Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 409 The Awakening Monster

Maki Shuo remained taciturn along the way. As he hurried on, he was distracted by thinking about the reasons why the Absolutes appeared frequently.

Gamu and Fujimiya went to investigate the other two locations respectively, but as far as the forest was concerned, it seemed ordinary. Even the energy fluctuations outside Absolut were not noticed.

You can't just be tired from playing and come here for an outing, right?

This possibility, which seemed outrageous when he thought about it, was thrown out of his mind. What Tartarus wanted to do was not important to him, what was important was whether he could stop it.

Maki Shuo looked like she was thinking and could still walk quickly. Lun Wen, who was out of breath, looked a little envious. Even though his physical strength is not bad despite running around as a reporter, he is still inferior to Shuki Maki.

Following the footprints extending forward one to the left and one to the right, it seems as if you are going upstream along the long river of time, returning to the past before mankind flourished.

The chirping of birds, the sound of wind blowing leaves, the faint sound of water flowing in the distance...

The natural ecological environment that has not been damaged can fully display its beauty, and even the air we breathe is less polluted.

Zhen Mu Shuo's forward movement paused, and a huge energy aura appeared at the edge of the perception range, carrying an extremely rich aura of life. Just sensing it makes people feel good about it.

It's not the aura of Tartarus or Diavolo, but there seems to be a sense of weakness.

Maki Shuo thought to himself, subconsciously raising his hand and pressing the spark prism. Although he no longer needed to rely on the transformer to complete the transformation, the habit he had developed for so long was still affecting him.

The place ahead may be what you are looking for. Let me say it again, it is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you may die. Do you still want to go?

Lun Wen was a little hesitant, but after taking a look at Lingzi who showed no intention of flinching, he swallowed back what he meant to say, patted his chest and said.

It's okay, we're not newbies shooting news for the first time.

Maki Shuo shook his head and stopped trying to persuade him. He had no right to interfere in such personal matters. He could only protect the three of them as much as possible when danger might occur.

The surrounding lush vegetation gradually became sparse as they advanced, and the vibrant green was abruptly replaced by withered yellow, as if the vitality of this land had been sucked away by something.

It's like winter has entered early. Tabata rubbed his palms, feeling a little cold even though he was not wearing thin clothes.

Until he was close at hand, Zhen Mu Shuo still didn't notice any changes in the energy aura. He squatted down and raised his hand to press the fine sand-like land under his feet, and his telepathy quickly extended downward through the soil.

Underneath the layers of earth and rocks, a huge ball exudes emerald green light, and a clear scale structure can be seen from its surface.

It was a living creature, a wounded earth monster.

There is nothing here, no big news. Lunwen found a stone and patted it, then sat on the stone as if he had lost his motivation, and yawned listlessly.

It's nothing, just treat it as a trip. At least the scenery on the road is nice. Reiko endured the pain in her feet and sat down. She stared at Maki Shuki out of the corner of her eyes. Only Tabata still looked left and right and refused to give up.

Maki Shuo looked up at the sky inexplicably, wondering why Tartarus and Diavolo came to extract the energy of the earth monsters.

It is indeed easy for the monster under his feet to go crazy and destroy several cities, but facing Tartarus, it is no different from the threat of ordinary humans.

Good things don't work but bad things always happen. Maki Shuo just had a thought in his mind, but the earth actually trembled slightly.

The curled-up monster suddenly opened its eyes, and its huge body turned over. The ground shook more and more intensely. Two horns that were curved like dead wood broke out of the ground, followed closely by the head that was several meters wide.

Lunwen, run! Tabata raised his hand and grabbed Lunwen, who almost fell, and then quickly ran away.

Lingzi stood up in a hurry

, holding on to the tree trunk next to him and trying to stabilize his balance, Maki Shuo sighed. The possibility of escaping by relying on these three people was very slim. He glanced at Reiko who was chasing Tabata, and a light bomb had been formed in his palm. He hit the monster's open mouth without leaning.

After confirming that the monster's attention was attracted to him, Maki Shuo jumped up, grabbed a thick branch with both hands, and rotated half a circle with the force and landed on the tree.

When his body was submerged in the withered yellow leaves still hanging on the branches, a ray of light continued to grow with the help of countless leaves and rushed into the air, knocking the giant beast with its wide mouth to the ground.

The light gradually dissipated, revealing the original shadow.

The shape of the monster's head is similar to that of a canine, with two twisted horns that look like dead wood pointing toward the sky, and a ring of mane around its neck. Covered in dark blue scales and walking on all fours, it looks not only not ugly, but even somewhat majestic.

The huge energy aura I felt before came from the monster in front of me. It was not only its own energy, but also a little bit of Absolute's energy lingering around its body.

The monster that was knocked sideways by Gaiying exposed its relatively soft abdomen. A black fist mark that was a circle larger than Gaiying's fist was displayed in front of his eyes, and the surrounding scales were in a state of fragmentation.

Gai Ying shook his head and did not pursue the victory. This cannot be said to be the monster's fault. Anyone who was picked up and beaten while sleeping would not have a good temper.

His hands were covered with a layer of green light, and he raised his arms flat toward the center and closed his palms. A green beam of light hit the unknown monster and enveloped it.

The flickering green light flickered on and off, slowly healing the injuries Diavolo had left. Broken scales fall off and are replaced by new ones. Warm light particles fly around it like fireflies, soothing the anger and grievance.

After a while, the monster stood up and shook his head. The red light in his eyes disappeared. The emerald pupils glanced at Gai Ying, and he meekly lowered his head and touched his palm.

Gai Ying rubbed the scale-covered head twice, nodded, and watched the monster turn into a green ball of light and submerge into the ground again, disappearing.

The energy aura in the mind's perception continued to sink, and it didn't slow down until it was a thousand meters below. A green ball of light covered the monster's body, flickering brightly and darkly, causing him to fall into a deep sleep again.

Gai Ying was about to stretch his arms and fly away, but his eyes caught Lun Wen, a hundred meters away, who was facing him with a camera.

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