Rebirth of South America as King

Chapter 407: Young Army Officer 2

"Brother Yang, Brother Xu, the army is discussing the captain of the vanguard armored cruiser. Are you really impatient?"

In a hotel specializing in receiving naval officers and soldiers in Chang'an Xicheng, Major Lu Wenhui asked, holding a wine glass.

"There are a lot of school-level officers staring at the two captain positions, but anxiety is useless."

Xu Zhixuan smiled calmly.

"Brother Zhixuan, this is not like you before. During the period of studying in the United States, it was strange to count your most radical and impulsive. How did you return to your home country for a few years after you married Meizi?"

The navy major Chen Jurong, who was also a child from the United States, flew to South America and South Korea, joked.

"Haha, Brother Chen doesn't understand it now. Start a family. There is a beautiful and beautiful lady waiting at home, and her hot temper is gone."

"Mr. Lu said something quite reasonable."

Chen Jurong patted his head and awakened, "It seems that next time I should beg Mrs. Xun, let her Zhang Luo find a few gentle and considerate Dong Xuan women to be bridesmaids for her brothers, preferably the ladies of aristocratic backgrounds."

"I will not talk about laughing and chatting in private, but if I see Meizi, don't discuss things about Dongzhao. At the time, Meizi had already lost contact with the Dongzhao family in order to follow me to South America, and once again mentioned Dongzhuang's past, it will inevitably Make her sad. "

"I've forgotten it, Brother Xu is strange."

Chen Rong held up a glass of wine and punished himself by apologizing.

"Everyone is a brother who has studied in the United States since childhood and has known each other for more than a decade.

Xu Zhixuan exposed matters about his wife with a smile, and said with a smile: "If Brother Lu and Brother Chen are interested in starting a family, why not open up in the capital and rely on the two brothers to have a bright future in the navy, I am afraid they have a lot of knowledge Everyone in Shu Dali is rushing to be a wife-in-law. "

"Brother Lu and I were also anxious about this. After arriving in the mainland in late 1882, my family members also moved to the country with the help of my colleagues in the military intelligence department. In the past two years, my father and mother have not introduced the female blind date in Beijing. , But met more than a dozen women, but there was no suitable candidate, so the matter of marriage has been delayed until now. "

"Is Chen Xiong's vision too high to look down on ordinary native women?"

"Brother Xu really raised my brother and me, and our family is not following the Honourable Family who is doing things. There are so many requirements and rules from there."

Chen Jurong shook his head and complained bitterly: "It is just that the father and mother are more conservative. The blind date women introduced to the brothers are all ladies who have just migrated from the Far East mainland, and because of their young feet, nine out of ten blind date women remain. Little feet,

Brother Xu and Brother Lu, you all know my old Chen. We went abroad to study abroad since we were young. After receiving nearly ten years of modern education in the United States, we returned to our homeland and often received instruction from the Naval Academy and the Naval Headquarters. You say, can a hot-blooded man like us in the new age be able to learn from the backward ideas of the older generation and marry a conservative woman who keeps little feet and has no common language with herself as a wife?

Moreover, the imperial army's heaviest military personnel training, if Chen follows his parents' wishes today, he will marry a traditional woman as a wife, and then the husband and wife will be at odds with each other. Then, how can Chen have a face in the navy? "

"Haha, I never thought that in the military, Chen Rongju would still have such a face, it is really amazing!"

Xu Zhixuan didn't sympathize with the other party, and laughed.

"Brother Xuan, you're a little bit boring. Brother Lu and I are worried about your campaign for the Captain of the Pioneer Class Armored Cruiser, but your kid doesn't consider the brother's kindness, but instead makes fun of the brother's difficulties!

No, you must pay for your meals and alcohol today! "

"Okay, the wine and meals are being paid. Now I still invite Brother Chen to drink a glass of Chinese wine, and I apologize to Brother Chen for the negligence he just did."

Xu Zhixuan smiled and filled the other party's glass with wine, then raised the glass and respected the other party.

"It's pretty much the same."

Chen Rongju sipped the wine in the glass with satisfaction, without any thought.

"Brother Xu, Brother Chen and Brother Lu, according to Yang, there are too many school-level officers competing for the position of two armored cruiser captains. Listen to several brothers at the Naval Staff Headquarters saying that there are now not only more than ten majors The officers strived for the post of captain, and even some lieutenant colonel officers also participated in the competition.

And the competitors were selected. He Shulin, Yang Jiannian, Chen Binshi, and Wang Jinyong were the first foreign students to receive German naval military education. During the Argentine war, they participated in operations against the Argentine and Brazilian navies. Their four qualifications and war They are all higher than me, waiting for the post of Captain of the Armored Cruiser, who will eventually fall into their hands. "

After the three of them joked, Yang Guangzong, who was sitting in the main entrance near the window, said earnestly.

"On actual combat experience, I really are not as good as Yang Jiannian and He Shulin."

Xu Zhixuan put down his wine glass and seriously acknowledged the advantages of his competitors.

"However, in terms of the understanding of modern Western naval warfare technology, Xu believes that the four of us are superior to Yang Jiannian and He Shulin's international students of that generation."

"Brother Xu said it was true. Although Major Yang and Major He were seniors in the navy, on the level of military education in the Western navy, I went to sea to study military in 1872, and their time to study abroad was 1874. In 1878, compared with them, I have studied abroad for nearly ten years and received a more systematic modern naval military education. I am more familiar with modern naval technology and applications than them. Therefore, comprehensive The main factors in terms of naval warfare experience and naval military education are not entirely without me. "

"Yang also took into account the comparison of the advantages mentioned by Brother Xu and Brother Lu beforehand. However, he believes that military personnel do not have the necessary grasp and should not make a hasty decision."

"Is Brother Yang trying to withdraw from the position of Pioneer armored cruiser captain?"

Chen Rongju was a little drunk on his face, but he was sober.

"Yes, after retreating from the DPRK today, Yang submitted a submission to the Navy Staff Headquarters, and applied to withdraw from the competition for the position of captain of the pioneer armored cruiser."

Yang Guangzong didn't hide it, and directly told the three of his concerns.

"After the New Year, the position of captain of two pioneer armored cruisers is vacant. At the same time, two 2500-ton cruisers independently built by the three major domestic shipyards are officially commissioned to imitate the pioneering armored cruiser construction technology. It seems that Brother Yang is staring. On the post of 2500-ton cruiser captain. "

Xu Zhixuan thought for a moment and understood Yang Guangzong's plan.

"I can't hide Brother Xu's eyes. Yang did look to the post of captain of the 2500-ton cruiser."

Yang Guangzong generously acknowledged his plan and explained: "The Yangwu-class cruiser has a displacement of 2,500 tons. Although it is built locally, the construction process may be subtle compared to the pioneer-class armored cruiser built by German engineers throughout the construction process. Difference, but the total tonnage of the Yangwu-class cruiser exceeds two-thirds of the vanguard class ~ ~ The warship power system and weapon system are borrowed from the vanguard-class armored cruiser. Its overall combat performance may not be indispensable compared with the vanguard-class battleship. To bridge the gap, after considering the combat performance of the two-tier warships and the difficulty of competing for the captain's position, we chose to withdraw from the competition for the position of captain of the pioneer armored cruiser. "

"Pioneer and Yangwu-level captain positions are both lieutenant colonel-level. Brother Yang took the initiative to abandon the position of vanguard-class armored cruiser captain to compete for the Yangwu-class cruiser captain position. It is a relatively safe choice."

Xu Zhixuan nodded in approval of the other's choice, and then smiled, "The situation in Paraguay is unstable, and the Republic of Brazil is also eager to move. Maybe in the last two years, we will have to fight. At that time, our brothers will have the opportunity to fight for success."

It doesn't matter whether the election for the post of armored cruiser captain is in Chengdu. Anyway, when the navy is used, it is still a light cruiser of 1350 tons. We are not afraid of the grandchildren of the Republic of Brazil! "

"Haha, exactly, exactly" .........

The four raised their glasses, their faces filled with the self-confidence peculiar to young officers of this era.

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