的 The development of the domestic situation in Paraguay not only affects the strategic deployment of the Han government, but also stirs up the sensitive nerves of the government officials of the Republic of Brazil.

In the former Royal Palace of Rio de Janeiro, and now the official residence of the President of the Brazilian Republic, the President of the Republic, Fonseca, Speaker Morais, Field Marshal Peshoto, Naval Commander Ferreira, and others gathered to prepare how to deal with the chaos in Paraguay The issue, start an in-depth discussion.

The meeting officially started. I saw that no one at the high level of the military and political affairs sitting next to the round table took the initiative to speak out and put forward his own opinions. Therefore, as the convener and leader of the meeting, President Fonseca of the Republic of Brazil knocked on the table with a pipe. Speaking: "Paraguay's recent changes in the situation, presumably everyone knows a little bit. To gather everyone together today to hold a meeting is to seek your opinions on how to respond to the changes in the situation in Paraguay. What do you want to say? If you want to ask, you can ask it on the spot without any fear. "

His words fell, and in the hall, everyone's faces were still a prudent and thoughtful expression. None of them said below to pick Fonseca.

"Marshal Pesotto, what do you think of the coup in Paraguay?"

气氛 The atmosphere in the conference hall was so dignified that Fonseca turned to his partner Field Marshal Peshoto, hoping that the other party could provide himself with a suggestion worthy of reference.

"The Republic Army anticipates the possible political turmoil in Paraguay. However, according to Army analysis and speculation, Lopez Jr.'s coercive rule in Paraguay should continue for three to five years. However, The sudden death of Lopez Jr. disrupted the advance deployment of the Republic Army. Prior to this, the Republic Army's strategic plan was to focus its main forces on the elimination of the Royal Regime's remnants. When the civil war ended, the central and northern coastal areas regained the jurisdiction of the Republican government. Later, he took advantage of the collapse of the Lopez family regime to wage war on Paraguay. "

那么 "So, Marshal Peshoto, I want to know if the Republic Army currently has the strength to defeat the Royalists and recapture the northern and central coastal areas?"

"Sorry, Your Excellency, the earliest time for the Army to launch an offensive against the Royalists is July 1890. Now, the time is one year and one month ahead. The army has not prepared all combat preparations, recruiting and training. Done, at this point in time, a full-scale offensive against the Royalist forces was launched, and the Republic Army did not have absolute certainty of victory. "

"What about the Navy? In the last six or seven years, the Republic Navy has successively added four advanced-performance armored cruisers. The gross tonnage of naval vessels has doubled compared with the period before 1880. Can the Republic Navy undertake major combat tasks? To assist the Army in launching a comprehensive offensive against the Royalists? "

I didn't get a satisfactory answer from Pesotto, and Fonseca pinned the hopes of resolving the royalists' arms on the navy.

"Disappointed you, His Excellency the President. Although the Republic Navy has added several new warships in the last ten years, the total tonnage of naval vessels has gradually exceeded the tonnage of the Royal Armed Forces. However, the situation of the Republic ’s navy and the Army ’s total Not the same, officers and sailors at all levels of the Republic Navy are white. They not only exclude non-white officers and sailors from entering the navy, but also secretly violate the order of the supervising officers sent by the Republican government to enter the naval fleet, and because the naval officers and sailors are in the empire. During the period, they had various privileges. A large number of them still had illusions about the royal party, and some senior naval generals, officers, and even had a private connection with the royalists ...

The number of naval officers and sailors who are sympathetic and tend to be armed by the Royal Party is not a small number. Given the current situation of the Republic Navy, I do not think that the Republic Navy has the ability to perform armed attacks against the Royal Party. "

"The profound influence of the royalists on the navy belongs to the historical issue left after the North-South split. This issue is more complicated, that is, it cannot be handled rudely or left unattended."

Fonseca had a heavy face and instructed: "The operation of inserting supervisory officers and other ethnic sailors into the naval fleet must continue. As long as the control of the main naval vessels is in the hands of the Republican government, those conservative officers and sailors will be lifted. Can't afford storms. "

"Okay, Your Excellency, the Navy will join the port guard forces to strengthen supervision of ship officers and sailors."

After inquiring about the relevant aspects of the army and the sea in turn, after getting the presumption that the strategic plan of the Royalist Party's priority attack was not feasible, the parliament's topic returned to the issue of the Paraguayan incident.

不 The timing of launching a full-scale offensive against the royalist armed forces is immature,

The political turmoil broke out in Paraguay in advance and lost the opportunity to attack in the north-central coastal direction. At the same time, in the direction of Paraguay, it gained another opportunity to regain the land and boost the domestic people's hearts. Fonseca realized that if war was inevitable, then The most suitable breakthrough direction for the Republic of Brazil is Paraguay.

Paraguay's domestic economy is on the verge of collapse, and the two parties are in control of the main military forces. To compete for Paraguay's supreme power, they are accumulating strength and preparing for a final battle.

Paraguay is sparsely populated, with a total population of just over 500,000, and nearly 50,000 people have been forcibly recruited into the army.

一旦 Once the civil war begins, the original number of troops will be concentrated near Asuncion to fight. Then, the western and northern regions of Paraguay, which is defensive and empty, will become a playground for the Republic of Brazil.

优势 Attacking northern Paraguay with a superior defense force, the possibility of victory is extremely high, but even when the Republic of Brazil faces Paraguay alone, it has a comprehensive crushing advantage.

However, without the support of Britain and the elimination of the threat of Han to their own army, neither Fonseca nor officials and generals sitting in the hall dare to make a decision to send troops to attack Paraguay.

Fonseca is waiting for a message. Pesotto, Morais, and other senior officials of the Brazilian Republic sit in their seats without saying a word. It is also to wait for a decisive news. Before hearing that news, even if Fonseca How rich and vivid his speech was, no one would give him a clear response.

The meeting was held from morning to evening, and at 7 pm, a telegram from the British Embassy passed to Fonseca.

"The British agreed to our conditions. The British Minister made a commitment in lieu of the British Government and supported in principle the just war of the Republic Government to regain territory and fight against the Lopez regime. The British side will provide diplomatic and material support to the Republic government to ensure that the war is limited to Within the territory of Paraguay, no other country is allowed to spread the war into the territory controlled by the Republic! "

Fonseca got the British promise and was excited to announce to others.

"What about the Han country? Will the Han army ignore the principles of war established by the British government and send troops to attack the Republic when the Paraguayan war breaks out again?"

Peshoto still has concerns in mind.

"The Han government may ignore the principles of engagement set out by the British and launch an offensive directly against the Republic. However, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea has just issued a public statement expressly promising not to intervene in the Paraguayan civil war. According to the number of people we have with the East, The experience of warfare concludes that, although they are ambitious about the land of the Republic, their guarantees are generally trustworthy. "

部长 The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Brazil stood up and explained.

"The British have stated their attitude, and the Han government has made a clear diplomatic statement. Then, even if the Han army entered the war after the Republic army entered Paraguay, as long as the Republic army was fast enough, it was ahead of the Han army. Destroy the remnants of Paraguay and occupy Asuncion,

In the face of the heavily defended Republican army, the Han Dynasty's army was not able to bargain. "

After hearing two good news in succession, Fonseca increased his confidence and was happy: "Even if the worst result is considered, the Han army ’s offensive is fierce. At times, the security guarantees promised by the British could also be used to force the Han army to stop offensives before the border.

The Paraguayan war won a lot of gains ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ If you lose, you can also keep the Republic's territory from being violated by the Han country. Whether it is lost or won, the Republic is guaranteed, so I think the Republic government should take the initiative to intervene The chaos in Paraguay takes advantage of the scattered power in Paraguay to recover the occupied territories and resolve Paraguay's military threat to the southern border of the Republic. "

"I agree with His Excellency that the power gap between the Republic and the Republic of Korea is getting wider and bigger. Passive defense alone will not solve the threat of the Republic to the Republic of China. Instead, we will use the opportunity of the civil strife in Paraguay to occupy Asuncion and bring the Republic to the Republic of China. The advancement of the country's confrontation line to the central Paraguay basin has great benefits for the Republic's future homeland defense strategy. "

"The Han army ’s combat effectiveness is fierce. If the Republic ’s army is unfavourable on the front line, I think we should adhere to the principle of preserving strength and the army ’s progress is frustrated. Then we will retreat decisively, withdraw the Republican army to our country, and retain the Republican army ’s vigor.” ...

With the endorsement of the British, the confidence of officials and generals was restored and they made their own suggestions.

"Sent to Paraguay, focusing on preserving strength. Fight if you win, and retreat decisively if you don't win. Marshal Pesotto's proposal is very good."

After seeing the consensus of all the people, Fonseca was satisfied: "It is perfectly reasonable to send troops to Paraguay and recover the occupied territories. I believe that the civilized countries of the world will definitely support the just war of the Republic." ...

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