Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 590: The Kingdom of Light’s Rescue Plan

Although he can leave the state of One Heart and One Body at any time now, leaving will mean the collapse of the universe. Hikali also called up the body data of the human body in the state of One Heart and One Body.

If the universe is compared to a human being who is seriously ill, what we need to do is to speed up its recovery so that the universe can get rid of the need for Ultraman Geying as soon as possible, and he will naturally be able to get rid of it early.

So we need a stable space where the universe will not collapse even if the shadow Ultraman is separated from the One Heart? Ultraman understood the general idea. Although the per capita knowledge level of the Kingdom of Light far exceeds that of the Earth, they are not specialized in research after all. scientist.

Yes, how to solidify space and give the universe a short period of time to cultivate is the biggest problem. The second is the subsequent impact. We will not be able to use teleportation and twinkling within the astral range.

Hikali tapped the keyboard with some embarrassment: It is not difficult to solidify space, but the amount of work throughout the universe is too huge, and we, the Kingdom of Light, may not be enough.

How many celestial bodies are there in a universe that can become planets? The number of celestial objects recorded by humans alone exceeds two billion, and the data observed by the Kingdom of Light will at least add another zero to this number.

Even if the 18 billion residents of the Kingdom of Light were spread out, they still couldn't complete it all at once. What's more, how could they allow civilians who are not capable of fighting to protect themselves to complete such a task?

If all members of the Space Guard are mobilized, how long will it take to complete space solidification for celestial bodies with sufficient mass in the entire universe? Ultra's father asked after thinking for a moment.

It will take about two and a half years. A more detailed time is two years and seven months. Because it is impossible to judge the difficulty of completing space solidification on each planet, it is impossible to continue to compress this time. Hikali did a rough mental calculation, gave a conservative answer.

Shikali, how long will it take you to develop a space solidification device? The father of Ultra once again looked at the most outstanding scientist in the Kingdom of Light.

It will definitely be completed within three years, at least three years. Hikali thought of the Kingdom of Light's research on space so far, and gave an extremely conservative answer.

Okay, once Hikari's research is completed, all members of the Space Guard will be dispatched. Ultra's father nodded and confirmed the plan.

But Captain, once all members of the Space Guard are dispatched, the safety of the Kingdom of Light... Taylor said worriedly: At least let me and my brothers stay behind together.

No, I'm not too old to fight yet. Ultraman Geying saved the entire universe, and we must do our best to save him. The father of Ultra glanced at the Ultra brothers and spoke firmly.

Although Gai Ying's body, integrated into the universe, is walking around the universe in a posture of energy, his consciousness has not disappeared. Instead, he observes everything around from the perspective of the universe.

In this way, he can clearly detect every component of the universe, the movement of space, time, and matter. Everything is clearly visible, but this is all what he can observe by relying on his own ability.

There is only one kind of power that cannot be observed from a normal perspective, and that is a certain power that is endowed with meaning in every universe.

He saw the light of miracles, saw the time vortex connected by time, saw the first born light, but it was not the Noah he knew, and he also saw the shroud of part of the will of the universe.

And - full of warm golden light of hope.

The golden light clearly formed a red, purple, and slightly silver figure. The armor on the chest, the crystal on the head and forehead similar to his.


Gai Ying spoke softly, thinking that no one would hear it, but that Diga raised his head and looked in his direction, still saying the same words he heard not long ago.

Brother, long time no see.

Diga, you... Gai Ying immediately understood what was going on, but he still couldn't believe it.

Just like the four legendary Ultraman, Tiga has become a certain meaning that must exist in every universe - hope. But normally, if you don't become a legendary warrior, how can you give your own power meaning?

As you can see, I have become the light of hope. Diga looked down at his golden shadow body, which could barely see its original color, and lowered his head slightly with regret. ..

Although I still couldn't defeat Gatanjie as I thought, I trapped myself here. But I have seen everything that every Ultraman has done, and in every battle, I rush to the light of my brother. , all come from my share.”

That was the Earth of the Tiga Universe, 30 million years ago.

The light from Orion came to the earth, and part of it combined with the super-ancient humans and became giants with various postures. However, the three leading lights did not combine with people, but showed their original appearance as giants.

Because of their god-like power and mountain-like figure, the three giants descended in different areas. People named them in order according to the tradition of the areas where they descended.

Except for Adam and Eve, the two people created by God, the first and second naturally born human beings: abel. and the sacred number three, tiga, in the languages ​​of the region where the third giant came.

The appearance of the giants gave the super-ancient people who had suffered from the ravages of monsters a chance to breathe. With the help of the giants, they regrouped, built new cities, developed new weapons, and began a massive counterattack.

The giants headed by Gai Ying (), Abel (Abel) and Tiga (Tiga) also locked the source of the monster, which was a huge monster called the evil god and a descendant of Gatanjie.

Gatanjie's power is far beyond that of the enemies he has encountered before, and the three Ultramen fighting side by side only ended up with a dead end.

The so-called deadlock does not mean an even match. But Gatangee couldn't kill the three Ultramen, and it was difficult for the three Ultramen to penetrate Gatangee's carapace under the interference of countless tentacles and other monsters.

They had a superficial advantage, but were unable to cause any substantial harm to Gatanje. At that time, the Kingdom of Light had not yet been born in countless universes, and the Ultraman U40 did not exist. Even the legendary Ultraman is far more difficult to access than it is now.

After a long stalemate, Gai Ying and Amber decided to follow the place where Gatanjie came, trying to confirm Gatanjie's origin and look for possible weaknesses in him.

But the earth cannot be left unprotected. Tiga, who was born the latest and is the younger brother, stayed to contain Gatanjie. The two beams of light left the earth at this moment and rushed towards the vast universe.

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