Rebirth of South America as King

Chapter 460: British Minister

For the Western powers, establishing close economic cooperation with an emerging country that is undergoing full industrialization means that they can use this to obtain a huge industrial and commodity market, and through commercial cooperation, they can also help emerging countries to establish industrial systems. In the process of obtaining a long-term stable capital investment place with great economic value.

From 1868 to 1880, the trade between Han and Western powers was mainly imported.

Funds obtained by the Han Kingdom through early access to treasure trove, gold and silver jewelry seized by war, export of agricultural and animal husbandry commodities, etc., were purchased from Western powers to build the machinery and equipment necessary for the establishment of the primary industrial system and some of the locally unmanufacturable commodity.

During this period, Han ’s foreign trade was mainly Prussia (Germany),

From 1868 to 1880, about 12 years ago, the Han Dynasty purchased about 120 million won worth of mechanical equipment, industrial products and other commodities from Western countries in the form of import trade. Among them, the amount of trade with Prussia (Germany) reached 2.5 marks, accounting for about 78% of the total foreign trade of Han Dynasty during the same period.

From 1880 to 1889, Han's industrialization construction made preliminary progress. The foreign trade model also changed from importing machinery and equipment and industrial commodities to introducing industrial technology, and attracting foreign capital as a sustainable development model.

During this period, due to the occupation and digestion of the territory of the new expansion zones such as Argentina and Uruguay by the Han State, the local population and the international comprehensive status have been greatly improved, and the object of Han ’s foreign trade has also expanded from the German side to Germany, Austria and Hungary. Empire, France, Italy and other big European countries, and during this period, the relationship between Han and Britain gradually improved, and Britain quickly became one of the countries with the largest scale of economic and trade exchanges with Han in addition to Germany.

In the 1870s, first-class powers such as Germany, France, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the United States began to enter the stage of complete imperialism. The domestic industrial markets of various countries were divided up, and excess industrial and commercial products and capital could not find a vent for release. Therefore, from 1870 Since the end of the decade, the capital consortia of various countries that have completed the operation of monopoly enterprises have begun to shift their investment from domestic to foreign countries.

During this period, the performance of the monopoly enterprises led by the US capital consortium was the most typical.

American imperialism is the product of the rapid development of capitalism after the Civil War.

The Civil War greatly promoted the industrialization of the northern United States.

The destruction and reconstruction of the south has opened up new markets for products from the north. From 1865 to 1870, American banks

The total capital increased sharply.

In the same period, the pace of conquering the West Indians intensified, and the characteristics of monopolistic imperialism appeared for the first time.

Merchants and railway business owners followed the pioneers who occupied the land and established an agricultural and handicraft economy.

In the ten years from 1865 to 1875,

The struggle against the Indians and bison opened the way for capitalist railways, banks, herders and land speculators.

In many cases, it is the small and medium farmers and herders who

It resisted the invasion of capital monopoly imperialism and the process of deprivation of their land by banks and financial groups. However, compared with the monopoly consortium, their power is negligible, so their uprisings were eventually suppressed by blood.

After removing the disobedient farmers and small and medium farmers, the construction of the railway continued.

Then, the railway quickly connected the Atlantic coast and the Pacific coast, and at the same time, various minerals were developed.

After 1875, through **** initial capital accumulation, banks, railways, minerals and steel

The "empire" represented by monopoly consortia.

The rapid development of American monopoly imperialism (rough development, full of life-and-death struggles among business owners) fuels its offensive psychology. The consortium capitalists who lead the economic development think that they are the leaders of the people and are the implementation of the "natural destiny" theory that will make the United States the leader of all countries.

By. The United States was intoxicated by the material achievements made in the relentless struggle with capitalist competitors, and it became intoxicated by imperialism. The conquest of the west, the plundering of Indian land and the killing of ethnic groups did not

Pingyang coast, California and Oregon, but across the Pacific to protect the Japanese and Chinese Far East. In the southwest, the United States has spread to Mexico, Central America and Latin America

Chau continued to expand.

The capitalists of the triumphant monopoly consortium set their sights outside their borders. Their expansionist ideas have influenced the policies of the politicians in Washington and the minds of the masses. The American masses are under the anesthesia of the “fate of heaven” and the spirit of Monero , Fanaticism set off a wave of Chinese exclusion, imposing the persecution of Indians on the treatment of Chinese laborers in the United States. After that, American monopoly consortia cheered the Monroe declaration and carried out outside the United States in the name of protecting weak countries. Brutal economic expansion!

The expansion of the United States first appeared in the Latin American region. In the 1800s, the total volume of US exports to Latin America was only US $ 70,972, which increased to US $ 1.8 million in 1880 and US $ 3.47 million in 1885.

The initial overseas expansion of the US monopoly consortium was only concentrated in countries and regions such as North America, Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean, where the economy is backward and the government lacks its own financial resources. However, after entering the 1880s, with the rapid growth of the U.S. industrial aggregate The increasingly saturated industrial market and the influence of excess factors, the courageous American monopoly consortium quickly shifted the target of hunting to South American countries such as Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil.

The American monopoly consortium chasing economic interests like a shark is a natural expansionist. With the early compromise of the British, Americans stepped forward, first taking half of Mexico ’s territory, then exerting influence on Cuba, and intervening in Central America, South America.

In the entire region of the Americas and in every region that American capital can reach, they are in conflict with the established colonial interests and influence of Britain.

After the 1880s, in South America, the British ceased to exercise restraint as in the past. It first expanded the scope of direct colonial rule in British Guiana, accelerated political and economic control of Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador, in an attempt to build a partnership in northern America The barrier prevents American invasion.

Subsequently, Britain quickly changed its diplomatic policy hostile to Han, and actively reconciled with Han.

Under the threat of the common enemy of the United States, the United Kingdom and the Republic of Korea not only increased economic and trade cooperation, but in the political field, the two countries joined forces to undermine the United States ’attempt to establish the American League of Americans and successfully expanded the American expansionary forces. Contained outside northern South America.

Before Germany turned over with Britain, the competition between the United Kingdom and the United States for international hegemony was all-round. From the vast Pacific Ocean, the Far East, Africa, and even the European mainland, performances of capital competitions were performed all the time. In the Americas, the region with the most fierce competition between the two sides, the economy and national strength of the United Kingdom are gradually reaching their limits, but in the confrontation with the Americans, they are increasingly feeling powerless.

No area in Mexico, Brazil, and Cuba controlled by the Spaniards can play a positive role against the United States. The only South American country with valuable value is also because of the brutal expansion of the emperor and his troops, making the British feel It's tricky, not daring to completely let go of the shackles of Han, and push Han to the front line against the United States.

The British have little political and economic interests in Paraguay. In order to win over Han, the United Kingdom can allow the Han army to intervene in the Paraguay civil war. For the Republic of Brazil, although the United Kingdom has invested a lot of money in it, it faces Americans in Brazil. The challenge of the republic's cross-cutting corners, when it is absolutely necessary, to give up the Republic of Brazil is not an unacceptable option, and except for Paraguay and the Republic of Brazil, the only thing that will let British politicians give up is Chile.

Chile ’s annual output of saltpetre minerals exceeds 60% of the world ’s saltpetre production. If the territory of South Korea is allowed to expand in South America, after Paraguay and the Republic of Brazil, Chile, which is rich in mineral resources, can hardly avoid being occupied by Han. The end.

It is not in the interest of the United Kingdom to control the supply of saltpetre from Chile. However, if you want to fight against the United States, you must meet Han ’s expansion needs to a certain extent. As a diplomat, you must accurately grasp The scale between the two is a very difficult thing.

The British Empire is the country with the most extensive control of territories in the world. Britain, which has land in various parts of the world, does not lack land for its own nationals. Han ’s expansion in South America will not directly damage the British economy. interest,

On the other hand, although Western powers ostensibly recognize the reality of Latin America ’s independence, in fact, Western countries do not regard them as a member of the white ethnic group for Latin American countries with a very low percentage of purebred whites.

At this time, the South American countries have not yet ushered in a large-scale immigration of European whites. The proportion of pure whites in various countries is not high. Taking Chile, where whites dominate in later generations, as an example, the proportion of pure whites only accounts for about 100% of the total population. Sixth, the Indo-European race is 60%, while the Indians are 34%.

Weak meat and strong food, survival of the fittest ~ ~ Western powers that follow the forest rules do not really care about the survival of a small group of white South Americans. If the international situation changes, Chile can be exchanged for favorable conditions for the UK by sacrificing Chile. The group of gentlemen of the British government will also be very determined to abandon Chile.

South America seems to be a big vortex, the United States, Germany, France and other countries have joined it one after another, and for the sake of benefit, they have to constantly compete fiercely with British capital and consortia, but from the perspective of the British side, not only the United States, Germany, France and other competitions The opponents are not easy to deal with, and the allies that are temporarily available such as Han, Chile, and the Republic of Brazil are not worrying. The conflict between the Han and the Republic of Brazil is not mentioned. Originally, Chile, the most submissive to the United Kingdom, was because of Barr. President Masada ’s coming to power has not only made the relationship with Britain more and more alienated, but also the disputes and conflicts between the two countries over the ownership of the saltpetre mine resources have become greater.

The various problems were entangled, and when I recalled it, Williams felt a headache. However, the actual problems will not change because of Williams ’s personal subjective perception. Just when Williams intends to temporarily forget the intricate South American affairs and enjoy the leisure time in the afternoon, several uninvited The arrival of the businessman from the British consortium quickly turned his original good plan into a bubble.

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