Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 674: : Tracing the secret of Tang Qin

Still holding her wrist, Bai Chen said with a fierce face: "Come on, tell me, when will your Tang family still have the palm of the sky, why don't I know?"


Tang Qin pulled back his small hand, his cheeks flushed: "Did you just use Chaos Ghost Eyes?"

Bai Chen smiled gloomily, and narrowed his intoxicated eyes: "Yes, I saw one..."

"You dare to say the gully, I will kill you!"

"Uh, no." Looking at Tang Qin's furious eyes, Bai Chen shook his head and chuckled, and immediately showed seriousness: "I saw a scar."

Hearing this, Tang Qinmei's eyes stopped and she was a little dazed: "This scar has been there since I can remember. As for why there is such a scar, I have asked my father, but he said, this is from when I was born. There are birthmarks."

Hearing her words, Bai Chen's eyebrows were raised: "Fool, that's a scar, how could it be a birthmark!"

"Of course I know! But Dad doesn't tell me the truth, what can I do. I can't pray silently to my mother's spirit in the sky, and then see if she can tell me in a dream, right?"


So she didn't even know that her mother was still alive? !

"Forget it, it's meaningless to go back to these pasts. It's getting late. You rest early and I will go back." Bai Chen said, his eyes gradually sharpened.


Without noticing the coldness in Bai Chen's eyes, Tang Qin lowered his eyes and gave a bashful look.

Taking a deep breath, Bai Chen didn't say much, got up and left.

Looking at the back who walked out of the room in a hurry, and finally disappeared in the closed door, Tang Qinsu covered his neck with his hand, his cheeks still hot.

"He saw my scars, doesn't that mean... he saw them all!"

Thinking of this, Tang Qin hurriedly got into the quilt, bit his lip, and sighed with shame: "This guy always uses Chaos Ghost Eyes to me, bad guy..."

When Bai Chen walked out of the room, his eyes swept across the starry sky, his eyes flickered slightly, and his murderous aura was dark: "Tang Qin's scar is obviously injured by some extremely terrifying flame, and this flame has a very familiar taste... Vermillion Bird Saint Flame!"

Looking at the entire continent, apart from Chu Junran, only King Feng could possess such flames.

Phoenix King...!

For the palace master of the Phoenix Temple, Bai Chen knew that his strength was far from that of Nangong Liucheng, and he knew that he was comparable to that of the Pluto. To defeat such a strong man, he still needs to continue to improve his strength.

Now he has entered the four-star reincarnation realm, and the two great inheritance powers have been obtained, and the next way is to break through by himself.

In the face of many powerful enemies and hidden dangers, Bai Chen won't let up. After a cool breeze, he found an empty room and began to practice cross-legged.

The next day.

On the bed, Bai Chen with his eyes closed, he breathed in and out, and there was a faint aura flowing between his breath. This aura looks like water current, completely different from the previous state.

However, this state is completely unknown to him.

At a certain moment, a **** crowed from outside the door, and the moment when Bai Chen opened his eyes, the weird and flowing aura disappeared in an instant.

Touching his abdomen, feeling the thick and powerful spiritual source in his body, as if he was a little more stable, Bai Chen smiled with relief, put on his shoes, and pushed the door away.

The morning in the mountains is much fresher than the air in the city, taking a deep breath, refreshing, and looking at the sky, full of energy.

"Hey~ Senior Miao is really enjoyable. Although this kind of life is calm, it can make people fascinated, and it can be a kind of fairyland."

"Hehehe, at a young age, with such a state of mind, you really are extraordinary."

The sudden sound behind him made Bai Chen tremble with fright. He suddenly turned his head and saw the old man in yellow robe who appeared in front of the door without knowing when, he couldn't help but let out a wry smile: "Old Miao, you walk without a sound. Is it?"

"This is called Shadowless Walk. If you want to learn, I will teach you."

Old Miao's words fell, and his figure suddenly flashed. At the same time, Bai Chen's eyes suddenly narrowed, even if it was him, he barely saw a light and shadow passing by.

The old Miao who reappeared, already sitting before the stone table, with his dry palm, picked up a chess piece and gently placed it on the chessboard.

What a weird body...!

Bai Chen had seen Yang Qiuyu's weird steps with his own eyes. Now that he sees Old Miao again, he has to be amazed that this southern region of the mainland is not useless.

"I understand the kindness of Senior Miao, but I already have three teachers, and all three teachers belong to the same school, so I don't want to choose another famous teacher." Bai Chen came to Miao and sat down, and did not choose to be tactful. The decline, but a straightforward rejection.

Being able to be accepted as a disciple by Mr. Miao is a great opportunity and glory in the world, but Bai Chen was not moved by it. Although he was arrogant, Mr. Miao was even more surprised.

Facing the curiosity of Miao Lao, Bai Chen turned a blind eye, glanced down at the endgame, and smiled lightly: "Senior, do you often play chess with Hades?"

"Forget it, although it's not often, but it's been hundreds of years."

"Really." Bai Chen, who didn't know chess skills, picked up a chess piece at random and placed it at the corner of the chessboard. He said in a flat tone: "So, you didn't hesitate to save Tang Qin back then, and it depleted your own repair. Why, this incident has become your unworldly kindness to Pluto?"

Hearing Bai Chen's words, Mr. Miao's dry palm visibly trembled.

"I want to know the story back then." Bai Chen said again when Miao Lao was silent.

"The things that happened back then are so fascinating in the past, it doesn't matter if you don't mention it." Old Miao still avoided it.

However, how could Bai Chen give up?

This is about Tang Qin, even if he digs out the tomb of Old Ancestor Miao, he has to dig it out!

"Let's do it." Bai Chen suddenly raised his eyes, looked directly at Miao Lao's face that has experienced vicissitudes, and smiled mysteriously: "I wonder if you have heard of...Xinglan Temple!"

With eyes facing each other, Bai Chen's words shocked Boss Miao.

Seeing him like this, Bai Chen shook his head and smiled: "Oh, you deserve to be Mr. Miao, I have indeed heard of it."

"Xinglan Temple, located in the middle of the Xinglan Continent, is in charge of the order of the entire continent. It is called the realm of gods by the world. In the four major areas of east, west, south, and north, there are Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu. The existence of the four divine veins, and the duty of these four divine veins, is to guard the Star Lan Temple... However, since the fall of the ancient Suzaku in the southern region of our continent, the strength of the Phoenix Temple has been far inferior to that of the ancient times, so it has gradually faded out of the Xing Lan Temple. The sight of the Phoenix Temple. How much hope the current Phoenix Temple can continue to guard the Xinglan Temple, instead of guarding this little Phoenix Flame Dynasty. It’s a pity that they have long been no longer qualified to guard the Temple... These things have been known for thousands of years. There are not many people, would you know?" Old Miao looked directly at Bai Chen with a faint smile, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"How would I know that there is no need for seniors to ask too much. As for seniors, you can say these words so carefully, it is obvious that your relationship with Feng Wang was really extraordinary back then...!" Bai Chen narrowed his eyes and looked like a fox.

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