Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 147: : I saw the guard

"With the appearance of the Seal of Light, it seems that the murderer who killed Qi Yeliang has been pulled to the Yunxiao Jianzong, but His Royal Highness Chen Xun is not that simple. I am afraid his purpose this time is to test whether you are capable of killing Qi Yeliang, so I think it's better not to expose your strength!"

What Lin Mengyao is most worried about now is Chen Xun's thorough investigation of the Qi Mansion incident.

Once he finds out that Bai Chen did it, the consequences will be disastrous!

Behind Bai Chen is Shengtian Academy, and behind the national teacher is Phoenix Temple!

Once these two giants collide, it can be far more terrifying than the collision between Yunxiao Jianzong and Hades, and the consequences will be incalculable!

For so many years, the Phoenix Temple and Shengtian Academy have kept the water in their wells in order not to shake the foundation of the country and to give foreign enemies a chance. After Lin Mengyao was loyal, how could he not think about the royal family.

"Oh, you, I always like to think so much. Don't worry, Qi Yeliang is just a piece of the national teacher. It is not important enough that he wants to turn his face with Shengtian Academy for this, and the Phoenix Temple may not be able to I think it is unrealistic for the national teacher and the declared war of Xuan Lao. Although the dynasty's top ten powerhouses, the Phoenix Temple accounted for five, but after all, Xuan Lao's strength is unpredictable, once a fight, it is difficult to predict which is strong and weak." Bai Chen Faintly.

"Since you know the details of the Phoenix Temple, you should be clear. Even Elder Xuan has no chance of winning in front of the Phoenix Temple!" Lin Mengyao was afraid that he didn't know the depth and really went to offend Chen Xun.

Seeing Nizi's irritable little face, Bai Chen didn't want to argue anymore, and smiled lightly at the moment: "Xingxingxing, what you say is what you say, I just listen~"

"Really?" Lin Mengyao seriously confirmed again.

"Really really~"

Bai Chen held his hands casually, very helpless.

take into account?

For him Bai Chen is the most unforeseen vocabulary!

"Since things are so settled, let's go to the Qi Mansion for a while, maybe we will find some clues, after all... Tang Qin is very upset." Bai Chen drank a sip of tea and said lightly.

Hearing this, Lin Mengyao frowned again: "You still didn't listen! Now Qi Mansion is full of His Royal Highness Chen Xun's eyeliner. The first instruction I gave to Twilight Youlian was to investigate secretly before dawn. We must evacuate before! We must not let His Highness Chen Xun be suspicious!"

"Yes, yeah~ okay, okay~ I'll go to the ancient street to post a copybook, okay?"

"I go with you!"


Unexpectedly, this Nizi was so stubborn, Bai Chen even sighed in a daze.

But there is no way, who makes him like her.

Get used to it, anyway, it's been decided long ago, she is only used to it!

In the next two days, with Lin Mengyao's personal protection, Bai Chen had no time to act alone, so he had to follow her to Liushui Ancient Street to sell copybooks.

However, there are still no so-called scholars...

At night, Bai Chen informed them in advance that he would go to Houshan Hot Spring to take a bath and relax.

Lin Mengyao, who was afraid that Bai Chen would act alone, agreed on the surface, but in fact followed him far away, still keeping his eyes on the watch.

Bai Chen couldn't smile at the slight footsteps not far behind him.

Alas, this Nizi...

It seems that I can only use my method...

These days, Bai Chen has always wanted to figure out some things, what **** Phoenix Temple, like the **** of destruction that frightens him?

What a joke!

However, before that, he needs to get rid of Lin Mengyao reasonably and fight for a time for himself to act alone...

There are thousands of natural hot springs in the back mountain of Maicheng, which are quite far apart from each other, which also makes it convenient for some people to come here at night for a wild bath.

Next to a steaming small spring, Bai Chen casually unbuttoned his belt. When his jacket slipped down, his spine was exposed, causing Lin Mengyao, who was hiding in the woods in the distance, to close his eyes in a hurry.


When the water wave splashed, Lin Mengyao opened his eyes blushing again, and Bai Chen had already entered the hot spring, only his head was exposed, with a relaxed face.

"Ah~ah! It's so cool to take a hot spring, so cool~!"

Seeing Bai Chen's happy face, Lin Mengyao couldn't help but snorted and laughed out loud.

"Feng'er, why are you so cold, Yue'er, why are you so round, and Yaoer, why are you so beautiful? I can't help but miss you~"

Bai Chen sang strange songs with ghost cry and wolf howling. He didn't know that his incomplete voice could sing and cry wolves.

Hearing his name, Lin Mengyao squeezed her two little hands tightly together, and the deer in her heart began to bump into it unscrupulously.

Lying in the hot spring pool, Bai Chen stared leisurely into the distance, the calm in the depths of his eyes flashed a touch of emotion.

Mengyao, sorry...

Just as Lin Mengyao stared at the back of Bai Chen's head obsessively, Bai Chen, who had been hiding in the spring water, jumped out of the hot spring pool with a "pounce", and then looked up in the direction of Lin Mengyao. Pointing to the sky and yelling: "God slain crow, if you call again, I will cramp you and feed the dog with wine!"

I don't know if Bai Chen was moved by Lin Mengyao, he is extraordinarily "spirit" at this moment!

"what is that……"

Lin Mengyao's eyesight was more terrifying than ordinary people because of the blood succession of the scarlet pupil.

At this moment, Bai Chen, that touch of brilliance, was even more clearly captured in her eyes.



Bai Chen, who was still pretending to be looking up to the sky, only heard a scream of a young girl in the distance, and then, he heard the sound of someone falling into the grass.

One has horrible eyesight, and the other has bad hearing.


Anxious, Bai Chen quickly put on his clothes, and a few moments appeared beside Lin Mengyao.

When he saw Lin Mengyao who had fainted and his breathing was still steady, his hanging heart finally let go.

"You stupid girl, are you so scary?"

Lifting her up gently, Bai Chen shook his head with a wry smile, and jumped up to the treetop with his toes touching the ground.

Bai Chen first sent Lin Mengyao back to the inn, then put on the light yellow mask he had prepared before, then jumped out of the window and rushed to the Tianlan Pavilion in the north of Maicheng.

Tianlan Pavilion, as the most luxurious restaurant in Maicheng, nowadays, because of the presence of Prince Lie and Prince Chen Xun, it is even more feasting and singing every night.

Bai Chen didn't choose to enter from the front door, because he knew that with the identity of the two princes, he must have already covered the entire restaurant.

Therefore, if you want to enter, you need to find another way!

Coming to the eaves on the third floor, Bai Chen's eyes narrowed into a gap instantly through the gap of the transom.

In that long corridor, a fierce face with a knife scar deeply touched Bai Chen's calm heart, and he couldn't help but boil with blood.

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