Rebirth of the Father of Anime

Chapter 694: Sword in the Stone

ps: Watch the exclusive story behind the "Father of Rebirth Anime", listen to your more suggestions on the novel, follow the official account of the starting point Chinese website (WeChat add friends-add official account-enter qdread), let me know quietly! In this world, a man appeared, a man dressed in a simple robe woven with the highest-level fibers.

The man talks to the flowers as if he is talking to a friend, and walks in the sea of ​​flowers. He didn't have the slightest confusion or hesitation, while humming a song, he clearly did not use any magic or mystery, but the flowers that did not bloom were competing for beauty one by one along the man's footsteps.

Who is this guy?

Many people have produced Yiwen in their hearts. This is a stranger. Whether in fate's animation or in the game, players can be sure that they have never seen this character before.

Is it King Arthur?

But shouldn't King Arthur in fate be female?

Could it be that you used some magic to change your appearance?

Although the man was alone from beginning to end, there was no sign that could identify him, he hadn't introduced himself, or someone called his name. But suddenly, people who are very familiar with the story of King Arthur thought of a name-Merlin!

This is a name that has never played in Fate...No, it can't be regarded as a non-play, his name has appeared before, in the final of the Fate line!

Merlin contributed to the meeting with Saber in Avalon after the death of Wei Gong!

The scenery here that resembles a fairyland is undoubtedly the legendary Avalon, since this person is not Saber. Then he can only be Merlin.

For this, Merlin was an accidental intruder. Merlin seems to be "escape", it is a bit wrong to say that it is "escape", because Merlin doesn't feel nervous at all, as if traveling. But he was really avoiding something.

and. Knowing that there was danger ahead, he stepped in with curiosity, and of course he was sealed. There is no ceiling. The vertical wall extends indefinitely, blocking the visiting magician. It's like a tower without a roof. Merlin looked back in the middle of the stone tower. The door I just entered has disappeared, and some are just stone walls that extend infinitely to the sky.

Even across the world. This curse also followed like a shadow. It was obvious that he had sinned against a woman, and the offense was very deep.

Merlin's expression was a little helpless and a little puzzled. As a hybrid born of humans and nightmares, he feeds on dreams. It seems that I don't understand the application of feelings.

"Sure enough, I still don't understand humans. Isn't this a curse that can't be established without changing my life? Isn't it? It's terrible. I don't remember that I did something to that girl that would be hated to such a degree. ..."

Merlin didn't say much about being "imprisoned". He shrugged and sat down on the only protruding rock wreck in the narrow single house. It's hard to use as a chair, but the height is just right. Sitting on the rock and looking up, there is the only small window on the wall.

The sky seen through the window is not reality, but as long as it is the same era, no matter where a man is, he can see the whole world.

In his eyes, the shadow of the poster that the audience had seen before appeared. A petite figure, half-kneeling on the hills where the corpses were everywhere, looked around. The eyes are full of confusion and pain...and shaken.

Merlin stroked his arms, and suddenly a small thing emerged from his clothes—this was his ambassador.

"The final scene is coming..."

Accompanied by the long and vicissitudes of life emphasized by the memories, the picture began to rippling, blurred, and plunged into darkness like the surface of the water. Soon, the screen flickered. Under the mild light, the scenery seemed blurry. After a while, it flashed again, as if someone had just woke up.

The lens is zoomed out. The surroundings were still very dim, only the morning light coming in through the gaps in the door. Through the morning light, I can see the surrounding scenery clearly, this is no longer the fairyland on earth, the simple house is full of ancient styles.

The mouse passed by the door very boldly. Seeing his skinny appearance, it was obvious that life here was not optimistic. The mouse got into the pasture pile in the room and disappeared.

Tianman's realistic cg strength made the audience even smell damp and moldy.

On the bed is a handsome boy who just woke up, covered only with a thin blanket.

The blonde fans, especially the Saber fans, were suddenly excited. There is no doubt that even if they are not wearing her armor, or holding the one that belongs to her, the fans can recognize her at a glance!

This is the king's call!

The real story, this has just begun, this is the story of a king Arthur in the world of fate, this is the story of a female King Arthur, this is the story of Altria before becoming Saber, this is also about Al The story of how Tolia became the legendary King Arthur like a car!

"This is the sword in the stone? Why does it look different from the one in fate?"

The story starts with the sword in the stone, "The one who drew this sword is the King of Britain"-this is a sword to choose the king. This is a sword destined to belong to King Arthur. Of course, no one of the surrounding knights can draw it out.

Because Altria was not old enough to be a knight, she didn't participate. Seeing that no one can draw a sword, the knights turned to a knight competition.

The production of cg is extremely delicate, even every trace of texture on the stone, every trace of hair on the human body has a full score, and it is more real cg-level special effects than real people, attracting many people’s attention to the sword in the stone. on.

So someone whispered the above-mentioned question to his companion, thinking that Tianman hadn't done a good job.

But the companion also lowered his voice and replied: "Of course it's different. The sword in the stone is the sword in the stone. Yes, these are two swords. The sword in the stone is interrupted again. So King Arthur got it from the fairy of the lake. A holy sword, that is."

The surroundings are calm.

It was clear that it was still so lively, but now there is no one there anymore.

The knight and the people all left.

No one was near the rock where the sword was pierced, and even how many people believed the prophecy felt suspicious. The sword was discarded here as if it hadn't changed in the first place.

Do not. There is another person who hasn't moved.

Altria watched his righteous brother Kai go away, watched the hot knight match over there, and then turned to stare at the sword in the stone.

It is slightly different from the original legend. The original legend was that when King Arthur took the sword for Kai, he pulled up the sword in the stone because his family was under control.

And here is not the real King Arthur after all. This is the King Arthur of the fate world.

She was born here just to pull up this sword. But when she stood in front of this sword, she asked herself again in her heart: Why did she pull up this sword?

In fact, she couldn't move into feelings like the regret or wish of her dead father. I don't feel any special sense of mission or touch for the magician's teachings. In the fifteen years, the only things that have been motivating her are the ordinary days with her adoptive father Aktor and righteous brother Kai, as well as the romp of the people living in the town. It's different from longing or love. It's just that things like that seem to be good in her eyes.

Her driving force was different from that of the former king Youser. It is not the domination* of being a person, nor the sense of obligation held by the leader, nor the intoxication of faith.

Her driving force is only a trivial matter. The fifteen years of life that cannot be spent as a human being is all her wish.

There is only one reason to pick up the sword.

Just looking at people’s lives will give rise to power. There is the motivation to move forward. I can confirm what I want to do even if I don't say it.

That is the answer that the king is cultivating by the girl named Altria, full of human nature, and pursued by the king.

She quietly placed her hand on the hilt of the sword. The voices of brave cavalry were heard in the distance. The noise of the knights was far away, and there was no one around the rock. And that is very similar to the feeling of watching the festival from a distance.

That didn't just start now. She has always been outside the festival. At any time, it seems like a bystander, silently watching everything.

So this is not like saying such uncomfortable things.

The hilt of the sword closed together surprisingly. It was difficult to deal with so far. Something that was tumbling in the body, as if it was about to burst from the inside, was sucked into the sword, and the body felt lighter and lighter.

As if the sword had become a part of her body, she believed that as long as she took her hand back. The sword in the stone will be pulled out by himself.

Altria took a deep breath, but at this moment. But suddenly there was a voice.

"It's better to think for yourself before picking up that thing."

Recovered. Altria found a stranger standing behind him-Merlin. No, I have actually seen it countless times, but this is the first time she has met in reality.

"Once you pick up that sword, you will no longer be a human until the end. It's not just that. Once you pick up it, you will be hated by all human beings and welcome the tragic death."

Merlin is not just talking about it, but directly presenting her future fate in the form of reflections in her mind.

Altria knew that it was not advice but prophecy. If she picks up that sword, no matter how she struggles, she will meet the reality of lonely and tragic death.

Merlin thought carefully, why did he do this? The plan originally agreed with Youser did not include this language, but would push Arthur from the side...

However, Altria did not let go, her hair like gold gauze fluttered in the wind.

Before, she was scared in her heart. She was not afraid of her own end, but was afraid of whether the decision was correct.

If there is someone who is more suitable than himself to become a king, wouldn't he be able to lead the country better?

But such a person did not appear, at least not now, and during this period, someone must assume this obligation.

Draw up the sword and become someone else.

Everything that I was afraid of so far is in the past.

This is a ritual to kill yourself.

If you have a human heart, you can't protect everyone with a king.

The so-called king is to protect the people and kill the most people.

As a young girl, she thought about it every night, trembling until dawn. There is no day she is not afraid, but that will also end today.

No matter how many times she will be alienated, feared, or even betrayed, her heart will not change.

Live for people!

To live with people!

In order to leave the future for people!

"A lot of people are smiling. I think that can't be wrong."

Who knows that lofty oath?

The sword was pulled out. (A great activity of pie-dropping in the sky, cool mobile phone waiting for you! Follow it~ Click/Chinese website official account (WeChat add friend-add official account-enter qdread), participate now! Everyone has a prize, now immediately Follow the qdread WeChat public account!) (to be continued)

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