Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 670: : The Lord comes

A man who was stepped under his feet in the most vulnerable place, changed to an ordinary person, already crying and showing weakness in his urine.

However, Nangong Liucheng is just like an okay person, his eyes are still calm, and his face is still smiling: "Bai Chen, are you trying to take advantage of the fire?"

"Ah, you still know me." Bai Chen raised Qihuang Liuli with a smile, with a cold smile on his face.

"Take advantage of the fire?!"

Pluto raised his brows and his old eyes trembled.

Seeing Bai Chen's smiling face, Pluto frowned and said: "Boy, your relationship with my daughter is so deep, you won't want to rob me, right?"

"Tsk tsk, you deserve to be Pluto, changing your face is more sophisticated than turning a book, I admire it."

A moment ago, Pluto was still talking, and Bai Chen could not be used by him, so he had to be killed by him. At this time, he talked with his daughter again.

It is a pity that Bai Chen is not a fool. Facing the hypocrisy of Pluto, he just smiled.

"Since you have a relationship with me, then I will come from you first." Bai Chen shrugged casually, moved the soles of his feet from under Nangong Liucheng, and then walked away with a light smile at Pluto.

"Boy, Hugh must be presumptuous in front of Hades!" Upon seeing this, the ghost king was furious.

However, Pluto interrupted the eruption of the ghost king by raising his palm.

Staring at Bai Chen fiercely, Pluto smiled and said, "Boy, don't be too much, otherwise I will never allow you to enter my Pluto sect!"

"Hahahaha!" Bai Chen couldn't help laughing when he heard Pluto's words: "Pluto, what kind of stuff are you really being the Pluto sect? In my eyes, it's just a third-rate and nine-sect."

"What did you say!" The injury that had finally stabilized, under Bai Chen's words, was once again aggravated by anger, and Pluto's face also became pale.

Bai Chen casually carried Qihuang Liuli and said indifferently: "You don't have to be angry, and I don't mean anything else. I just want to tell you that you can live to this day because you gave birth to a very good daughter. If not, I would have cut off your dog's head long ago!"


Pluto's eyes were red and his face twitched violently.

After saying what he should say, Bai Chen didn't bother to look at his expression. When he turned around, his sharp gaze shot directly at Nangong Liucheng through the light of night, his eyes full of anger and killing intent.

Regarding Nangong Liucheng, he was truly cruel to the end. He never forgot the hatred of the two masters and the blood hatred of Sister Mu Wan.

The deep hatred made Bai Chen full of blue veins on his forehead at this moment, but he still had to suppress control, because there were many things he needed to ask.

"Nangong Liucheng..." Bai Chen lowered his head, his voice was extremely cold and trembling: "Say, who is the Lord Lord? What is your purpose in arranging the Lord Lord to come to the southern region of the mainland?"

Bai Chen's words are also Pluto's doubts.

Facing the doubtful glances of the two of them, Nangong Liucheng chuckled lightly, and said faintly: "The Lord God is not a petty person who can intervene, and now you, facing the Lord Lord, I am afraid that even the ants Not really. As for the purpose of our Wanchao Pavilion..." Nangong Liucheng paused, and suddenly raised his eyes, with irony in his eyes: "Even if you know, what can you do?"

"In other words, you are not going to answer either of these questions. Nangong Liucheng, even if I kill you now, I can still find the divine lord, do you believe it?" At the end of Bai Chen's words, his deep eyes flashed across. Sen cold color.

"Believe, you and God Lord, sooner or later you will meet, but I am afraid that by then, you will already be a poor **** that can be abandoned."

"Before that, you should try your life for Mu Wanqing and Mu Wanning!"

Bai Chen's face was sullen, and the Qihuang colored glaze in his hand was restless. In an instant, a cyan flame sprayed out of his body, his majestic and amazing aura, becoming irritable.

Standing behind Bai Chen, Pluto stared solemnly: This kid is about to reach the Four-Star Reincarnation Realm...!

Pluto had already heard of Bai Chen's cultivation speed, but now that he saw it with his own eyes, he was still horrified.

This kind of cultivation speed against the sky, looking at the dynasty world, only the boy Lin who left here can compare with it.

Holding Qihuang colored glaze horizontally in front of him, Bai Chen's fingers lightly ran over the sword body as he was about to slash it. Suddenly, a thunderous sound burst into the sky.

At that time, an extremely violent spiritual pressure instantly covered this area. Under this momentum, let alone Bai Chen, even Pluto could not help but feel infinite fear.

"Heaven Realm?!"

Bai Chen and Pluto exclaimed at the same time. When they raised their eyes, a white robe man with a black mask stood impressively under the moon.

Although this man could not see his face, his palm was not old, and he looked like a middle-aged man.

Of course, in the cultivation world, appearance can never be used as a basis for judging age, just like Pluto, or Shu Kexin, who has lived for hundreds of years, is also middle-aged.

As we all know, looking at the Fengyan Dynasty, there is only one strong in the heavenly realm, such as the old Xuan. This is also the reason why the Phoenix Temple has many masters, but still fears Shengtian Academy.

But now suddenly there was another heavenly realm monster, and the result was already obvious. He was the Divine Lord!

Seeing the man in the black mask, Nangong Liucheng forcibly endured the pain in his chest, knelt on one knee, and bowed solemnly: "See Lord God!"

Nangong Liucheng, whose strength is indistinguishable from that of Pluto, still showed such a humble expression when facing the divine lord.

Such a scene fell into the eyes of Bai Chen and Pluto, making them more dignified.

The masked man stood high in the sky, looking directly at Bai Chen, who was standing like a bell, his eyes were very strange.

Humph, I want to see who you are!

Bai Chen sneered in his heart, his eyes gradually turned dark red...

But at this moment, the masked man turned his palm, and his body was like a shining sun, instantly illuminating the entire night.

The dazzling light pierced Bai Chen's eyes with burning pain, and he quickly covered his eyes. However, after a long time, the day turned into night again.

"It can emit the sun-like brilliance, is this the heavenly realm...!" The Pluto rubbed his eyes that were still burning, his vision still blurred.

Bai Chen was also uncomfortable by the brilliance, and it took a long time for him to see things clearly.

However, the masked man and Nangong Liucheng were all gone!

Just when Bai Chen was lost, a big hand beside him swept directly at his throat with extremely terrifying power.

"Moving the stars and changing the moon!"

Facing the palm of Pluto that came out without warning, Bai Chen smiled coldly and said softly, his figure instantly turned into a bubble and disappeared in place...

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