Rebirth of South America as King

Chapter 202: Light Industry Development

The third step of military-political separation is to divide the industrial system under the jurisdiction of the government and change the nature of large and small enterprises established since the founding of the country to state-owned enterprises.

State-owned enterprises implement the model of joint ownership by the government and the people. The state occupies more than 50% of enterprise shares, and the remaining shares are distributed by the royal family, corporate employees, and successful soldiers according to their contributions.

China ’s more than two thousand years of monarchy have allowed the people to develop the customary understanding that the monarch is the country, plus the many contributions Li Mingyuan has made since leading the Chinese workers' uprising. Therefore, government officials and senior military officers have agreed with Li Mingyuan on the distribution of corporate shares. Take up more shares.

Li Mingyuan is the monarch of a country, and national affairs are under his control. How many shares he holds in state-owned enterprises is not his main concern. However, as the supreme head of state of Rio Grande do Sul, Li Mingyuan needs to do for his officials and officers. By example, if he is unwilling to own the shares of the company, the officials and officers and soldiers below are even more embarrassed to reach out and hate the shares when the credit is much lower than that of Li Mingyuan.

Finally, after discussions and consultations among the parties, according to the unified standard, the state fought 55 percent of the shares in each factory. Li Mingyuan represented 10 percent of the shares on behalf of the royal family, and military commanders and national defense forces occupied 10 percent. Twenty shares, government officials occupy 5% of the shares, and corporate employees receive the last 10%.

The control of state-owned enterprises is in the hands of the government, and the shares held by the army and officials are the responsibility of Li Ming in the late generation. Therefore, despite the changes in the company's share structure, the control of domestic large and small enterprises is still firmly in the hands of Li Mingyuan .

Insufficient domestic population resources, focusing on limited forces for the development of industry and the national economy are the basic guidelines formulated by Li Mingyuan. After sorting out the three major aspects of military and political separation, Li Mingyuan took advantage of the days before leaving to return to his busy work.

Military generals, separation of government officials' functions, and the establishment of new schools were entrusted to Liu Pu and Zhao Yan, while in the industrial area, Li Mingyuan personally asked questions.

In three days, the production data records from each factory were full of desktops. After three days of busy work, Li Mingyuan finally had a new understanding of the industrial development of Rio Grande do Sul.

The textile industry is the industry most closely related to national life, and it is also one of the most advantageous industries in Chinese society for thousands of years. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, the textile industry mainly relied on manual operations and low production efficiency, which led to high prices for some delicate silk products. With the end of the first industrial revolution, the major powers led by the United Kingdom have greatly improved the use of new production technologies. Production efficiency and production scale. In London, factories are filled with the produced textiles, and then they are loaded by steam freighters and transported to the Far East, thousands of miles away, and dumped to the Central Plains where the silk originated.

Driven by cheap textile products in the UK, traditional handmade textile workshops in the Soviet Union, Song Dynasty, Changzhou and other places on the mainland have gone bankrupt. Many textile women workers have fallen to the street to sell themselves. The British Empire, which has harvested the vast commodity market, is on the way to development. Going up and getting stronger.

The textile industry is a low-tech industry, and it is also an important industry related to national life and national stability.

During the period when Britain opened the mainland market and fully dumped textiles, on the other side of the sea that is not far away, Japan began to implement a reform and reform campaign. The country issued reform laws from top to bottom, and formulated policy support that is beneficial to the country's textile industry. Development of the local textile industry.

In the early days of the Restoration, Japan mainly relied on raw materials and agricultural products such as food and tea to obtain foreign trade profits.

From 1866 to 1868, in terms of the proportion of exports, in 1866, food and raw materials accounted for 56%, textiles accounted for 25%, and by 1868, food and raw materials accounted for 50%, and textiles accounted for 35%.

In the initial difficult stage of the reform, Japan used the profits from exporting textiles to accumulate the first funds for industrialization and laid the foundation for Japan's economic rise in the future.

It is undeniable that Japan's reform and reform has a progressive side. It has lifted Japan out of a backward agricultural country and developed a small country into a large East Asian country that stands side by side with Western powers.

In the early days of Rio Grande do Sul, the situation was more sinister than that of Japan. Therefore, in terms of industrial development, Li Mingyuan adopted more radical measures than Japan. In the early days of the reform and reform in Japan, the textile industry mainly relied on the government to formulate supportive policies, while production was Relying on cheap labor for manual production, it was not until more than ten years after the Reform, that textile machinery began to be introduced for industrial production around 1880. In Rio Grande do Sul, because Li Mingyuan gained more insights from later generations, the textile industry left at the beginning. It is the road of industrialization.

The textile industry consists of four links from raw materials to finished products including raw cotton-spinning-weaving and dyeing. In addition to collecting raw materials in the four links, manual operation is required. The three main links of spinning, weaving and dyeing are all completed by machines.

In Hetao County (Perotas), the agricultural base of Rio Grande do Sul, the cotton, linen, wool, alpaca and other raw materials purchased are transported to the seaside textile mill, and the raw materials pass through the textile machine and loom. , Printing machines, cloth dyeing machines and other series of textile machinery processing into new fabrics, the last part of the fabric is shipped to the garment factory as military raw materials, rush to make black or gray military uniforms, while the other part is directly passed The newly opened shops are sold to ordinary Chinese.

Li Mingyuan spent more than 100 tons of gold to purchase industrial equipment including textile machinery, but the spent gold was not in vain. Only the textile industry. Several textile mills including a whole set of textile machinery were quickly transferred after trial production. In the busy state of formal production, orders from the army for up to 100,000 pieces of military uniforms ushered in the first peak period of production for textile mills. After industrialized production and product prices dropped significantly, the textile industrial base in Hetao County not only harvested ordinary Chinese With large orders, even Paraguayans, as allies, started buying fabrics from textile mills.

The Hetao Textile Mill is the hottest industry in Rio Grande do Sul. The orders from the army, domestic Chinese and Paraguayan make the textile mill in short supply as soon as it is started. As the most important part of commercial transactions, a large number of cloth shops and garments The store came into being, some retired or disabled veterans received support from the government, purchased fabrics from textile mills by using delayed payment, and then sold them to ordinary Chinese through the storefront, except for the commoner shops opened by retired Chinese soldiers. Here are more shops opened by new immigrants' Chinese merchants. They immigrated to Rio Grande do Sul with their keen sense of smell and bold adventure, and then invested their accumulated wealth into the hottest textile industry.

It is a phenomenon that Li Mingyuan is happy to see the new immigrants' Chinese businessmen investing in the textile industry. For the merchants who opened cloth shops, although the government does not give advanced post-payment preferential treatment to retired soldiers, the government also does a lot in terms of taxation. Reductions reduce the cost of running their business.

The prosperity of the textile industry has not only brought manageable benefits to the new Chinese businessmen, but also has a great impact on the animal husbandry and economic planting industries that are closely related to the textile industry.

As we all know, the raw materials of the textile industry are kudzu, hemp, cotton, animal fur, silk, etc. In the Central Plains, hemp is the most important raw material for ordinary people's clothing. In South America, due to the geographical location, the main textile raw materials are cotton and animals. fur.

After European colonists arrived in the Americas, they brought plants such as flax, which changed the local economic plant species, but did not change the status of cotton as the main raw material for the textile industry. Like other parts of South America, Rio Grande do Sul uses cotton as the main raw material for textiles. In the southern plains near Uruguay, a large amount of cotton is grown. The textile raw materials of Hetao Textile Mill are also obtained from nearby farmland.

The quality of the cloth made from cotton is higher than that of flax. Therefore, Li Mingyuan did not change the economic and agricultural structure of Rio Grande do Sul, but only sent people to introduce some other types of economic plants from the mainland and Europe, making domestic The economic and agricultural structure is more comprehensive.

Mulberry breeding silkworm is a world-renowned agricultural advantage in China. The climate and environment of Rio Grande do Sul is the same as that of Jiangnan. It is very suitable as a base for the development of silkworm breeding. Therefore, Li Mingyuan introduced it from the mainland in the task of explaining Sun Bin. Mulberry trees, silkworms, and the bankrupted textile workers in Jiangnan.

The development of economic agriculture has increased the economic income of Chinese farmers, and some retired soldiers who had not planted cash crops or planted only a small part of them, began to grow cotton and other cash crops in their fields, driven by the development of the textile industry. .

The retired Chinese soldiers and the Chinese workers who have been assigned to the land have a large area of ​​land, especially the Chinese soldiers who retired after the expedition. After being allocated to hundreds of acres of land, most of the land has to be vacated due to lack of manpower. The cultivated land is too laborious to harvest because of too much rice and soybeans. Therefore, compared with the benefits of growing cash crops, more and more retired soldiers choose to free up some energy to grow cash crops, and crops such as millet are planted according to the government's per capita cultivated area.

Because of the influence of the textile industry, domestic agriculture has developed in the direction of combining economic agriculture and traditional agriculture, while animal husbandry, which provides animal fur, has developed in another direction.

Due to the economic blockades of Brazil, Argentina and other countries, the number of horses, cattle and sheep and other livestock in Rio Grande do Sul was not high in the early days. Later, after the government reached an agreement with the Americans on the introduction of Chinese laborers, they soon reached the introduction of livestock. protocol.

This transaction is the largest livestock introduction transaction carried out by Rio Grande do Sul. According to the agreement, Rio Grande do Sullen purchased 20,000 stallions and 40,000 mares at one time from the United States at a price below 10% of the market price. There are 10,000 bulls, 45,000 cows, 70,000 sheep, and 100,000 wild buffaloes that are sold at low prices.

Wild buffalo is difficult to tame. South Rio Grande did not originally want to buy bison, but after hearing the price from the Americans, Wang Arita, the person in charge of South Rio Grande, was tempted: the price of a bison is only one tenth.

The price offered by the Americans was very low. Wang Youtian quickly reported to Li Mingyuan after hearing it. After obtaining the agreement, he increased the agreement to purchase 100,000 bison.

To explain why Americans deal with these wild buffaloes at a low price, Li Mingyuan didn't understand it at first, but later asked Wang Youtian to find out clearly. It turned out that when Americans were building the Pacific Railway, members of the railway company organized the company to capture hundreds Of the 10,000 buffaloes, in addition to being eaten by workers and dying as food, more than 100,000 buffaloes have not been disposed of until the completion of the railway construction, so they wanted to sell them to Rio Grande do Sul at a low price.

Although the bison cannot be used for farming, it is just to slaughter these bison as beef cattle. The gain is more than the price purchased from Americans. Moreover, the bison can not only eat, but also can be used to breed and buffalo domesticate The next generation of buffalo.

The transaction with the Americans went smoothly. By October 1869, all the purchased livestock had arrived in Rio Grande do Sul, and some of the livestock injured during transportation had also been effectively used. It was made by Li Mingyuan to instruct the food processing factory. Canned food for troops.

The food processing industry developed on livestock breeding is a different aspect from economic agriculture. In addition to the fur used to feed textile mills as raw materials, the meat of livestock can be preserved in cans.

Food preservation is no longer a restriction that restricts people's consumption after the development of fresh-keeping technology ~ ~ The use of iron cans to preserve perishable meat products has reduced the price of meat and enabled ordinary people to Buy meat from the food.

Rio Grande do Sul is located on the Pampas Plain. The rich local agricultural resources provide sufficient development space for the food processing industry. For canned foods, under the guidance of Li Mingyuan, the processing plant not only produces various types of meat. Canned, fruit, edible sauce, vegetables, etc. have also developed many new products.

Livestock such as cattle and sheep purchased from the United States are mainly used for agricultural development. There is not much meat that can be used by ordinary people. Canned meat is mainly used by troops at the beginning stage. Therefore, the initial products produced by food processing plants are mainly vegetables and Canned Fruit.

It is a shame not to eat meat often, but it is also a good thing to buy a can of low-priced canned vegetables and fruits and taste the canned food for the first time.

It is not as hot as the textile industry. As a new thing, food cans have only spread in a small area at first. After eating the taste of canned food, more Chinese people choose to buy it for the second time. As more and more people When contacted with canned food, the original fresh food has become a daily essential food for ordinary people, and the food processing industry is also inadvertently integrated among ordinary Chinese. Find this site Please search for "" or enter the URL:

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