Rebirth of the Flying Era

Chapter 1197: arrest

  Chapter 1197 Arrest

  Zhang Huilan has never been so anxious as now.

   This made her seem to have returned to twenty years ago. At that time, she was only in her early twenties, full of enthusiasm, received secret training, and came to the capital while the war was in turmoil.

  At that time, she was in a panic, for fear that someone would find out her identity suddenly.

   Not long ago.

  Her husband was sent to the Northeast because of some problems.

  She was like a frightened bird at the time, thinking that they had been exposed, and tried every means to cover it up.

  But at this moment, a superior suddenly contacted her.

  She was undoubtedly quite conflicted in her heart, but she had no choice at all and had to carry out the task.

   Sure enough, something happened this time.

  Last night, her downline suddenly came and said that she had been exposed, and the worker security found her home. Fortunately, he had already prepared to transfer in advance.

   Zhang Huilan was shocked when she found out, but she was also relieved.

  Because Wang Wei is her only downline in the rolling mill, Zhang Zhongxiang's arrest will definitely not affect her.

  As long as Wang Wei runs away, she is safe.

  Wang Wei ran to her overnight not only to remind her, but more importantly, to ask for money.

  If something happened this time, Wang Wei’s identity would definitely not be allowed, and he would not be able to stay in the capital anymore. He had to move out.

  The lion asked for a thousand dollars directly.

  For safety's sake, Zhang Huilan gave it up without saying a word.

  Now Wang Wei's safety is her safety, money or not is not important.

   What's more, she doesn't have to pay for this money herself, and she will reimburse her superiors later.

  However, Zhang Huilan didn't expect that last night she was relieved, but this morning, as soon as she got to work, she heard many people saying that Wang Wei had been arrested!

  She panicked at the time, her face was pale, and her heart was beating wildly.

  One of the office workers thought she was sick.

  Zhang Huilan is usually very popular, so naturally there are many people who care about her, but now this has become a burden, which made her perfunctory for a while.

  But Zhang Huilan is not stunned. Although she panicked at the critical moment, she still remained calm.

  My brain is spinning rapidly, what should I do next.

  First of all, she restrained her fear and did not ask whether Wang Wei was really arrested.

   At this time, this kind of behavior is likely to attract attention.

  In fact, she has not been arrested so far, which means that Wang Wei did not confess her.

   Otherwise, the security guard would have come to the door long ago.

  With this realization, Zhang Huilan forced herself to calm down and began to plan the next step.

  Continuing to do nothing will definitely not work, that is self-deception and waiting to die.

  Even if Wang Wei doesn't confess her for the time being, it doesn't mean he can hold on for long.

  Once Wang Wei is arrested, it will be a matter of time before she confesses. The reason why she hasn't said it until now should be up for grabs.

  Zhang Huilan realized that she must seize this time difference.

   Fortunately, when her husband went to the Northeast, the child was sent to the countryside.

  She has three children, all of whom were born after she and her husband made a fake, so she can't take care of so much at this time.

  At this time, only the father and the mother can marry, and the individual cares about the individual.

  Zhang Huilan made up her mind and found an excuse to leave the unit.

  Riding the bicycle quickly, Zhang Huilan looked around vigilantly from time to time, but didn't notice the crow flying in the sky.

  Du Fei watched through his field of vision synchronously. Zhang Huilan was very old. Once she started to flee, she seemed quite decisive, and she didn't even return to her original home.

  Ride a bicycle directly to a red brick tube building near the Normal University.

  Du Fei looked at it synchronously through his vision, and it looked familiar.

   Coincidentally, the person who manipulated the rats to attack the grain depot was also hiding nearby.

  Zhang Huilan's safe house is also here.

  Du Fei was thinking while watching Zhang Huilan walk into the building.

   After a while, I entered the innermost room on the third floor.

  The third floor is the top floor, and someone obviously lives in this room.

   It should be a cover for Zhang Huilan.

   But there is no one in the room at this time.

  Zhang Huilan entered the room, without bothering to draw the curtains, and began to rummage through the boxes.

   Soon, he found a few gold bars and a lot of cash from the hidden compartment of the cabinet.

   In addition, there are letters of introduction and identification, all of which she put into a black leather bag.

   These were all clearly seen by the crow that fell outside the window.

  Then Zhang Huilan picked up a pair of scissors and cut her long hair short in one fell swoop, then daubed and painted on her face in front of a small round mirror.

   After a while, a woman who was completely different from her appeared out of nowhere.

   After finishing the work, Zhang Huilan looked at herself in the mirror and breathed a sigh of relief.

   Didn't stay here for too long, just picked up the bag and left.

   It took less than half an hour from the time she entered to the time she left.

   came out again, with a different look, which seemed to make Zhang Huilan less anxious, like a chameleon covered in protective colors.

   Unfortunately, this sense of security is illusory after all.

  Du Fei's eyes are always on her.

  Zhang Huilan didn't ride the bicycle when she came here, but switched to another one. After riding it, she headed south all the way, passing through most of the capital city.

   Looking at her direction, it seems that she is heading for the Beijing Railway Station.

   Du Fei couldn't help frowning, thinking that he was going to run away?

   This was not the result he wanted to see. After Du Fei found out that Zhang Huilan was Wang Wei's online, the reason why he didn't arrest this woman immediately was to see who was behind her.

  If she just ran away like this, Du Fei's thoughts would be in vain.

  Du Fei couldn't help frowning.

   Can't really let Zhang Huilan run away, once she arrives at the train station, she will definitely be arrested.

  Du Fei couldn't help but took a deep breath, he simply didn't stare at Zhang Huilan in disguise, got up and went out from Mianhua Alley, and went straight to Wang Dacheng.

   To his surprise, Zhang Huilan gave him a surprise just when he was already planning to do something bad.

  Zhang Huilan came to Nancheng by bicycle, and did not go out of the city directly to the train station, but suddenly turned west and entered a not-so-spacious alley.

   At this time, Du Fei had just driven to the Municipal Bureau, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

  But before he had time to look carefully at where Zhang Huilan was going, he ran into Wang Dacheng who had two dark circles under his eyes. He obviously didn't sleep last night.

  Wang Dacheng glanced at the refreshed Du Fei, and said angrily: "You are free and easy, just be the shopkeeper."

  Du Fei smiled, guessing that there was nothing to gain from the interrogation of Zhang Zhongxiang and Wang Wei last night.

   When the two came to the office, Wang Dacheng took a sip of water, and couldn't help cursing: "You bastard, I really thought we didn't dare to do anything serious, biting that little thing, but not spitting it out."

  Du Fei understood that Wang Dacheng was asking for his opinion.

   After all, without Du Fei, Wang Wei couldn't be caught at all. This situation must be discussed with Du Fei, otherwise it will be hard to explain if he is killed.

  Du Fei smiled and said: "Don't be so troublesome, what are you doing competing with him. You get ready, we will arrest people later."

  Wang Dacheng was taken aback for a moment, blinked his glasses and looked at Du Fei, and even wondered if his ears heard it wrong?

   Are you going to arrest people now?

  Although Wang Wei was caught yesterday, it is about the same as now.

  He had no idea yet, Du Fei and Jiang Donglai sent him here.

  But forget it once, what’s the matter if you come a second time.

   Even made Wang Dacheng self-doubt.

   Fortunately, Wang Dacheng and Du Fei had gone to the Ministry to handle cases together, and had some immunity to Du Fei's ability.

   When he came back to his senses, he immediately responded and began to ask people to prepare.

  Du Fei took his time, and started to look at Zhang Huilan again.

  Zhang Huilan entered the alley, turned east and west, took many detours and finally came to the gate of a large courtyard.

   Parked the car outside the door, she stepped into the courtyard and went straight to the back.

  This courtyard was originally a quadrangle courtyard with two entrances. Although it is not as grand as Du Fei's original courtyard, it is quite regulated in Nancheng.

  Zhang Huilan entered the inner courtyard, went straight to the upper room and knocked on the door to enter.

  With a thought in his mind, Du Fei immediately let the crow fall, intending to check the situation in the house.

   Unexpectedly, at this time, suddenly, a stone hit.

  The crows flapped their wings instinctively. Although these crows were not modified twice like Xiao Hei No. 1 and No. 2, they were far from ordinary. They turned over in the air to avoid the attack.

  Du Fei took a closer look, but it was a boy in his teens, standing under the eaves of the Westinghouse, holding a slingshot in his hand.

   The slingshot is tied with an orange bicycle inner strap, which is quite elastic.

  The power of the stones fired is definitely greater than 1.8 joules per square centimeter.

  Du Fei yelled unluckily, and immediately let the crow fly away.

   There is no reason to compete with this kind of brat, and this is just an ordinary crow. It was hit by a slingshot. Although it won't be killed, it will definitely have an impact.

   At this time, the crow transferred from elsewhere has not yet arrived.

  At the same time, Du Fei also felt a surge of anger from the crow.

  Qing knew that after this incident, she had to seek revenge from the brat.

  Du Fei is too lazy to care about the grievances of this one person and one bird, and how he retaliates afterwards is up to the crow, but now it must be down to business.

   With a thought, he manipulated the crow to go around the back of the main room, trying to see if there was a rear window.

  Unexpectedly, Zhang Huilan turned out to be quite fast.

   Just delay this moment, and come out of the house.

   I don't know what to say to the people in the room, her face is not very good-looking.

   After leaving the courtyard, he got on the bike and headed straight to the Beijing Railway Station this time.

   Du Fei remembered this yard and immediately let the crow continue to follow Zhang Huilan.

  Just now, he had come over from Bie Chuan Crow in advance, and was going to continue to stare at the yard here.

   Obviously, this yard is a contact point for Zhang Huilan.

  The person living in the north room in the backyard is likely to be Zhang Huilan's upline, or even the big boss of this intelligence network.

  However, just after Zhang Huilan rode away on a bicycle, a young man in his twenties came out from the yard pushing a bicycle.

   This man was wearing a blue cloth shirt, and he followed Zhang Huilan far away on his bicycle.

  Du Fei understood in an instant that he was going to keep an eye on Zhang Huilan to see if Zhang Huilan was arrested or something else happened.

   "It's pretty careful~" Du Fei sneered in his heart, ignoring the stalker.

  Wang Dacheng was also ready here, and immediately drove two cars, plus Du Fei, to the train station.

  The city bureau was not far from the train station. Du Fei didn't drive, but sat in the co-pilot, opening his eyes from time to time to take a look at Zhang Huilan.

  Until arriving at the train station, the stalking young man followed. Even when Zhang Huilan entered the waiting room, he bought a platform ticket and followed.

  Originally, Du Fei planned to arrest people during the ticket check-in, but now he had to change his plan.

   The young man turned and left after watching Zhang Huilan board the train.

   At this time, Du Fei and Wang Dacheng, accompanied by comrades from the railway workers' safety, came out from the staff passage next to them.

  Wang Dacheng glanced at the direction where the young man left, then turned to look at Du Fei, and said numbly, "Do you need to send someone to follow?"

  Du Fei shook his head: "No, there are people over there."

  Wang Dacheng nodded, with an expression of "I understand", and did not ask further questions.

   Turned to look at the train, and said to the middle-aged policeman next to him: "Wang Suo, let's act."

  Wang Suo nodded with a smile, and immediately waved his hand.

  Two police officers in uniform walked quickly towards the train behind them, and several plainclothes men under Wang Dacheng followed closely.

  Because it is the departure station, there are still more than ten minutes before the departure time when boarding the bus.

  Zhang Huilan is a rare person who takes the train without any luggage.

  In this day and age, it is a big deal for people to go out, no matter how far or near they are.

  Across from Zhang Huilan, a young man who had just got into the car packed his luggage, and chatted with Zhang Huilan familiarly: "Sister, where are you going..."

  Zhang Huilan dealt with it absent-mindedly, and raised her hand to look at her watch.

   I don't know why, probably because of my sixth sense.

  From the time she got on the train, she felt restless, always feeling that something was going to happen.

  Especially the talkative young man opposite, his endless chatter made her even more upset.

   There are still ten minutes before the train drives.

  Zhang Huilan took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down.

  But instead of calming her down, taking a deep breath made her more upset.

  Zhang Huilan stood up immediately with a gloomy face.

   Regardless of whether it is superstitious or not, she firmly believes that this is not a good omen, and she will go out immediately.

  The guy on the opposite side wrote strangely: "Sister, where are you going? I'm driving now~"

  Zhang Huilan didn't even look back, she squeezed through the crowd and walked towards the side of the carriage.

  Just as he was about to go down, he suddenly focused his eyes and saw two marshals coming up.

  Zhang Huilan lowered her head slightly, and missed the two police officers.

   The marshals said this to each other, and seemed to not notice her, which made her relieved.

   Unexpectedly, at the next moment, one of the police officers turned around and said, "Hey, this lesbian..."

  Zhang Huilan's heart skipped a beat. There was no woman in front of or behind her, and it was obviously her who called.

   At a time like this, it’s definitely not okay to pretend not to hear.

  Zhang Huilan controlled her expression and looked back: "You called me?"

  The marshal smiled, raised one hand and opened his mouth, as if trying to remember: "Director Zhang... Director Zhang! You are Director Zhang from the Propaganda Department of the rolling mill~"

  Zhang Huilan was stunned for a moment, but she breathed a sigh of relief.

  Although I can't remember when I saw this marshal, but from what the other party said, I should have seen him.

  Zhang Huilan laughed dryly: "Uh, it's me, comrade?"

  The marshal rushed to her, still smiling: "You forgot, I am Xiao Wang~ My third uncle is..."

   Zhang Huilan's attention was attracted, and she didn't notice that she had fallen into the encirclement.

   In front were two marshals, and behind them were three plainclothes men under Wang Dacheng.

   Before the policeman could finish speaking, he suddenly rushed forward and held Zhang Huilan down.

  The passengers in the compartment were all startled. When they saw two policemen, they knew they were catching bad guys.

   It's just the middle-aged woman who was held down below, she doesn't look like a bad person no matter what.

  At this time, Du Fei, Wang Dacheng, and Director Wang had not even smoked half of the cigarettes they had just lit, and they had already been escorted out.

  Wang Dacheng could not help but smile, turned around and shook hands with Wang Suo: "Old Wang, thank you this time, next time I will treat you to a drink."

   Wang said with a smile: "It's not easy to wait for your drink." Zhuan shook hands with Du Fei again: "Manager Du, if you need anything in the future, just ask."

  Zhang Huilan was pushed in front of the three of them just like the eggplant beaten by Shuang.

  Wang Dacheng waved his hand: "Take it away~"

  Zhang Huilan raised her head, glanced at Wang Dacheng, and immediately saw Du Fei, her pupils constricted suddenly.

  She met Du Fei more than once, knew the relationship between Du Fei and Li Mingfei, and also knew about Du Fei's fire equipment company, and vaguely guessed that Du Fei had an unusual relationship with Qin Huairou.

  She realized that she must have been caught because of the rolling mill.

   Can't help showing a wry smile, just now I thought I could escape, but I didn't expect...

  Back to the Municipal Bureau, Wang Dacheng was very excited, and was about to interrogate himself immediately.

  But Du Fei stopped him, stood in the corridor and lit a cigarette: "Let the people below go, I'll ask you something."

  Wang Dacheng was a little surprised. Normally, catching Zhang Huilan was already a huge gain.

   Next, as long as Zhang Huilan's mouth is pried open, the case will be settled.

  At this time, Du Fei wanted to talk about something else, could it be more important than this?

  Du Fei directly told the address Zhang Huilan went to just now: "Brother Wang, find someone to find out what the family does, don't startle the snake."

  Wang Dacheng frowned: "What's the situation?"

  Du Fei didn't hide it either.

  Wang Dacheng was taken aback: "So, this may be Zhang Huilan's online!"

  Du Fei said: "It's not sure yet, but it must be a big fish." He patted Wang Dacheng's shoulder as he said, "Brother Wang, if you grasp it this time, you will be stable in the year-end evaluation."

  Wang Dacheng laughed, and immediately reached out to grab the phone.

   This matter is not difficult, just ask the policeman at the police station if you have the house number.

  But as soon as he dialed out, Du Fei pressed the button.

  Wang Dacheng looked surprised.

  Du Fei said seriously: "The other side has strong anti-reconnaissance capabilities, I'm afraid they are sending all the eyeliners..."

  Wang Dacheng frowned, and was about to say "I can't", but swallowed the words back.

  Zhang Huilan is the director of the Propaganda Department of the rolling mill. How can ordinary policemen in the police station do anything wrong?

  Wang Dacheng changed his mind: "Then I will find an excuse from the public security department."

  Du Fei gave a "hmm", he just reminded and did not question Wang Dacheng's ability.

  A phone call was made, and things got feedback quickly.

   More than an hour later.

   "Park Zhimin..." Du Fei and Wang Dacheng looked at each other when they saw the information they just sent: "From the Xian nationality~"

  (end of this chapter)

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