Rebirth of the Comic Queen

Chapter 317: . 赳赳Old Qin

Listening to Mao Lingquan: Let me tell you, you may not believe it, my daughter, listening to the cat Nanako, is actually a super master of ancient literature, um, you ask me Nanako's age? She is 16 years old this's true! You believe me! Believe me!

When listening to Mao Lingquan seeing Qin soldiers screaming at Qin Feng, Wuyi, and rushing to Guinie to death, this episode of the plot is that he was really shocked and unable to speak, not because the plot was too burning or something. , But because of that Qin Feng. Without clothes!

In the present-day Long Kingdom, Neon is also a province of the Long Kingdom, and it is also regarded as the orthodox of the Long Kingdom. The reason is that the alchemist Xu Fu of the Qin period went to sea with three thousand boys and girls to search for the immortal mountain, seeking the immortal immortal for the first emperor of Qin Dynasty. The allusion of medicine, at the end of this allusion, of course Xu Fu did not find the immortal medicine, otherwise Qin Shihuang would not die, would he?

But Xu Fu really found such an island overseas, officially Neon Island, and because he did not complete Qin Shihuang’s mission and found the immortal medicine, Xu Fu did not dare to return to Qin, so he simply settled on Neon Island. It is also because of this allusion that people in Neon Province are naturally considered to be the orthodox Dragon Kingdom.

Although due to a completely different development trajectory, the Long Kingdom has been the largest country in the world since ancient times, and its economic development level is very high. The inland of the Long Kingdom has always been the center of the Long Kingdom as the base camp of the Long Kingdom. Think of them as native relatives who came out of the poor country.

However, this does not affect the citizens under the rule of the Long Kingdom on the ancient history of the Long Kingdom. All citizens under the name of the Long Kingdom have learned the five thousand years of history of the Long Kingdom. The important era of the pre-Qin period is in the history of the Long Kingdom. , Of course, there are many pens and inks, and when listening to Mao Lingquan when he was studying, he was considered a talented student, but he had never seen this Qin Feng. Wuyi!

The correct statement is that he has not seen the full version of this Qin Feng. Wuyi. This Qin Feng is indeed a war anthem of the Qin army during the Qin Dynasty. It is also recorded in the history books. It is the archaeologists. Found in the tomb of a great general of the Qin Dynasty, engraved on a bronze ceremonial sword.

It's just that the bronze sword at that time had been corroded badly, and the content of Qin Feng Wuyi was no longer complete. Only the beginning Qiyue Wuyi, the middle part, and the last son were all three characters. So in the original textbook, There are also these few sentences, as well as the picture of the bronze sword.

But what did he see now? He actually saw the full version of Qin Feng Wuyi? ! No, no, maybe this may not be the full version, but a version that Nanako completed by himself, but! Listening to Cat Reizumi, I am sure that Nanako's edition is definitely the most original edition!

I don’t know how many historians and poets have repaired and completed this song Qin Feng. Without clothes. I have seen no less than ten versions just by listening to Mao Lingquan, but there is no one version that can be compared. Kami Nanako usually fits so perfectly, connecting the past and the next, this is incredible! It's the first time listening to Cat Reizumi discovered that Nanako still has such a high history and culture.

Listening to Mao Lingquan now no longer pays attention to the battle scenes in the comics, but stares at this Qin Feng. Without clothes, the light in her eyes flickers, and she doesn't know what she is thinking.

Maybe I should ask Nanako? Who on earth did this song without clothes complement it? Was it herself, or where did she see the borrowing? From the details of Qin Shimingyue's work, listening to Mao Lingquan can tell that Nanako must have spent a lot of energy searching for materials from the Qin Dynasty.

After all, this work is full of antiquity, even the details on the costumes of the characters, the environment and the surrounding utensils, all reveal the atmosphere and unique atmosphere of that era, so this Qin style. Without clothes, it is very It may be that Nanako saw it from an unknown document or material.

"Forget it, let's finish reading it first, and then take the opportunity to ask Nanako when the porridge is sent to the hospital later."

Hearing Mao Lingquan put away other thoughts, and continued to look down, then he was stuck on his face by Nanako's big move, and he was shocked to feel a little numb.

In the screen, the rookie gymnastics prince and sword sage Ganie has a set of fancy forward somersaults, back somersaults, three hundred and sixty degrees in mid-air Thomas's whirlpool gymnastics, three left three right four eight-character butterfly steps, just like their new game Fruit Ninja Cut by the cat club After killing nearly two-thirds of Qin Bing like a vegetable chop and melon, he finally stopped breathing, apparently already a little physically exhausted.

Gane: "Enough is enough, you can't stop me, just let me pass."

The remaining Qin soldiers reconciled to one place. They looked at the corpse of the same robe who had fallen on the ground, and then looked at Gai Nie again, their eyes full of tragic and indignant feelings of death.

The only Qin general who survived, his right hand was gone. It was cut off by Gai Nie, and he was the only one who successfully used an arm as a price to take Gai Nie a sword and not die. Among all the Qin troops who were still standing, he was the only wounded person, and the others who had charged towards Gai Nie had already fallen on the way to the charge.

The general smiled, full of tragic and majestic meaning, he began to sing again, a new poem, "Take old Qin back to my rivers and mountains, no blood drains, no truce."

"Quiet old Qin, regain my rivers and mountains, no blood will drain, no end to fight! Endless fight!"

This is a charge that feels like death. The three hundred cavalry that have come here are finally annihilated, and at the cost of all the deaths, they are seriously injured by the sword sage Ganie. Just as they sing in their song, the blood does not drain, and death No truce! Even though they are defeated, they are glorious!

Listening to Mao Lingquan: What can I say? Do you want me to show off with others, my daughter Nanako is very culturally literate, and she can even understand pre-Qin poetry?

He was sure that this poem that Qin soldiers sang during the battle to death had never appeared in this world. Otherwise, how could such an impassioned poem not be sung in the world?

Listening to Mao Lingquan's guess, this poem is true to the old Qin, and there is no Long Country in this life! Because Nanako was extracted from the theme song of a TV drama called the Great Qin Empire from the memory of her previous life. Without this Great Qin Empire in this world, of course there would be no Old Qin... She thinks. The poem is very good, so I took it for granted. After all, this battle plot is her original. Of course, she has to strive for perfection, and of course she has to use something.

The plot of Nanako's drawing is over here. After all, the plot of Gai Nie vs. 300 Qin Jun is her original, but it is still a battle scene painted in a large space. The energy consumed can be imagined, plus Qin Shimingyue's work pays great attention to details. Of course, her humanoid printer capabilities have to be attenuated a lot.

Even in one night, she can only paint so many, and what is even more terrifying is that this work, all the content, can only be completed by her alone, after all, the style of this work is very special. Every detail needs to be paid attention to. It is almost impossible to let the comic assistant help her fill in these details to maintain the unique style and details of Qin Chao.

After all, let alone a manga assistant, even a formal manga artist does not have this ability. Just talk about the small details of costume patterns, inscriptions, and decorations that are unique to the Qin Dynasty. Although they seem inconspicuous, they require The foundation is really not low at all, and not everyone can do it. This requires a considerable foundation in the culture and customs of the Qin Dynasty.

Nanako didn’t understand until the moment Nanako got his hands on it. It’s unspeakable that the update speed of the Xuanji Technology Company in the past was as slow as a snail. In a dynasty, the culture and customs are enough for you to study for a lifetime.

A glorious and prosperous, but different ancient culture, if the Dragon Kingdom is called second, no one would dare to call it first. After all, the culture of each dynasty of the Dragon Kingdom is different, especially during the pre-Qin and Warring States period. The collision of Qi Ming's cultural thoughts is more prosperous than the Western cultural renaissance.

And Qin Shimingyue, in the background era, is also in the era when the various schools of thought have not yet decayed, it must be very difficult to operate, so the mysterious technology...I will go to you! Do you think I will help you wash the floor? too naive! The snail-like update speed makes people want to stop Cui Geng at the door of your company, don't be lazy, and work for me!

All in all, UU Read Qin Shimingyue’s work is different from Nanako’s previous works, because of its special background era, it must have the cultural characteristics of that era, and every detail must be taken seriously. Therefore, Nanako wants to be like before, like a humanoid printer, and it is impossible for him to draw one or two words a day.

After all, for this work, no comic assistant can help him complete the details and fill in. Her previous practice of only drawing the manuscript and then handing over the other things to the comic assistant is no longer feasible.

Of course, she can do the same, but in that case, how many details of the style of the era that the manga assistants can grasp is an unknowable thing. Although Nanako is lazy, she is also a perfectionist. She will not do it for convenience. Save trouble and make the work flawed.


There was a buzzing sound, which was a reminder that the porridge had been cooked. After listening to Mao Lingquan, she immediately recovered from her groaning, got up a few steps and walked into the kitchen.

Forget it, don't think about it much, anyway, I have to send the porridge to Nanako. It's fine to ask Nanako directly. Listening to Mao Lingquan scooping the porridge into the thermos, he thought of it.

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