words were sympathetic, he had a gloating smile.

I arranged for him to appear as a former senior in the human body... Abe Hongyan said seriously as he also noticed the abnormality.

After all, this is a story that happened in a parallel world. You can't say that I'm being difficult, right?

Qinglian Keiichi seemed to have just come back to his senses from his thoughts, nodded and said: Ah, yes, yes.

Abe Hongyan looked at Qinglian Keiichi with suspicious eyes. He always felt that there was something wrong with this sentence, but he couldn't find any fault.

Xinxing Mian was sitting in the living room, looking at the TV in front of him expectantly as he did when he was a child. This was Gai Ying's first Ultraman work after they left this world, and it even made him regain the excitement he felt sitting in front of the TV waiting for the show to start.

The EPU team members and fighter planes flashed one by one, followed by the personnel list. The new song was similar to the opening theme of Ultraman Geiying, but it had an extra light feeling.

The last piece of music fell, and in the center of the screen, a huge figure emitting light rotated its body. The golden light energy fell on the center of the screen, forming the words Ultraman N.

A deep male voice sounded, accompanied by scenes of Ultraman Geying fighting enemies one after another.

Twenty years ago, Ultraman Geying defeated the most powerful enemy in history, the evil god Claire, who brought the end to the world.

After that, Ultraman Able stayed on Earth for a long time and solved the residual impact of Claire's energy. There are still new challenges waiting for Ultraman Geiying.

The peaceful life did not continue. After Ultraman Albert also left the earth, a new crisis has quietly arrived.

The scene shifted to the combat command room of the Japanese branch, where a somewhat unfamiliar-looking team member was eagerly reporting.

A monster appears in area f3. No record of the same species appearing in the archives has been found. It is a brand new monster.

Before Fujii Takihiko could speak, he continued.

A second energy source appeared, matching the energy waveform in the file! The registration code is... Ultraman Geying?!

The originally calm Fujii Takihiko suddenly turned his head, with a bit of surprise and hesitation. The words almost blurted out of his mouth, but were forcibly suppressed in his heart.

Is Gai Ying back? Is it Lang?

The picture taken by the satellite was quickly transferred to the screen. What came into view was not Ultraman Geying, who had defeated countless powerful enemies, but a huge stone statue.

In the lower body of the stone statue, there is also a tower-like object composed of light particles that is slowly dissipating.

Fujii Takihiko took a deep breath to calm down, then turned around and said: Ignore the stone statue of Ultraman Hide for now. Units 1, 2, and 3 are all dispatched. We must stop the monsters from destroying the city.

Harada Hiroki, Imoto Kyoko and the two new team members stood at attention and said in unison: Understood!

Watching the four team members leave the combat command room one after another, Fujii Takihiko turned to look at the only team member who was sitting in front of the computer and was not dispatched, and said.

Xing Yuyuan, go to the place where the stone statue of Ultraman Geying appears to investigate.

The younger player among the five stood up nervously and replied: Understood!

He meticulously arranged the team uniforms, equipped the guns, and inserted the upgraded communicator into the groove of the helmet and put it on his head.

The updated Cretan car rushed out at lightning speed and sped along the deserted road.

Three fighter planes flew past the monster one after another, and the fire that exploded from the ground engulfed the body that was more than fifty meters away. The laser attack could leave negligible scars on its body surface, but it could not cause fatal damage.

On the other side, the Crete car suddenly braked, and the door opened. Xing Yuyuan quickly closed the door, pulled out his gun, and ran towards the clearly visible huge stone statue.

From a distance, one would only think that the stone statue is huge, but there is no actual concept. But when one comes to the foot of the stone statue, the shock brought by the huge body has an extremely strong impact.

Xing Yuyuan subconsciously reached out to touch the stone statue, and the crystal covering the forehead of the shadowy stone statue shimmered with golden light almost at the same time he touched the stone statue.

His consciousness had a familiar feeling, like falling. After a few seconds of weightlessness, a space full of light appeared in front of him.

Standing in front of him was none other than Ultraman Geikage, who had appeared and fought on Earth many years ago. But the other party seemed to have not seen him at all, and was just minding his own business.

Now that the fighting bodies I left behind have been found, there should be a new crisis on the earth. The stone statue will choose people with light in their hearts to come here and get the power of Ultra Warriors...

No matter how Xing Yuyuan listened with bated breath, the words that followed were still unclear, and he spoke hesitantly.

Gai Ying, a new monster has appeared on Earth, I...

Before he could finish a sentence, he was kicked out of this light-filled space. The scene in front of him gradually turned from blurry to clear, and Xing Yuyuan's vision changed from looking up at the stone statue to looking down at the surroundings.

Hey?! What am I...?

He looked at the silver hands with a blank expression. The Cretan car he drove was as small as a toy.

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