Rebirth of the Financial Overlord

Vol 3 Chapter 58: Threat to the dollar

There is no ideal in life, what is the difference between that and salted fish.

If one day, Enron ascends the throne of the president, then the two will go to the president's office to play a novel and shoot some art videos by the way. Wouldn't it be the greatest joy in life?

Self-brain supplement is the most deadly.

The bold and crazy thought made Shen Jiannan's blood run wild like a wild horse.

Because this is not impossible, but very possible.

With unique advantages such as the strong industrial base left over from the Soviet Union, the enviable black soil, and the geographical location connecting the east and the west, Ukraine was full of ambitions at the beginning of its independence.

However, over the years, Ukraine has undergone a series of drastic changes in various fields of economy, politics and social life. The beautiful vision of the Ukrainian people at the beginning of independence has not been realized. The economic crisis and political farce have been staged in Ukraine in two decades, and the country has developed. Stumbled and swayed constantly between east and west.

Ukraine, a country known as the "European granary", had the highest proportion of engineers and the most developed manufacturing and engineering technology in the Soviet Union. Experts in military industrial enterprises even reached the point where they were not paid.

The political and economic academia has considered the situation in Ukraine extensively from various angles, and published many papers. Some scholars blamed Ukraine's domestic oligarchs for the reason that Ukraine became a European harem from a European granary.

In the mid and late 1990s, President Kuchma of Ukraine was in power. It was also during this period that a large number of oligarchs emerged in Ukraine. The stage of their development and growth was also a period when oligarchs competed fiercely within Ukraine.

During this period, the oligarchs not only controlled Ukraine's economic lifeline, but also influenced Ukraine's internal affairs and diplomacy.

The privatization of Krivorozh Steel Plant, Ukraine's largest steel and metallurgical company, is a microcosm of oligarchic competition.

During the Kuchma administration, the oligarchs were already full of wings. They formed close alliances with local bureaucrats and political leaders, and even jointly formed political parties.

With the support of oligarchs, local bureaucrats and political leaders aspire to the throne of power in the central government.

Once successful, the tentacles of the oligarchs expanded from their respective regions to the whole of Ukraine, and the Ukrainian oligarchs completed a process of alternation between the old and the new and the division of power.

The so-called oligarchs refer to the financial industry predators who can control the lifeline of the national economy. They monopolize financial industries such as banking, insurance and securities, energy industries such as oil, natural gas and electricity, and entities such as mining, metallurgy, and machinery manufacturing, and they also control Public opinion tools such as newspapers and magazines, radio and television and emerging online media.

Nowadays, many regions of Ukraine are still in a vacuum zone. With sufficient capital support, it is not difficult to obtain sufficient political resources.

At that time... An Ran may not be the queen of Ukraine.

In Shen Jiannan's mind, there was a picture of Enron Kardashian standing in front of people, admired by 40 million people in Ukraine, but the picture changed and returned to reality.

I don’t know when, the white sheets have been crumpled and messed up, the various decorations on the desk are also popping all over the table, the living room is neatly set up and the black leather sofa has long been offset to the corner, even On the dry and white walls, there were also places that became a little damp like rain.

Ukrainian oligarchs are not only businessmen of a wealthy and rival country, but also important political identities-party organizers, leaders or Lada parliamentarians, government officials.

In Ukraine, commercial capital is closely integrated with political power, and oligarchic families have financial, economic and political tools to dominate society.

The oligarchs have strong economic resources and political power. They are the ruling class of Ukraine. They influence the economic and political transition and influence the formulation and implementation of the country's foreign strategy. They penetrate all corners of Ukraine with their interests.

If you can get enough political resources, you can get the support of the Odessa military...


Enron Kardashian has a heat stroke.


The two brought drinks.

After Anran Kardashian's breath became even better, Shen Jiannan got up and picked up a vitamin C drink, helped Kardashian, and brought it to her lips.

With the supplement of sugar and water, Enron Kardashian gradually recovered a bit of strength.

Looking at the invincible face, she bit her lip lightly, her tired eyes tracing a deep grievance.

"Boss. If I became the president, I might be the most humiliating president in history. I really regret giving you the training manual."

"Don't you think it's too late?"


The sun gradually slanted westward.

Anran Kardashian fell into a deep sleep, Shen Jiannan helped her cover the quilt and walked out of the room with a long back.

The originally clean and tidy living room lost its original appearance and looked very messy. Shen Jiannan didn't care. He picked up the clothes that fell beside the sofa and took out a cigarette from his pocket.

American cigarettes always feel awkward to smoke, but fortunately, they are better than nothing.


The faint cigarette invaded the lungs with deep breathing. As the nicotine wandered through the body, Shen Jiannan gently closed his eyes.

Democracy and freedom are extremely poisonous, but if you want to maximize this toxicity, you must have sufficient capital.

Today, Capital One’s total assets are almost 3 billion U.S. dollars, but these assets are deposited in Thailand, Japan, and Hong Kong. There is not even 300 million U.S. dollars that can be drawn out. I want to fully advance the progress in Ukraine. , It's a bit difficult.

I'm so poor. U U Reading

Money, what a bastard.

It will be May soon. With the shrewdness of the Wall Street gang, their eyes must have been focused on Western Europe, and it seems that the money is coming here faster.

Will there be variables?

Just like the butterfly effect theory, a butterfly in the tropical rainforest of the Amazon River Basin in South America, occasionally flapping its wings, can cause a tornado in Texas in two weeks.

Now that the strength of Capital One is rapidly expanding, the impact it will bring is bound to grow bigger and bigger. God knows what kind of trajectory changes will be affected.

Shen Jiannan couldn't help thinking.

The EU’s Customs Union and Agricultural Policy Union promoted the emergence of Egypt. The purpose is to curb the excessive speculation of the U.S. dollar in the European market and combat the influence of the U.S. dollar on the currencies of various countries.

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