Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 104: : Xiaoya

After Tang Qin mentioned this point, Bai Chen became quite interested in this casting god.

"However, a master who can create artifacts to protect the country will not easily create weapons for people?" Lin Mengyao was a little worried.

This time she went out to Shengtian Academy. She didn't want to reveal the identity of her Lin family.

For this reason, she can be considered lightly, except for the coils she brought, she really didn't bring any decent baby out.

"It's okay, go check it out first!"

Bai Chen stayed unmoved, drank the last sip of herbal tea, then got up and went back to the house to pack his things.

Under the guidance of Tang Qin, the three quickly found a secluded cottage.

This small thatched cottage is located between the valleys at the northern end of Maicheng. It stands alone in an uninhabited area.

Although this place is hidden between the mountains and forests, beside the clear water, when Bai Chen and others come, they can smell a strong smell of rust from far away.

Jumping across the river, the three of them could see the miscellaneous iron and waste utensils all over the yard before they came to the wooden house.

The rusty shovel, the rusty iron rod, the rusty broken armor, as if everything is covered with rust because of the perennial wind and rain.

"Are you sure that the casting master is in this kind of place?" Bai Chen couldn't help looking at Tang Qin's eyes, adding a bit of suspicion.

"If you don't believe me, we can leave now!" Tang Qin stomped his feet with an unhappy expression on his face.

"Well, it's all here, let's check it out first!"

Seeing the two quarreling again, Lin Mengyao quickly stood in the middle, then gave Bai Chen an angry look, telling him to stop talking.

At this moment, the wooden door of the thatched cottage was suddenly pushed open, and the three of them stared away instantly.

Beside the dilapidated wooden door, a little girl in burlap was looking out curiously with her big eyes. This girl looked only seven or eight years old, with a red face, which was also slightly curiosity at this moment. Looks dazed.

"Excuse me, is Master Master at home?"

Looking suspiciously at the little girl, Tang Qin first bowed his hand and said respectfully.

As the saying goes, sea water cannot be measured, and people cannot be seen.

It is definitely not an ordinary thing to be able to see a little girl wearing only a thin cloth in the cold wind in this remote mountain and water environment.

The little girl tilted her head and stared at Tang Qin who was talking carefully. After a long while, a tender and ethereal voice came from her mouth slowly.

"You are looking for Grandpa Tang, he went out in the morning."


Hearing this surname, the three couldn't help being stunned.

Could it be said that this founding master hidden in the wild country was actually a Fengyan person?

"Little sister, did he say when he will be back?"

As if attracted by Tang Qinqing's elegant appearance, the little girl's cute face was full of surprise: "I haven't said it, but Grandpa Tang will come back to drink medicine every afternoon."


Tang Qin retracted his gaze, turned to Bai Chen, blinked his eyes and said, "Brother Bai Chen, why don't we just wait here for a while, by the way, clean up the house for Grandpa Tang."

Staring at the light flowing in Tang Qin's beautiful eyes, Bai Chen instantly understood her deep meaning, and then smiled and nodded.

There is always no harm in visiting such a worldly expert and showing some sincerity!

"Little sister, is it convenient for us to bother here, because we are really anxious to find Grandpa Tang."

"Come here to find Grandpa, who is not in a hurry." The little girl wrinkled her nose and mumbled her mouth: "Besides, they are not called little sisters, they have names."

This little girl has a very cute demeanor, even Bai Chen couldn't help but want to lift her up high.

"Then, what's your name?"

Tang Qin walked straight to the little girl with her little hand on her back, bending over and smiling at her.

"My name is Xiaoya, this is the name my grandfather gave me!"


Staring at this woman's big amber eyes, Bai Chen's face was extremely solemn the next moment.

What is this feeling, why would I...

Without noticing Bai Chen’s strangeness, Tang Qin took his hand and walked to the pile of scrap iron in the courtyard, saying: "Brother Bai Chen, these things are left to you, and then the cleaning of the house will be handed over to you. Brother Mengyuan."

"What about you?" Bai Chen was taken aback.

Hearing that, Tang Qin jumped to Xiaoya's side in two steps, stepping on his feet and smiling happily: "Of course I am chatting with our Xiaoya."


Silently shook his head, Bai Chen didn't bother to care about her either.

Who made her a girl?

Poor Lin Mengyao, who is also a woman, but has to work like Bai Chen.

The best way to remove rust is to use a good feather stone, polish it smoothly, and then use an iron grindstone to remove the rust.

Bai Chen first found a piece of Qing Featherstone, then came to the courtyard, facing the whole courtyard of scrap iron, it was a pain.

Grinding iron, like fishing, can exercise one's mood.

Obviously, Bai Chen was not an impetuous person, even though it took a shovel for half an hour, he still didn't have a hint of irritability.

Lin Mengyao had never done rough work, cleaned the house awkwardly, and was already aching back.

"Sister Tang Qin, you are really different."

Being praised by such a seven-and-a-half-year-old child, Tang Qin couldn't help but chuckled and said, "Where is it different?"

"Others came here and waited patiently outside the yard, but you actually came to help Grandpa clean the room and clean the broken iron."

This situation is the first time for Xiaoya.

Anyone who comes to find a master is always asking for a master.

If you ask for others, you will please others.

But the eccentric temperament of Master Master is famous in the wild country.

Let’s not say if you help him clean the room, he will appreciate your love.

Once the sage master was irritated by something well-intentioned, it would be superfluous, and the gain would not be worth the loss.

Therefore, when faced with such a choice, others chose to stand silently and wait outside the courtyard.

If you are not pleased, there may be no advantage, but at least if you don't make a mistake, you still have a chance.

Furthermore, to come to master the master to build armored weapons, to put it bluntly, that is, to discuss a very big deal.

To do business, it depends on whether your bid will meet the mind of the master.

The price is not in place, the clever mouth is in vain, the price is in place, the tin cans are dry and shredded!

Therefore, these things done by Bai Chen and others are really optional, nothing is better than nothing.

In this regard, the three of them did not care.

Since Master Tang is called Grandpa Tang by Xiaoya, it shows that he is very old.

An old man, a child.

Helping them take care of the courtyard is a good deed.

Lin Mengyao has always been kind, and Bai Chen is also willing to do what she likes.

As for Tang Qin, she has her own plan in her heart!

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