Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 679: : Not afraid of Hades

Among the crowded thousands of people, as if they were still, they kept their hands and froze in place.

The ghost king headed by his old face was suffocated, his eyes were dull, his face was stiff, his forehead bounced with violent veins.

At this moment, a figure suddenly descended from the calm sky. When everyone in the Pluto Sect saw the coming, they all looked solemn and greeted in unison: "Well, see the lord!"

Countless figures kept their neat movements on one knee, but their faces were not very pretty.

The black robe lifted up, and the soles of Pluto's feet steadily stepped on the ground. Following the eyes, he saw the four young men and women who were roasting meat, his expression sank on the spot.

"Brother, they...!"

"Yeah, I see." Pluto raised one hand and interrupted the ghost king. He immediately looked directly at the thin back and smiled coldly: "Boy, hiding under the protection of Miao, you are really good. Elegant."

Hearing that, the four of them stared at each other in a daze. Tang Qin's eyes were full of complexity. Bai Chen was extremely leisurely. He held a bunch of rabbit heads in one hand, took a bite, and then grinned at Pluto: "Hey, there is a good wine. , There is a beauty, how can I be in a bad mood~ right?"

With that said, he deliberately raised his arm and put it on Tang Qin's shoulder.

Thousands of people in the Pluto sect were immediately stunned, but Tang Qin, who was the person involved, did not show any resistance, but his pretty face was slightly red, like a bird like a bird.

Seeing his daughter being held by Bai Chen in his arms, Pluto's eyelids trembled, and he said solemnly, "Boy, what, have you figured it out?"

"Huh? What did you figured out?" Bai Chen chewed on the delicious rabbit meat with an innocent face.

Such a frivolous appearance made Pluto's face infinitely gloomy: "Look at you like this, are you ready to accept my daughter?"

As far as Pluto is concerned, Bai Chen's terrifying talent is not for his own use and must be eliminated by himself!

Of course, he even hopes that Bai Chen can join the Hades Sect, so that he is equivalent to a powerful boost.

A faint glance at Pluto's uncertain face, Bai Chen took a sip of the wine, a smile appeared in his eyes, and immediately with his arm, he hugged Tang Qin even more tightly: "Well, I want to understand. I like Tang Qin!"

! !

Bai Chen's words caused Hua Sheng and Guo Fatty's eyes to stagnate, and Tang Qin's body trembled fiercely, his heart beating like a drum.

"Brother Bai Chen, what did you... just say?!" Tang Qin turned his head and looked at the arrogant and unruly profile in front of him, with a dull expression.

Bai Chen turned his head, and at close range, he could feel Tang Qin's breath, sniffed it lightly, and then smiled lightly: "I said, I like you!"

"Bai Chen... brother!"

For a long time, Tang Qin kept all the feelings for Bai Chen in her heart because she didn't want to fight with her best sister.

Although Xinglan Continent has always been polygamous, it is just as ordinary as people have to eat and drink, and birds have to build nests and eat insects, but Tang Qin always feels uncomfortable. She cherishes Bai Chen and Lin Mengyao as well.

It's just that, after passing through the old past that Mr. Miao personally narrated, Bai Chen understood that if you love, you must love deeply, otherwise you will miss it and you can only regret it for life.

After leaving all the shackles in his heart, Bai Chen seriously confessed to Tang Qin, making Tang Qin dumbfounded.

"Hahaha! Good!" Pluto laughed and was overjoyed: "Good son-in-law, then you should hurry up and release the three-year agreement with the Lin family, and then choose a good day and auspicious day to come to my Pluto sect! I will live my life. It’s all yours!"

"Good... good!"

The crowd at the back also retracted their fierce eyes, and followed Pluto Huan's call.

However, Bai Chen raised his eyebrows with a little disdain, and looked at Pluto: "You should keep your own skills, I'm not rare."


When this remark came out, everyone was shocked!

Seeing their staring eyes, Bai Chen shrugged helplessly: "And what am I going to do to your Hades Sect? Tang Qin is going to marry into my Bai family, but you can rest assured that I will often go there. The Pluto Sect visits you just like Grandma Lin~"

"What do you mean...?"

Pluto clenched his teeth, his eyes skyrocketed.

Bai Chen did not enter the Zui Ming Wang Sect, this has already touched his bottom line, but this kid actually wants to visit the Lin family's grandmother? Could it be that he wants to hug the left and right?

Looking directly at Pluto, Bai Chen smiled faintly: "Mengyao, I must marry, Tang Qin, and I want too, and the two of them will eventually be the eldest lady and second lady of my Bai Mansion, so you understand. Alright, future father-in-law~"


Pluto was furious, the aura of the star sea realm broke out in an instant, covering the world, making the space around it faintly distorted.

Six stars in the sea? !

Bai Chen and Hua Sheng looked at each other with solemn expressions, and then continued to laugh slightly: "I advise you to say less about these presumptuous things. Otherwise, when you are old, no one will take care of you. ."


Pluto's face flushed, and he furiously said, "If you don't break with the Lin family, I will never marry your daughter to you!"

"Oh, oh, is it~" Bai Chen tore off the rabbit's leg and sent it to Tang Qin, wrinkling his nose and said: "Your father said he wouldn't marry you to me.

Meimu stared at Bai Chen's eyes, Tang Qin smiled, and directly took the rabbit's legs: "I don't care about him, I will marry you!"

"Tang Qin!!"

Pluto almost spit out old blood.

For Tang Qin, Pluto is her heaven, but Bai Chen is everything to her. For Pluto, she will do the filial piety that a daughter should do. In her own way, for Bai Chen, she can finally let go Restrained, looking directly at the feelings between them, she will guard her with fate and will never retreat.

It's just that Tang Qin's words fell into the ears of the people of the Pluto Sect, which is tantamount to a heavy rain from the sky, which made them feel embarrassed from the inside out!

Pluto fell silent, and everyone in the Pluto Sect fell into a dead silence. At the foot of Miaoshan, only the four of them, Bai Chen, talked and laughed constantly.

Watching his daughter being held in his arms by Bai Chen, talking and laughing, Pluto's face was extremely gloomy.

The anger dazzled Pluto's mind, making him hot, and he said: "It is said that the daughter who married out, and the water poured out, it seems that the daughter is not as reliable as the son!"

Hearing what he said, Tang Qin's jade hand holding the wine glass trembled slightly, and when he turned to look around, Meimu carried a deep resentment: "So, you will freeze me for three hundred years and make me motherly. go?"

"That **** Miao Chengfeng! He actually told you everything?!"

Pluto was furious.

"I overheard, don't change the subject!"

Tang Qin stood up suddenly, the mist swirling in his eyes.

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