Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 584 Long time no see Diga

The five seals have been lifted, and what remains is the gate to another world in the center. In the center of the pattern pointed by Dagu, there are eyes or a shape that looks like a flame.

The key is needed to unseal the door, and a channel is needed for transmission across the universe. It symbolizes the eye, a huge power. That's what they are looking for.

Any clues? At the entrance to the passage in this world, there is a huge eye.

Ide retraced his memory. There are many other cultures that use eyes as a symbol of strength. Eye of Horus, Eye of Wadjet, Eye of Providence. However, the eyes you should look for in the magic city are...

Snapped! Ishou slapped his temples with the soles of his palms.

Ruboa aliens! Aliens with eyeballs accounting for more than 60% of their body weight and the ability to connect to space!

Ide's fingers were tapping the keyboard at high speed. The screen displayed the appearance and registration information of a Rubea alien that looked like it had arms and legs growing out of its eyeballs.

There is one person who has registered with the bureau who meets the conditions and lives in the Alien Residence Center in Shanghai!

That's right. He must be protected as soon as possible to prevent the door from being opened.

What will happen if we can't do it? What happens if this eyeball kid is taken away by the enemy? This is not a visa express. It cannot be solved by 'no payment if you are late'.

Zhuxing's accusation is reasonable. The magic city that is only one kilometer away from Japan is really too far away. At their speed, even the fastest fighter planes would not be able to arrive before disaster strikes.

Leave it to me. If it is a miniaturized teleportation, Ultraman's power will not be consumed too much. After the transfer, he can retain enough power to participate in the battle. Hayata Susumu answered.

The few people said nothing, and the armor that was simply repaired was put on again after a while. The life-sized Ultraman was already standing there. The mobile Ultraman and Ultraman held their hands, and their figures disappeared in an instant.

At the same time, in the Magic City, an unprecedented large-scale gravity change has appeared. A huge, translucent black shadow appears above the high-rise buildings, showing a pyramid-like four-sided pyramid.

The guy they named Mobile Dark Tiga was standing on the top of the pyramid, with jet-black plasma flowing upstream from the surface of the pyramid and pouring into his body.

The black and silver armor suddenly changed. The damaged armor on his body was repaired at an extremely fast speed, and a transformation visible to the naked eye took place, from the original black and silver to red, black, and silver.

That posture was very much like the evil Tiga shown in Maki's memory after his fighting body was occupied by Masaki Keigo.

The local armed forces began to evacuate and control the scene within ten minutes of the incident. A huge helicopter hovered slightly above the top of the pyramid, issuing warnings to the mobile evil Tiga in different languages.

But the mobile evil Tiga, who had gained new power, just threw out the light blade impatiently. The huge fireball engulfed the helicopter's propeller, causing it to lose control, spin and crash into the tall buildings below.

Several red and silver figures suddenly appeared above the pyramid. At the moment before the helicopter crashed, Ultraman relied on Ultraman's telekinesis to save the people inside.

High-rise buildings have affected the efficiency of evacuation to some extent, which also makes the armed forces in Shanghai afraid to use weapons of mass destruction such as missiles.

The soldiers were also well aware of such a result, but the mobile evil Tiga did not intend to give them a chance to wait for evacuation. A large number of small Zoga emerged from the dark pyramid, as dense as a huge The curtain blocked the sky.

At the same time, the repaired arm blade of the mobile evil Tiga popped out again, and the ability to directly attack the brain covered the entire area covered by the pyramid. Many people in the crowd wailed and knelt down, showing various strange postures.

Their brains were attacked so that they could no longer maintain their mimicry and returned to their original appearance as cosmic beings. But this actually helped Shinjiro find the Luboya planet faster. The mobile evil Tiga was the only one on his own, which made him unable to take care of others while maintaining the pyramid.

The Luboya people are still there, and their ritual cannot be completed. Dagu said calmly, not losing his mind rashly because of his temporary gain.

Shinjiro, get them back quickly! Ed's rare urgent voice sounded from inside Shinjiro's Ultraman armor. Not only him, but this sentence rang in the ears of everyone wearing the armor.

Damn it, those guys from Jeton's Core have already started to exile the Earth. If the universe was described as a balloon, the method of exile would be to poke a hole at specific coordinates.

Then the gas inside the balloon, which is the material in the universe, will be forced to gush out, but after a short moment, the hole will heal itself. But it is precisely in this way that the walls of the universe are constantly being consumed, making the space of this universe increasingly fragile.

From the perspective of hyperspace, a small hole roughly three times larger than the Earth has been opened in the wall of the universe. That was the result of precise calculations by Jeton's core, ensuring that the hole would heal on its own after the Earth was exiled.

Not only that, the method of exile is equivalent to actively opening the door to welcome Gatanjie. How can the passage that the Rubea aliens can build to connect to another space compare to the gap in the entire universe?

In just an instant, the entire earth will undergo a mass extinction of life due to the huge changes in the surrounding cosmic environment. Even Ultraman's desperate enlargement cannot stop it.

He once watched his hometown, the Kingdom of Light, fall into the dark abyss of unknown destination, and now, the earth he loved so much is about to meet the same fate.

At the moment when countless lives were about to disappear, the entire earth came to a standstill as if a pause button had been pressed, even Gatanje, who had begun to descend, was no exception.

Outside the earth, the shadow that has regained its original posture occupies half of the sky above the earth. The huge silver giant looks down at the dying human civilization. The banishment that should have been irresistible did not have the slightest impact on him.

He set his sights on the former seal that came with Gatanjie. What existed in that seal was not only darkness, but also dazzling light, which was also the reason why he came to this universe in the first place.

Long time no see, brother.

Although it is just a residual consciousness, it is not the real body. But after 30 million years, he finally received the telepathy from Tiga again.

Although I know you have many questions, let's save this universe first. The calm and gentle thought wave echoed. Even if it is not the original body, the tenderness towards life has not changed at all. ..

Long time no see, Diga.

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