Rebirth of the Flying Era

Chapter 1295: Ten thousand kilometers

Dad Zhu smiled, very polite but not close.

 This has always been Dad Zhu’s attitude, and everyone is used to it.

Wang Hongqi on the side said: "By the way, where is the plane? When will today's protagonist appear?"

Du Fei smiled and said: "I'll come out right away. First, please invite all the leaders to take a seat on the rostrum."

The rostrum is all set up. Although it is open-air, it is set up in a leeward place. There is also a charcoal stove inside the table. You will definitely not get cold while sitting here.

At this time, Du Fei followed up and took out two more hand stoves, giving one to Director Jiang and Shen Jianing: "Director Jiang, Secretary Shen, warm your hands first."

Director Jiang smiled and thanked, and Shen Jianing nodded beside him.

Others were not surprised, after all, they were just two lesbians.

 It was a cold day, so Du Fei didn't show off too much and immediately took the walkie-talkie and asked someone to open the door of the assembly workshop.

In an instant, a gap opened in one wall from bottom to top of the more than 20-meter-high assembly workshop, and then expanded little by little, opening to both sides.

In order to accommodate the entry and exit of large aircraft, the maximum range of the workshop's doors opening to both sides exceeds 60 meters.

It was pitch black inside with no lights on. This was an effect deliberately created by Du Fei, in order to create a sense of shock the moment the H-8 No. 1 prototype appeared.

At the next moment, there was a flick of the brush, and two lights shot out from inside, followed by a "chugging" movement, and the outline of a huge thing slowly appeared in the door of the assembly workshop.

 But what’s even more eye-catching is that the thing that towed the plane turned out to be a tractor!

 It is the "Jingcheng brand" large four-wheel tractor produced by the tractor factory under the fire equipment company.

 Sometimes Du Fei also admired his third brother's imagination, using a tractor to pull an airplane on an aircraft carrier.

 In order to tow this prototype aircraft, Du Fei thought of many ways.

Ordinary vehicles cannot pull it at all. Although high-horsepower trucks can do it, they are too bulky and inconvenient to turn.

 Finally, after much deliberation, Du Fei had an idea and thought of a tractor.

The only drawback is that it is a bit out of character.

Obviously, everyone present felt a little weird because they saw the tractor first, but before it could be reflected on their expressions, the mammoth thing behind them showed its majesty, instantly attracting everyone's attention. What kind of tractor it was, it didn't matter at all. .

 Nearly ten meters tall, with a wingspan of fifty meters, and painted with yellow anti-rust paint, it was slowly pulled out of the assembly workshop.

Although everyone present is well-informed, seeing such a huge aircraft at such a close distance, especially since this aircraft was made by ourselves, everyone’s mood was exciting and complicated.

  The tractor was driving very slowly. It could actually go faster, but Du Fei deliberately asked the driver to keep the speed down.

 Slowly drag the No. 1 prototype of the H-8 to the flight runway.

At this time, God actually cooperated. The sky, which had been cloudy all morning, opened a crack and shed a ray of sunshine on the plane.

Du Fei picked up the microphone at the right time: "Dear leaders and comrades, this is the H-8 large bomber developed by our factory, with a wingspan of 50.2 meters and an aircraft factory of 49.8 meters..."

Du Fei was introducing various parameters of the aircraft.

If it were just dry numbers, there would be no intuitive feeling at all, but when you look at this huge thing and add numbers, it's different.

At this time, a middle-aged man wearing glasses who came with Director Nie interrupted and asked: "Comrade Du Fei, what is that under the plane?"

This man is also a smart person. He saw that several leaders had this question, but they just remained reserved and silent, so he simply acted as a substitute.

Du Fei smiled, even if no one asked, he would still find an opportunity to tell.

 Du Fei put a lot of thought into preparing this program these days.

 One of them is a missile model made of iron hanging under the No. 1 prototype.

Du Feidao said: "The original purpose of developing our aircraft was to throw our missiles to a longer distance, so it will be normal for the H-8 to carry a ballistic missile more than 20 meters long when it enters service in the future."

At this time, someone asked again: "As far as I know, the current weight of the DF-2 missile is 29 tons. Can this aircraft fly?"

Du Yun explained: "The designed bomb load of the H-8 is 25 tons. It will definitely not work if it is directly equipped with DF-2 or DF-3. However, Director Nie is already developing an improved air-launched missile, because it is directly When launched in the air, the initial stage of fuel can be removed and the weight can be reduced to less than 25 tons. I think it should be no problem."

As soon as he finished speaking, the tractor towing the aircraft stopped. The people who came up unlocked the towing lock, and the tractor finally left the scene.

Everyone knew that the critical moment had arrived, and all eyes were focused on the big plane not far away.

Even though he knew in his heart, Du Fei must have done it before this ground rolling test and succeeded, so he dared to offer it as a treasure.

 But at this time, I still feel nervous.

At this time, Wang Changyou trotted over and stood at attention: "Report to Comrade Manager, Unit 1101, everything is ready, please give instructions!"

Du Fei had already occupied the edge of the rostrum in advance. He also stood at attention seriously and responded: "The ground rolling test has begun."

"Yes~" Wang Changyou was excited at this time. He felt like he was experiencing history, so he turned around and ran back.

After a moment, there was a sudden "bang" sound, and then the huge coaxial counter-rotating propeller of the H-8 began to rotate slowly. As the sound became louder and louder, the rotation speed became faster and faster, until it was deafening. Feel.

Du Fei had already experienced the roar of this ‘monster’ and had prepared a headset in advance to block the sound.

 But no one at the scene wore them, not even Director Jiang and Shen Jianing.

Shen Jianing even put down the small stove in his hand, clenched his fists, his face flushed, and stared at the slowly moving plane.

As the H-8 drove past in front of the rostrum, the whole picture of this huge aircraft was finally revealed in front of everyone, its front, its sides, its tail...

 Passing the rostrum, according to the planned plan, the engine began to increase its power output. The plane taxied faster and faster, accelerating along the wide runway, as if it was about to fly at any time.

 After more than half of the runway, the aircraft began to slow down and stopped at the end of the runway.

The tractor was prepared over there, turned around with it, started from there, and performed a second ground roll.

This time, because it was coming head-on, the shock was even stronger, until it slowed down and came to a standstill, stopping just in front of the rostrum.

Du Fei chuckled and said, "Leaders and comrades, you can go down and take a closer look. However, there are a large number of exposed circuits in the cabin, which is dangerous, and we are not allowed to enter yet."

Everyone walked down from the rostrum. When they got down below, the plane looked even bigger. It was supported by high landing gear, and it was several meters from the belly of the plane to the ground.

 There is nothing you can touch, only the huge tires on the landing gear can touch it.

It has been more than forty minutes since the beginning. Some of the people present are very old. They don’t look tired at this time. They all have smiling faces and look very excited. They point and talk to each other.

Shen Jianing couldn't help but shed tears. Director Jiang was beside her, holding her hand: "Xiao Ning, don't be sad. Old Shen and the others know that our motherland now has such a powerful weapon, and they will smile even under Jiuquan."

Shen Jianing said "hmm", and Director Jiang called Du Fei again: "Xiao Du, when will your plane be able to fly?"

Du Fei said: "Don't worry. After completing all ground tests and sorting out the data, if there are no problems, the official test flight can be carried out before May Day this year at the latest."

Others present were also listening, and their eyes lit up when they heard that they could test fly before May Day.

It is now more than three months until May Day. If it can really fly on May Day, it will be great news for Quanguo.

Director Jiang even held Du Fei's hand: "Xiao Du, can you really fly before May Day?"

Of course Du Fei understood what she meant. Others might not be able to guarantee it, but Du Fei had received the plane in his personal space in advance and was sure that there would be absolutely no problem with the plane.

 In fact, if you just pushed it with extra force, you could fly directly.

 It’s just that you still have to go through some procedures that should be followed, otherwise it will be too unreasonable.

 That’s why we postponed it for a few months and said it would be a test flight before May Day.

Du Fei patted his chest and said: "Don't worry, I guarantee that it will fly! Our second prototype has already started to be built, and we have ordered a new engine from the 3311 Factory in Zhuzhou and are preparing to start building the third prototype. If there are no major problems, we can enter the mass production process..."

 Speaking of mass production, even Director Nie couldn’t hold his breath and asked, “So fast?”

Du Fei said: "Bombers are different from fighter jets in that they need to reach various limits. A bomber is simply a large transport aircraft. It transports bombs or missiles to a designated location. The most important thing is reliability and range. But is it reliable or not? You have to use it to find out. Originally, we had no experience in using large aircraft, so we could only produce in small batches first, then expand data collection, and make improvements in batches. Currently, Meguo and Sulian are also adopting this approach."

Director Nie nodded, agreeing with Du Fei's statement.

He then asked: "After mass production, how much can the output be?"

Du Fei knew what was going on, so he opened his mouth and said, "We now have two general assembly workshops that can assemble four aircraft at a time. According to a four-month cycle, we can produce 12 H-8 bombers every year."

Director Nie frowned upon hearing this, obviously it was too little.

Du Fei continued: "However, we will continue to develop smaller H-7 bombers with a range of about 6,000 kilometers, which can launch cruise missiles or anti-ship missiles in the air, and have the ability to throw tactical mushrooms. This In addition to our own use, this kind of aircraft can also be exported to other countries. Currently, Beijing Colliers has made reservations and has become the first batch of users."

Director Nie immediately raised his eyebrows. Originally, he was not satisfied with the production of 12 H-8s per year. Now, he is actually occupying the H-8 assembly station to make the H-7. It is simply unreasonable!

"No! Du Fei, you must guarantee me a production of 12 H-8s per year. This is a hard target and cannot be negotiated. It will take 12 years per year to build a fleet of 120 aircraft. If you want to buy other aircraft, that's fine. , if you go to build a new workshop, it cannot affect the H-8."

Du Fei finally understood. Just after meeting him once today, Director Nie regarded H-8 as his own son.

 But there is nothing we can do about it. The H-8 is so charming at this time. Who doesn’t love it after seeing it?

Zhou Zhennan didn't come today. If he came, his eyes would shine brightly.

 Du Fei had no choice but to give in half and make sure that the H-7 did not crowd out the production of the H-8.

 At the end of the ceremony, Du Fei breathed a sigh of relief. Du Fei did not need to do the rest of the work himself. After finishing the finishing work, he returned to the city.

 But he didn’t go back to his work. Instead, he went directly to Zhu’s father’s office.

Just now at the aircraft manufacturing factory, Du Fei told Dad Zhu privately that he would come over after finishing the work.

Dad Zhu was in a good mood. When he saw Du Fei entering the house, he laughed and said: "Xiao Fei, you did a good job this time, you made me look good!"

 Speaking of this, Dad Zhu is very proud.

Previously, Du Fei wanted to build large aircraft to compete with the Shanghai Stock Exchange, but was eventually overpowered and had to settle for the next best thing, building bombers.

Although Dad Zhu compromised at the beginning, he still felt suffocated in his heart, but he had his own overall situation.

Now, Du Fei has produced a prototype in just six months, but the Shanghai Stock Exchange has not even handed over a drawing. The result has already been judged.

Du Fei chuckled and turned to business: "Dad, I have an immature idea, and I would like to ask you to give me some advice."

Dad Zhu said "hmm": "You tell me."

Du Fei said: "You also saw our H-8 today. The commander-in-chief of Wanshengtun will come in a few days. Do you think we can add a visit to our aircraft factory during the visit? Demonstrate our power and deterrence."

Although he said so, in fact Du Fei just wanted to take the opportunity to get free advertising. It is our tradition to take this opportunity to ask people from Meguo to speak for us.

And this time he is not the leader of this department or that department, but the serious commander of Wan Sheng Tun.

 What kind of concept is this? It’s full of style.

Dad Zhu was stunned. He didn't expect Du Fei to be so bold and dare to think of anything.

 But after thinking about it carefully, it seems that it is not impossible. The most important thing is that the confidentiality of bombers like the H-8 is of little significance. Besides, there is Ka Dazuo. No matter how well we keep it secret, if Ka Dazuo gets it, he will blow it to the sky and the whole world will know about it.

But this matter is not something that Zhu’s father can decide: “I think your idea is feasible, but it is not a trivial matter and must be discussed in a meeting. You can wait and see.”

Du Fei responded, and after only waiting for two days, he got the news, asking him to make preparations. He would squeeze two and a half hours into the visit. Excluding the round trip, he would be able to stay in the factory for about half a day. hour to forty minutes.

Du Fei was secretly happy and took action immediately, convening various departments in the aircraft manufacturing factory to arrange arrangements.

 This is the best publicity for the fire equipment company. We must show the best side and the strongest technology.

 In fact, in Du Fei's mind, although the H-8 is a killer weapon that serves as a facade, there are not many customers who can actually consume such a big thing.

 Mainly because they are too sensitive and there are only a few people who dare to buy if they have money. There are really not many people like Ka Dazuo who are generous and generous with money.

On the contrary, what I told Pu Zhe before was that the medium-sized bomber, which Du Fei called the H-7, had more market, and it must be promoted as soon as possible to make it a hit product.

 But no matter what, since we have to receive foreign guests, we still come to speak for us, so we must not neglect them.

Du Fei sat in the conference room, took a sip of tea to moisten his throat and said: "We currently have two assembly workshops, a total of four assembly stations, and none of them can be left empty. The construction of the No. 3 prototype machine started in advance, and I have all the materials and equipment. It’s set up, and the progress of the No. 2 prototype must be accelerated, and the outline must be seen when people come..."

Du Fei said a lot.

Seeing an opening, Zhang Lan raised her hand and said, "Manager, what should I do about station No. 4?"

Du Fei had already planned it, and a smirk appeared at the corner of his mouth: "I was about to say this, that...Old Wang, I drew a sketch, and later you can find someone to make a tin model according to the drawing and put it there. Wrap it in canvas for me, and wrap it tightly so that the stuffing doesn't leak out."

As he spoke, Du Fei pushed a piece of paper to Wang Changyou, on which a variable-wing aircraft similar to the F-14 and MiG-24 was drawn.

Wang Changyou looked at the sketch and was a little confused.

Du Fei smiled: "Make the model first, and we'll talk about the details later."

Wang Changyou nodded and carefully put away the sketch.

Du Fei continued: "This is roughly the situation. Now everyone is in position and takes action."

 In the conference room, several leaders of the aircraft manufacturing plant immediately agreed to go out.

 Only Du Fei and Wang Changyou are left.

Wang Changyou said: "Manager, do you want to make a false statement and a false statement? Let the Meguo people mistakenly think that we are developing a new type of fighter jet?"

Du Fei nodded: "That's what I mean. You should be careful when making the model, and leave a little space for the wrapping canvas. It seems that we were careless and allowed them to take advantage of the gap and expose the wing position."

Wang Changyou pointed at the sketch: "Is it here?"

Wang Changyou is an expert. One look at the sketch and he knew that Du Fei was drawing a variable wing, which is also a technology that is currently being touted in the industry.

 By changing the sweep angle of the wings, both high-speed and low-speed flight performance can be achieved.

 There is news that both Meguo and Sulian are conducting research in this area. There are also some discussions in China, but they have not been implemented.

Du Fei’s actions were obviously a big deception.

 The next day, as soon as Du Fei went to work, Bush came.

This time when the commander-in-chief came, they also paid great attention to it, and Bush was responsible for the preliminary contact work.

Du Fei smiled and said: "George, you are a very busy man now, why do you have time to come to my place?"

Bush leaned back on the sofa: "You don't know why I'm here? I really didn't expect that your aircraft manufacturing plant would be built just now?"

Du Fei said: "It's just a small fight, it can't be compared with your family."

Bush didn’t come here just for small talk. He quickly got to the point: “This time, according to your request, we will increase the number of visits to the aircraft manufacturing plant. We need to conduct safety inspections in advance...”

Du Fei couldn't help but smile and said: "I said George, do you think this is possible? If we go to your home and want to visit your Lockheed or Boeing and conduct safety inspections of your factory in advance, can you agree?"

Bush shrugged and said, "I knew this would be the result, but some people just don't believe it."

Du Fei didn't care. Bush was just here to go through the motions. In fact, this visit by the commander-in-chief was originally initiated by the other party.

 Although both sides benefit in the end, strictly speaking, the one who benefits more is the other side, and Huaguo is the more passive recipient.

So from this standpoint, the other party has no qualifications to make a request at all, but it is a good thing, and the face is always bigger, just in case he agrees.

Bush turned to ask: "Hey, I really made a big plane? I heard that a test flight was just held a few days ago. Is it true or not?"

   It's not that Du Fei is bragging, he directly said that it has been tested.

 But some rumors change their flavor once they get out. For example, the rolling test a few days ago was said to be a successful test flight.

Du Fei and Bush didn't hide anything. They said with a smile: "What a test flight? It hasn't arrived yet. It's just a ground rolling test."

When Bush heard this, he suddenly realized it. He said that building a big airplane was not so easy. Unexpectedly, Du Fei dodges him again: "If it is a test flight, it will have to be May Day this year. I guess it should be almost there."

Bush’s mouth twitched. He was a pilot himself and had participated in World War II.

I know a lot about airplanes. Large airplanes, whether they are transport planes or bombers, are quite complex systems. How long has Du Fei been working on it before it is ready for test flight? Are you kidding~

He wanted to inquire more, but Du Fei chuckled: "George, you are keeping these questions secret for the time being. It's only a few days anyway. When your commander-in-chief comes, you will know everything. I promise not to hide anything."

 Bush knew Du Fei's character, and since he said he wanted to keep it a secret, he would never reveal it, so he just had to be patient.

 After sitting for almost an hour, Du Fei sent Bush to the door.

Before Bush got into the car, he turned and looked at the door of the yard next to him.

 That side is now the design department of an aircraft manufacturer. The gate is heavily guarded and four people are on duty.

Withdrawing his gaze, waving goodbye to Du Fei and sitting in the car, Bush's mind began to spin rapidly.

 Obviously, the sudden addition of a visit to the aircraft manufacturing plant has a purpose. At present, it seems to be to show power.

In other words, Du Fei's bombers may have made a breakthrough.

It has been made clear before that Du Fei is developing a large bomber similar to the Tu-95...

 Previously, Bush reported these situations immediately.

The other side made a decision and agreed to join the tour of the aircraft manufacturing plant.

 They were also curious about how interesting Du Fei's large bombers were.

 However, just as Du Fei was busy preparing for the visit, new news suddenly came from Li Yuanchao.

 After testing each other before, the two sides took no further action and were in a state of confrontation.

This fragile and delicate balance was finally broken yesterday.

 The Indian army suddenly launched force in Bangladesh, and two divisions suddenly invaded Bangladesh.

 The Meng army on the opposite side was caught off guard. One division after another, a total of more than 7,000 brigades, were defeated in just three hours.

 The Indian army took advantage of the situation and broke into Bangladesh.

After Li Yuanchao received the news, he immediately sent reinforcements and engaged in a head-on firefight with the Indian army in Bangladesh.

 During the battle, the Indian side dispatched aircraft, and a single army used rocket launchers to counterattack...

 In the end, Li Yuanchao fought an evenly matched battle despite being at a numerical disadvantage.

 Because the strategic intentions of both sides are not very clear, the battle is also tentative, and they are restrained and do not escalate.

 Coupled with the fact that there were more people on the other side than there were on the Lebanese side to aid Korea, in the end it did not lead to a large-scale decisive battle, and instead a confrontation took place in Bangladesh.


 Sin Deli, Victoria Palace.

 The gray-haired and older Xindila looked at the battle report from the front line and looked unhappy.

 According to feedback from the front line, the combat effectiveness of individual armies has not been significantly weakened after the end of the last war. They must double or even more troops to maintain the stability of the front.

 Another piece of news is that Li's ammunition to aid Korea is very sufficient, and there are no problems with personnel and equipment that some people had expected.

Xindila pursed her lips tightly. She knew very well that no one was a fool.

Since she has long been planning to regain her position after stabilizing power after the war, Li Yuanchao has obviously made preparations as well.

The so-called people who have evacuated actually have not left at all.

What’s even more despicable is that some people are still taking advantage of the situation at this time.

Xindila couldn't help but close her eyes and rub her temples, and said in a deep voice: "Inform Serov that we will agree to his request and rent the North Island of the Anda Islands."

 The secretary on the side immediately took a note and went out to deliver it.

 There was only one person left in the office. Xindila's face became even more ugly. She grabbed an ornament on the table and threw it to the ground.

 But at the last moment, she held back.

After the baptism of war and betrayal, Xindila understands that there is no point in being incompetent and furious. Regardless of any problem, if you are unable to change it, you can only accept it and find ways to get the best results under such conditions.

Now, agreeing to Moscow’s demands is the best way.

 She already knew the consequences of refusal before.

 Mosco clearly told her that if she chose to refuse, she would follow Du Fei's plan, and Shan Guo would head west again.

Eventually she will be forced to give up the Anda Islands. At that time, Mosco will rent it from Li Yuanchao, and Xinde Li is destined to lose what should be lost without getting any benefits.

 “Damn, these bandits!” Xindila gritted her teeth and cursed angrily, but it didn’t help.


On the other hand, after the Spring Festival, Beijing finally welcomed the most important guest of the year.

The weather was not kind, it snowed heavily the day before.

The city is organizing manpower to clear the snow, and Du Fei is also clearing the snow overnight.

Du Fei has been staying at the aircraft factory for the past few days to keep an eye on it.

 At 2:10 in the afternoon, the convoy arrived, with a total of more than a dozen vehicles including security personnel.

Du Fei greeted him at the gate of the factory. He was wearing a Chinese tunic suit and a woolen coat outside, and he was full of energy.

Beside him were the main leaders of the fire equipment company and some technical staff, including Vasily.

 The motorcade stopped, Nicole and his wife got out of the car, Bush was also there, and other entourage members.

 The main person accompanying us here is Wang Hongqi.

Among all the people, there are two people who are particularly eye-catching. One of them is the wife of the commander-in-chief, wearing a bright red woolen coat and a fox fur scarf.

 The other one is Shen Jianing, as the secretary of the fire equipment company, standing behind Du Fei and Wang Changyou.

Originally, as Shen Jianing, she was supposed to stand next to Du Fei. In order to avoid misunderstanding about her relationship with Du Fei, she moved to the wrong place.

 Shen Jianing was really dressed up too brightly today, wearing a very bright orange woolen coat, semi-high-heeled leather shoes, and wearing a white fox scarf, which made her look particularly beautiful.

Most people can't handle a coat of this color, but someone as tall and beautiful as Shen Jianing can hold it up.

 This was Du Fei's special order for Shen Jianing to dress up.

  Before Du Fei traveled through time, he saw the original photos on the Internet, and Mrs. Pat became the highlight of all the pictures.

Du Fei couldn't tell what he was thinking, but he wanted Shen Jianing to steal the limelight.

Originally, Shen Jianing was not happy, but there was no other way.

Soon the two parties came together. After Wang Hongqi's introduction, Du Fei stepped forward and shook hands warmly: "Mr. Nicole, I am very happy to see you here. You are a respectable political leader who is destined to be remembered by history. .”

Hearing the translated compliment, Nicole laughed loudly: "Mr. Du, I have heard of you a long time ago..."

Then came the Commander-in-Chief’s wife. Du Fei shook hands and said: “Mrs. Pat, you are so beautiful~”

Pat was quite happy to be praised by a young man who was decades younger than him: "Oh, thank you~"

 After a brief introduction, everyone entered the factory and got on the battery car.

 Those accompanying you are also allowed to enter and can take photos when allowed.

At the factory, Du Fei directly replaced Wang Hongqi and went to Nicole and his wife to introduce the factory's facilities and visit the brand-new factory area, especially the newly built employee family building.

“Mr. Nicole, Ms. Pat, I invite you to take a look at our family building model room. This will be the place where our workers will live in the future.”

 The two of them were very interested when they heard it.

Originally, the family building was outside the factory. Du Fei made arrangements in advance and opened a temporary door next to it.

As for why he had to come to see this, it was not Du Fei's showoff, but Zhu's father's request to show the superiority that Shi Hui would pay attention to.

 The family building here was started together with the assembly workshop, but after winter, work had to be stopped because of the freezing weather.

Many buildings have been built with two or three floors. Among them, the renovated model room is on the first floor, which is a set of 100 square meters with three bedrooms and one living room.

 Because there is no concept of a public stall, this one hundred square meters should be 120 or nearly 130 square meters according to the standards of later generations.

 The interior has been renovated, the floor is made of terrazzo, and the walls are sanitary walls that were popular in this era.

The living room is very spacious, nearly five meters wide, with a sofa and coffee table, and a TV and radio on the high and low cabinets in the front.

“Du, is this a house for ordinary workers?” Pat asked first. Although the house seemed to her a bit small and crude, it was much better than she imagined.

 In her impression, this place was more old and dilapidated, but there were some changes after getting off the plane.

 Until I came here, it was a different feeling.

Du Fei smiled and said: "Madam, this is a three-bedroom apartment with one living room. Workers with skill levels of level six or above can apply. There is also a smaller one with two bedrooms and one living room. Workers with skill levels of level three to six can apply."

Pat wondered: "What about the first and second levels?"

Du Fei said: "Generally, young people below the third level can live in single dormitories. They should seize the time to polish their skills and improve their abilities as soon as possible. Normally, as long as you are not lazy, you can reach the third level after working for three or four years."

At this time, one of the other party's entourage suddenly said: "Excuse me, Mr. Du, is this just a special case? I have not seen such a beautiful house elsewhere."

Although the other party complimented the house here for being beautiful, it was not difficult to hear the provocation in the other party's tone.

Du Fei smiled and said: "This gentleman is right. The conditions here are relatively good, just like your Boeing and Lockheed. I think the wages of the workers working there must be quite good, and the same is true here." Same. So, we still have a long way to go, we are a developing country. Even so, we would still prefer to give most of the resources to real workers rather than in the hands of a small number of capital."

Du Fei's words were hidden in the fabric of the matter, so he directly responded.

The man retorted: "You are biased against capital. Capital itself is not good or bad. Capital is a tool that can regulate the market. The most important thing is that it knows what is the right direction and can lead the development of mankind. It's just that There’s a price to pay for having it.”

Du Fei was not in a hurry and listened to what he said: "Of course, I can admit that capital has its benefits, but if this is the case, it is enough to have a capital-controlled fruit family in the world, let it find the right direction, and other Isn’t it enough for people to just follow behind? Isn’t that what beautiful fruits are now? You are the beacon of mankind, lighting the way forward.”

 Everyone present was stunned by Du Fei's words, and Nicole also couldn't laugh or cry.

Du Fei smiled and said: "It's just a joke, don't mind it, Mr. Nicole, I'm glad to be able to show you around here, it shows that we are already friends."

Nicole nodded: "Of course, you are right, we are already friends."

 Coming out of the model room, we finally reached the highlight of the day.

 Everyone took a battery car to the final assembly workshop of the aircraft manufacturing plant.

 In fact, as soon as you entered the factory, you could see the two huge white square boxes.

 When you come to the assembly workshop, you can't enter it casually.

 Du Fei only gave twelve places, including two scribes.

 And Du Fei promised to allow them ten minutes to take pictures.

 This made the two of them quite excited.

Du Fei led the way and walked into the assembly workshop.

The No. 1 prototype of the H-8 is at the No. 1 station at the door. It is still painted with the yellow anti-rust paint. Its huge body and wings are parked at an angle of 45 degrees.

 In an instant, everyone in Meguo, including Nicole, was shocked.

They didn't expect to see such a huge and amazing aircraft here. It was simply a replica of the Tu-95, but if an expert looked carefully, they could still see the difference.

Du Fei paused for a moment, giving them time to recover, and introduced: "Ladies and gentlemen, this is the latest H-8 large bomber developed by our factory. From the appearance design, it is not difficult to tell that it is an imitation of the Sulian Tu-95 bomber. …”

  Du Fei is outspoken about imitation and there is nothing to be ashamed of.

 Everyone has gone through this step, especially in terms of weapons and equipment.

Du Fei then started boasting: "The H-8 has a full-load range of more than 14,000 kilometers and can carry a DF-3 modified air-launched ballistic missile with a cruising speed of 700 kilometers per hour."

Because the engine is slightly inferior to the nk-12 engine used in the Tu-95, the cruising speed of the H-8 is a bit lower than that of the Tu-95. However, the average flight speed of a jetliner is only 800 kilometers per hour, which is quite enough to reach this speed. Not bad. As for the 14,000 mile range, it is purely exaggerated.

Du Fei continued: "This means that this H-8 bomber can throw missiles to any place within 10,000 kilometers within eight hours."

When Du Fei introduced Ba La Ba La here, the people present didn't think he meant it that way.

  What is the concept of 10,000 kilometers?

If you start from the Black Province in the northeast, cross the Far East and the North Pole, arrive in Ghana, and then reach All Saints Tunnel, it will be exactly 10,000 kilometers.

Even Bush was surprised. He didn't expect that Du Fei would show them such a thing.

What does it mean? Is it to show off muscles? But he told you clearly and seemed very candid, as if to say, you see, I'm not hiding anything.

 If it’s not to show off your muscles, then what the **** is that 10,000 kilometers?

  Immediately afterwards, everyone realized a more serious problem.

  It turns out that there are mushrooms in Hua Guo, but in fact they cannot threaten Wan Sheng Tun at all, and they cannot even hit Mosco.

 Otherwise, there wouldn’t have been a “tragic” family-changing plan back then.

 But now, the emergence of this H-8 has completely changed this situation.

Of course, from a technical point of view, it is not difficult to intercept such a slow and large aircraft. Wanshengtun has more advanced fighter jets, which can completely ensure that the H-8 cannot fly to its destination.

However, it cannot be denied that the appearance of this aircraft has changed something.

From now on, All Saints Tun and Mosco must consider the existence of this behemoth before speaking.

 This is its power and the meaning of its existence.

At this time, someone suddenly said: "Sorry sir, I heard that you are a company specializing in fire-fighting equipment. Why do you have such equipment of mass destruction?"

Du Fei looked over and saw a fat man with blond hair and glasses.

He said with a smile: "Of course we are a fire-fighting equipment company. Haven't you heard of the principle of explosion fire extinguishing? We are a company dedicated to efficient fire extinguishing. There is no doubt about this. Our products are sold all over the world and are well-known among customers."

The fat man's eyes lit up and he immediately said: "You mean, our fire brigade can also purchase this kind of aircraft that can 'extinguish fires'?"

Du Fei said without hesitation: "Of course, the whole world includes you. As long as the price is fair, we can take the order."

 In an instant, everyone present was stunned.

I didn’t expect Du Fei to agree so happily. Is it a joke or is it true?

 But...can you joke in this situation?

 But for those who are really knowledgeable, when they think about it, it seems to be nothing.

Although this H-8 is of extraordinary significance, it is impossible to say how advanced the technology is.

 The B-52 of the 1950s was better than this. It was a large bomber with an all-jet design, and its performance was much better than the H-8.

 As Du Fei said, as long as the price is right, why not sell it.

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