Rebirth of the Father of Anime

Chapter 452: Equivalent exchange

"It's over, spread flowers!"

"Fullmetal Alchemist" finally ended, relying on the wonderful story, so that fans completely ignore the peculiar style of painting. The perfect finale confessed everyone's story, filled all the pits, and left no regrets for the fans.

"The story has a compact rhythm and no procrastination. This is a work worth repeating! The plot of "Fullmetal Alchemist" revolves around the main line of multiple lines. The multi-line plots of many works are often narrated or recalled by branch characters. , From the perspective of the mainline characters. And the perspective of "Fullmetal Alchemist" is constantly switching, except for the related plot of Ishuba, there is almost no memory. So many details are not easy to notice after reading it. Look at the second I am always amazed at how clever the original plot is set up. The beauty of the plot of "Fullmetal Alchemist" is that there are ambush pens and suspense everywhere. There is basically no plot like the flag in the general story that can be created to attract eyeballs."

"Many of the plots of the works are set up in advance, and then connected by the characters' one-step actions. Watching "Fullmetal Alchemist" feels like the characters are weaving the plot step by step, and it feels that it is not just the main characters in' Activities', but the whole world seems to be'alive'." Zhuang Bufan expressed emotion in the comment area.

For him who loves comics and novels, every story of He Chen is so wonderful that he will never tire of it.

Seeing the appearance of "what time" id and knowing the identity of this id, a group of people roared and joined the enthusiastic exchange.

"Same sympathy. For example, the price paid for the cultivation of the human body. At the beginning, I didn't care about it, but I really saw the end. Only then did I realize that the price paid by everyone has its own meaning."

"For example, Edward and Alphonse hope to resurrect their parents, that is, to get loved ones and warmth, so Edward lost his only relative, his younger brother Alphonse, brothers like brothers. One of his legs was also lost as a price. Alphonse When Si lost his body, he lost his warmth completely. And Edward kept his younger brother. He fixed his soul to the armor, and as a price, he lost another hand. I think this is also because it just fixed the soul. , If he wants to get Alphons out completely, I'm afraid he will lose his body...maybe it is not enough, because he is missing a leg." said a rushing No. 1 machine.

Then someone inserted a post and joked: "Is it possible that I can become a woman with clothes?"

Then the person was immediately overwhelmed.

"Edward’s teacher, Izmi, wanted to resurrect his son, so he lost a part of his internal organs and was unable to bear children anymore. Although Roy was forced to form a formation, he lost his sight as a price. Roy’s goal was The country’s future has lost its eyesight, that is, it will never be'invisible' anymore." said a rushing first machine.

"A vain attempt to take a shortcut to the'past'. It is bound to lose even what the'now' has. On the other hand, what you have been looking for is actually what you already have. Just looking at the distance or the'past' without paying attention. To the side-in fact, happiness (truth) is right by the side." Xiang Rui Yimo said.

"From now on, the name, image, and final result of the cyborg seem to be thought-provoking. The first appearances were Luster (lust) and Gratoni (gluttony). These two appeared first, I think it’s because Lust and gluttony are the most common among human beings. The most widespread, and the most easily found of the seven deadly sins. As for appearance. Lust is a mature beauty, and gluttony is a big fat man. It is obvious. "Hong Yusan said.

In "Fullmetal Alchemist", the connotation of the seven deadly sins is also the most obvious and also the most discussed content.

"Lust is the first human being to die. Roy was burned to death. Indulgence will eventually catch fire."

"Bulge eating is the second human to die, and it also died twice. The first death was rushed out of his stomach by Edward and others, and the second death was swallowed by Pride. Both times "Eating" is obviously a kind of irony and warning."

"At the same time, **** and gluttony are always inseparable. Are you describing the desire for ‘satisfaction (anti-harmony)’?"

"And Enwei-jealousy, his prototype is an ugly bug, he will use everything he touches to expand himself, expand himself to be huge, heavy, and uglier. Jealous people are like this, Staring at people who are taller and better than yourself, dreaming of becoming taller and more weighty. Enwei will deform, just as jealousy always covers herself with all kinds of beauty; Enwei always hurts people with bad words, just as jealousy can make people change. To be bitter and mean; Enwei can become a giant in an instant, just like a small stimulus, the heart of jealousy will swell wildly."

"Jealous people just expand themselves like their hearts. They do become taller, but they just become more disgusting. People who are jealous always think that the beauty of others will appear in themselves, but they don’t know. No matter how much you change, if you don’t give up your jealousy, he will always be an ugly bug—to paraphrase a line in the comic, “Jealousy, it’s really ugly.”

"And Enwei's death also has a profound meaning. He committed suicide. When Edward truly understood and said his jealousy, he committed suicide. Just as people can only find out if they tear off their concealment. Only when my jealousy is so ridiculous, pathetic, and pitiful, will I be truly free and easy to put aside jealousy."

"Sloss (laziness), his appearance is the same as his name. He seems to be too lazy to appear in the comics. There are only a few pens, and he is considered the lowest presence character among the robots. Laziness dies from seriousness and hard work. He died under persistent attacks from people. On the other hand, when he started to get serious, he was already dead."

"Next, let’s talk about anger-President, he is the most special one of the seven people. He was originally a human, born, old, sick, and died, and followed him to become a man-made. But only'angry' is the new man after he became a man-made. Increased characteristics. Does this imply that anger is not a characteristic that people need to possess? Just as the president is forcibly injected into the sage’s stone and turned into an artificial person with a powerful force that humans don’t have, anger It is a kind of fierce and powerful emotion that others bring to you. The president’s fighting style is fast and cruel, indomitable, and everything is attack-oriented. Just like people in anger, they often make unexpected crazy actions. Desperately going to Shanghai, others also hurt myself all over."

"It was Skar who killed the President. Let this person who is always in anger against this country that persecutes his nation, and let this Ishubar with blood-red eyes that seem to be angry, kill the'anger' with his own hands. It was his final confession of his long-lasting anger. Since he decided to help Edward protect this country, he has personally ended his anger and entered a new realm."

"Pride (arrogance), the prototype is a baby that can be pinched by two fingers, just like arrogance itself, it is such a small and ignorant performance. The weapon of arrogance is a sharp shadow, before covering others, you must first cover yourself. An arrogant person is like a baby, who has not yet grown up, has not really felt what wisdom is, or has not really seen and understood the world, so he is proud and arrogant, thinking that he has the arrogant capital. In fact, looking back. I am just such a "baby": he is obviously childish, but he thinks he is mature; he is small but he thinks he is tall."

"Arrogance is also the only human being who is not dead--in fact, it can be said that he is dead. He has grown up step by step through pain and hardship, and matured step by step. Step by step, he has a powerful arm that can really support a piece of sky, and he has also stepped out. With his own arrogance, Edward, who was on the journey of life, returned arrogance back to the prototype-a little baby. Then she was re-adopted by her mother. He became no longer arrogant and sympathized with small lives. The military said that if the child changes. (The arrogance is restored), the military must deal with it. The mother firmly said that this will never happen. This also seems to be saying that arrogance is a result of family cultivation. So, arrogance is dead. Not dead."

"The last one is Glid (greedy). This is the most described character. Because of'greedy', he has to be'greedy' even in his playing time. From his name, it is easy to see why he betrayed'Father 'Because he is greedy, and he wants to have everything greedily, so it is absolutely impossible for him to be willing to succumb to'sir father'."

"The greed died of satisfaction, because in the end he finally knew what he wanted the most-his partner, and he also had this thing-Yao Lin. When greed is satisfied, that is when greed dies."

Every humble design will be more and more shocked after being discovered by fans.

"And the last confession." Xu Yiru watched the discussion in the post and followed up.

"'I give you half of my life, and you give me half of your life!' This is Edward's confession to Wen Li. It's a stupid, earthy, not romantic confession, but I don't think so Any woman can not be moved by it."

"Equivalent exchange, this is to treat the other party on an equal position, this is a small thing that few people can do! When I look at it, I suddenly think why there is only half, instead of all? I think it’s only half of this that makes my heart move. Because it makes people feel sincere! Or from another perspective, one person and one half, everyone will be a piece of life from two halves. This is a kind of "To be with you for a lifetime" will never leave. And in all words, I gave you "I" and you gave me "You". In the end, only the positions of the two have changed."

"And Wen Li's words afterwards said,'Don't say half, I am willing to give you all', '9...90%? Or 80%? No, 70%? 8:50%, right...", she was shy, While making people smile, they can't help but express their emotions for love-love is selfless and cannot be exchanged at equal value." (to be continued)

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