Rebirth of the Father of Anime

Chapter 572: Soup or meat?

"Kid, what do you want?"

Seeing a child coming in, the owner of the toy store greeted him cordially.

The child seems to be more introverted, with one hand curled up in his pocket. This is a small toy store. Although it is small, there are a lot of toys on the neatly lined shelves.

The child stood at the door silently and scanned twice, only to see that his clear eyes suddenly lit up, as if he had found a prey, and then he walked straight to the row of shelves inside.

The boss smiled kindly, shook his head, and continued to watch movies on the computer, and occasionally raised his head to look at the child.

However, the child stopped in front of the shelf for a long time, with a confused face, unlike the kind of "no money to buy toys to specialize in eye addiction" appearance.

The boss paused the movie, walked over, bent over, and asked the child kindly: "Didn't you find it? What do you want? Tell grandpa, grandpa will find it for you."

The child looked up at the boss, and then at the shelves, and the childish voice floated from his mouth: "Want Gundam!"

"Aren't these all Gundams?" The boss pointed to the two rows of Gundams placed above and said to the child, but the child shook his head. The boss seemed to have thought of something, and then moved the Gundam box away and was blocked behind the Gundam. Take out a box and say to the child: "Is this what you want? Zaku?"

In addition to Gundam, there is also Zaku in "Gundam".

The boss thought, if the child is not going to be high, it must be Zaku.

However, Gundam is beautiful because of its bright colors, and it is also the main character's body. So sales are very good. So he was placed in a conspicuous position. Except for the red body with the long horns on his head, not many people like Zaku's other dragon suits. He entered a batch for the first time, and has not sold out until now, so he is gradually blocked by Gundam.

"It's not this." But the child still shook his head, looking at the shelves that he had scanned countless times. He said: "I want to attack Gundam."

"Strike Gundam?" The boss couldn't help but wonder, he only knew "Gundam" and "Zaku". What is "Strike Gundam", he has never heard of it, is there such a toy?

"Isn’t Gundam from the anime "Gundam" in Tianman? There is only one name called Gundam. I have never seen any assault Gundam, kid, did you remember it wrong? What other toys are named?" the boss asked patiently.

"I can't remember it wrong! Strike Gundam is Strike Gundam, which is the body in "Gundam Seed"! Kira? Yamato drives the body! Strike Gundam has wings, but Gundam does not have wings." The child seriously corrected the boss's. error.

"Gundam seed?" The boss chanted the name, and then regretfully said to the child: "I'm sorry. Grandpa doesn't have this toy now, or wait for next time. Next time, grandpa will have it here."

The child lowered his head in disappointment, then raised his head to look at the boss, and asked seriously: "Then I will come tomorrow, will I have it tomorrow?"

The boss was embarrassed and said hurriedly: "Uh, next week, there must be next week."

"Okay, that's it! I will definitely come next week! Goodbye, grandpa boss." The child said goodbye to the boss politely, and then ran out again.

He left in a hurry, just as he came in in a hurry, waving his sleeves without leaving a single RMB.

"Gundam seed, sounds like Gundam's sequel? Let's take a look first..." the boss muttered, returned to the counter, turned off the movie, and searched for the latest news of Gundam.


"Mizuki, congratulations! Your work, the company has decided to adapt the animation and game!"

Mizuki is a novel author under the banner of Shengshi. When he heard the news from the editor, he thought... the editor's number had been stolen.

Because his name is not a great author, he even said that he is still a novice, since he entered the circle of online writing, this book is his third book and the first two books are not even qualified to sign.

He is not an amazingly talented player, and based on the statistics, this book has just barely surpassed the ranks of the street. Compared with the great god-level authors on the website, it is even more so.

However, he never expected that some opportunities that great gods hadn't gotten would fall on his head!

"... Liu Yunda, are you kidding me?"

Liuyun is the editor-in-chief, and he was approached by the editor-in-chief for the first time in history. Moreover, this titanium alloy-like "happiness falls from the sky" also made him dizzy, and his speech attitude was very respectful.

"What are you kidding about? This shows that your work has been recognized. Afterwards, remember to ask me to eat a meal... Of course, the last sentence is a joke." Liuyun chief editor sent a reply.

Mizuki blinked and looked at it word by word, confirming that he had not misread the word. Then he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and squeezed his thigh vigorously, grinning his teeth with intense pain.

He opened his eyes and confirmed one side again before he was convinced that he hadn't dreamed!

"But, but, but my book grades are not good? Weekly clicks are ranked more than 200, and weekly recommendations are more than 100. Subscriptions, monthly passes, etc. are not good. Why do you want to adapt my book? It’s better than me. There are a lot of books that have not been adapted yet." Makoto Mizuki said with trepidation. He never thought that he could get this kind of treatment. His biggest dream was that he could publish it one day and be able to see it. He was satisfied with his own physical book.

But this happiness came too suddenly, and it went straight to the adaptation of animations and games, which is almost a treatment that only great gods have.

And the great god, in his eyes, has always been the existence he looked up to.

"...Let me ask first, this adaptation...Should I ‘invest’ some money first?"

In this era, various scams have emerged in an endless stream, especially after some online social software has been hacked, and there are countless cases of criminal fans using this to deceive people.

It is really hard to believe that such a good thing can fall on Mizuki, so he has to be careful and careful.

At this moment, Liu Yun, the editor-in-chief on the other end of the network, couldn't help laughing out loud.

However, he also understood Mizuki's thoughts.

"Don't worry, I won't ask you to pay a penny." Liu Yun gave Shuimu a reassurance before sending a message, "Don't underestimate yourself. Be confident. Some people's novels are not bad. It is the lack of an opportunity. Now your opportunity has come. The key project of this time is the theme of mecha. In this subject that still belongs to the minority, you wrote very well, and you like it very much. "Gundam" right?"

Seeing these words, Mizuki finally relaxed, and then typed: "Yes, I like "Gundam" very much!" Even his novel was written after reading "Gundam". There is nothing bad to admit about this.

He originally contributed to Tianman, but he had a friend who was in Shengshihun, so he pulled him over. He was originally interested in writing, but he didn't expect to sign a contract, so he kept on writing.

"Well, although you are following the trend, you have written your own characteristics in these follow-up works, combining Chinese martial arts with sci-fi mechas. This is a highlight. I am also following your books. , I watched heartily."

When Mizuki heard that the editor-in-chief was also chasing his own book, he was overwhelmed by some of the details. He likes the world of "Gundam", but the world is described from the perspective of war, and he prefers the "martial arts culture" of China, and the feeling of gratitude and enmity.

Since Gundam is in human form, why can't it use some kung fu in battle? Even the internal strength in some martial arts novels can also be expressed by fictional science, such as the use of gravitational fields to show the effect of the great shift of the universe, isn't the fighting more exciting?

With this in mind, he wrote the novel that appeared in this book.

His low popularity is actually because of his writing style. Those who look at this kind of novels are basically fans of Gundam. Some of them may not accept his "strange" setting, so works that are niche in themselves become even more niche.

However, his writing style is truly unique, especially in highlighting various organisms.

For example: Nine Suns Magic Machine has high energy and high recovery, Jianglong Eighteen Palms body's super output energy cannon, Lingbo microstep body red has angular triple speed.

This is exactly the same as He Chen's "Gundam Seed" at this time. Li Sen has seen He Chen's ideas from the style that He Chen changed in the world of "Gundam Seed" and also discovered this huge market.

So when people's eyes were attracted by the recently famous "Things about the Rabbit That Year" and "The Girl of the Weapon Race", he did not hesitate to lock onto the "Gundam" series that made this money in obscurity.

He saw this series almost comparable to the "Magic Girl" trend, enough to list a huge series of themes alone, far surpassing "Weapon Race Girl".

No, maybe even bigger than "Magic Girl" because of its peripheral value, maybe even higher.

In "Girls of the Weapon Race", they are already one step behind, following the trend, that is, just drinking soup. However, the "Gundam" series has not yet started!

He Chen secretly stewed a large pot of broth, and Li Sen had already smelled it. Instead of following the pot of leftover soup that He Chen has eaten up, Li Sen wants to have a good meal of meat when this pot of fresh broth is just coming out of the oven!

"I don't know how your outline will develop, but if you want to adapt animations and games, we hope you can make some changes to the story later." (To be continued...)

ps: Work hard!

Try to catch up.



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