Rebirth of the Genius Charlatan

Chapter 4: The Eye of the Sky Appears

  【Look at the full text of the first novel without error, 69, your best choice! 】

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, the two aunts returned to their hometown to pay a New Year greeting.

  As soon as you enter the door, it is naturally a New Year congratulation, and then the New Year’s money that the children are most looking forward to during the New Year. Although ordinary families don’t make much these years, they are happy for the New Year. The New Year’s money is nominally given to the children, but many parents will eventually take the money back from the children. In the final analysis, it’s just a matter of exchange of money between relatives. Nothing to lose. So at this time, adults don't care about being generous.

  Xia Shao smiled and took the two hundred new year's money from my sister-in-law Xia Zhilan, and thanked him sweetly, "Thank you, aunt!"

Xia Zhilan smiled and squeezed Xia Shao’s face, with a petting smile in her eyes, "Look at our family's peony grows, white and tender and more lovely! In a few years, she will definitely be a quiet lady. Unlike ours. This, all day long, I know that I am out in the wild, tanned, like a tomboy!"

  Xia Shao has a black line in her heart, she is almost 30, and her cheek is pinched. This feeling is really...very weird! But she quickly closed her mind and looked aside.

  Mother also stuffed the New Year's Eve money to her cousin Zhang Ruman, and said with a smile: "What are you talking about, where is our Manman bad? It looks like her dad! Soldier style, maybe she will be a female officer when she grows up!"

  My little uncle Zhang Qixiang is an active-duty officer and a company-level cadre. There is always a kind of military iron in dealing with people. Affected by him, her daughter's temperament has only been wild since she was a child. It is common to fight with boys. Everyone who sees her will say that she is a boy.

Seeing her daughter being praised, my sister-in-law Xia Zhilan suddenly smiled and looked at her daughter.

The aunt Xia Zhimei on the side of    saw it and gave a secret glance, with her expression clearly saying that the relationship between the two of you is good!

  Xia Shao’s mother Li Juan and Xia Zhilan are employees of a factory in the city, and the relationship between the two is indeed good. It's just that Xia Zhilan is softer than Li Juan. To put it bluntly, she doesn't have much opinion, but she is really kind.

  Speaking of it, Xia Shao’s parents have never realized that love is the red thread Xia Zhilan gave! She is the matchmaker who made this marriage, so not only the relationship between the two families has been very good, the relationship between Xia Shao and cousin Zhang Ruman is even better than that of sisters!

  Zhang Ruman is only one year younger than Xia Shao, and their temperaments are also very different, but the strange thing is that they are very good! Even if I work later and cannot be together from time to time, I often talk on the phone and talk about everything.

  In contrast, the aunt Xia Zhimei's family is relatively distant in Xia Shao's memory.

  Aside from anything else, it can be seen from the fact that the New Year's Eve money is given to the children.

I saw my aunt Xia Zhimei reluctantly said: "Sister-in-law, younger sister, I'm not talking about you. I have told you how many times, and every year, I say, why don't you listen? This thing should not be promoted to give children money for the new year! At a young age, I came for the New Year's Eve money after a few years, and it’s okay? I can see such a small amount of money in my eyes, so what can I do when I grow up!"

  Xia Zhimei is a teacher in the city's No. 1 middle school. In this era, the profession of a high school teacher is an iron rice bowl, and he has a culture. Others are envious of it. She speaks in a consistent style of teaching students, and everyone in the family listens to her teachings every year, so she gets used to it.

Seeing that she was about to start again, Li Juan and Xia Zhilan gave their daughters a tacit wink and asked the children to go down and play first.

   "Sister! Let's go out and set off firecrackers and make snowmen." Zhang Ruman had long been impatient. Seeing her mother's wink, she immediately rushed over and ran into the yard with Xia Shao.

  Xia Shao was dragged and ran, smiling bitterly in her heart. She didn't feel anything when she was a child, and now she is taken out to play by a child, she really has some black lines.

   Seeing her childhood cousin bravely set off firecrackers in the yard, and ran into the snowdrift to rub snowballs, Xia Shao suddenly felt like she was in a very distant time and space.

  Yes, it is an unreal, distant feeling.

The cousin at this time would not know that her father returned home when she was in high school, and the job assignment was not satisfactory. The family conditions were not as good as one year, and finally she had to go to work elsewhere when she was middle-aged. Even if he was born in the army, his physical fitness has always been good, but because of unloading and loading goods every day, he was exhausted and sick. And my sister-in-law Xia Zhilan eventually left the sluggish factory and went out to work with her husband in order to make more money for her to study as a graduate student at Beijing University. But the cousin finally failed to enter the diplomatic academy she dreamed of, so she chose the law department. Although this is not bad to outsiders, she is always a little depressed. It is also because she has been a boy since she was a child. She hasn't had a relationship in her twenties and sixties. All the boys she likes treat her like this. Types of non-calling made her often call Xia Shao to spit out bitterness.

  Thinking about the memories of these past lives, Xia Shao looked at the cold and bleak sky of the New Year in 1992, then looked down at her hands and feet, and slowly smiled. It feels so beautiful in the carefree era of childhood. And she really feels very good to be able to live her childhood again.

  But at this time, because of having an adult soul, she cannot truly become carefree. She has a lot of things to do, and has a destiny that urgently needs to be changed! Not only hers, but also her cherished relatives!

  It wasn't until lunch time that Xia Shao and his cousin Zhang Ruman returned to the house.

  Grandma and grandma and the four children are sitting on the warm kang. The children are not interested in the things at the table. The only thing they think of is eating. Those chicken, duck and fish meat are not easy to eat.

  In order not to be too mature, Xia Shao also put some vegetables into the bowl, but he ate very slowly, paying attention to the topics of the elders while eating. Men are nothing more than work and business matters, while women are talking about children, food and clothing, eternal topics.

  At this time, I heard aunt Xia Zhimei say: "Sister-in-law, what kind of clothes are you wearing? It's too red, right? Your skin tone is dark, not suitable for red."

  Li Juan's face was a little embarrassed when she heard this, she smiled and said: "Sister, I like to wear red, and for the new year, I would like to be festive. If you don't wear it at this time, it looks more gorgeous when you wear it."

  Xia Zhilan took a look at her second sister, but did not dare to speak. Jiang Qiulin on the side glanced at Li Juan's clothes with a smile, and did not speak. The meaning of watching the show was very obvious.

"Then you can't wear a big red one. It looks so dark and rustic. In other words, it is a person who works in the city. You should also pay attention to wearing clothes and matching colors." Xia Zhimei usually teaches in high school. She was used to teaching people, and basically the people who had to talk didn't say anything before she stopped.

  Finally, grandma couldn’t see it anymore, she coughed, and said, “It’s alright, isn’t it just a piece of clothing? As for it? It’s great for the New Year! Eat.”

  Xia Zhimei licked her lips. She didn’t want to annoy the elderly during the Chinese New Year, so she revealed the matter and stopped mentioning it.

   Xia Shao, who listened silently, felt bitter in her heart. My mother was born in a particularly bitter age. At that time, the country was in turmoil, and I couldn't get enough food and clothes. The clothes my mother wore when she was a child were all changed by her sister. It is very difficult to wear a new dress. She likes brightly colored clothes, but she is a little shy in her gentle temper. Others joke. Therefore, only during the New Year, she wore the color she liked, and that's it, she was even used by the aunt to run in front of the whole family.

  Xia Shao's inner indignation was unspeakable, but there was a faint expression on her face, and a firm light flashed through her eyes. In this life, she will never let her mother suffer such grievances again!

At this time, his father spoke up. He looked at his sister Xia Zhimei and said with a smile: "The elder sister is right. The black skin and red are really not good-looking. But I like to see your sister-in-law in red. I feel very good."

  Li Juan immediately turned a little red when she heard it, and her eyes moved even more.

  Xia Shao took a bite of food, and smiled across her eyes. It wasn't until a while that she raised her eyes again and looked at her aunt Xia Zhimei and her uncle Liu Chunhui.

Their family started as a fuel processing plant, and later set up factories to help some domestic brand auto companies produce parts. Before Xia Shao was reborn, their family had established branches in three first-tier cities in the province. There are a lot of real estate properties, and it can be regarded as a well-known family in the city.

Cousin Liu Yuguang made some money from doing business at home. When he was in school, changing his girlfriend was as fast as changing clothes. Later he got married and his wife was the host of Dongshi TV. The father-in-law was the vice city of Dongshi. long. The family's vision is high, and the relatives and cousins ​​of the Xia family do not look down on it. They usually speak high-level, and obviously look down on it.

Although Xia Shao understands that human beings are creatures of desire, and everyone desires to stand taller than anyone and be respected by others, but for such a person who has gained power and stepped on his family first, he really has no good feelings, let alone Mention respect.

  The four children born to grandparents, the aunt and uncle’s economic conditions are not bad, but unfortunately, both of them are not very filial.

When grandma was seriously ill, she was supposed to take care of her children. Xia Shao’s mother Li Juan took the old man to her home without saying a word and took care of her all the time. The aunt, as her daughter, only visited twice and brought some things. , Talked for a while and then left. Until the death of her grandma, she had not been taken care of by this daughter for a day.

  Xia Shao lowered her eyes, and the corners of her mouth were slightly cold. As the saying goes, people are watching the sky, and Feng Shui takes turns! It's a pity that she is reborn now, and in the last life she couldn't see Xia Zhimei's family. Is it true that Xia Zhimei's family will really enjoy the end?

  She stared at Liu Chunhui and Xia Zhimei's wife, holding her grandmother inwardly.

  But at this moment, something shocking Xia Shao happened.

  A series of pictures suddenly appeared in her mind!

  It was night, and the raging fire burned half of the sky. The scene was very messy. There were people running and fighting fire everywhere, and the fire place seemed to be a company's production line.

   Then, she saw a short and squat figure, grabbed the hose from the firefighter's hand and rushed up to fight the fire by herself. The person's appearance was clearly Xia Shao's uncle Liu Chunhui!

After   , the picture changed again. At this time, the uncle Liu Chunhui and the aunt Xia Zhimei visited each other together. The proud expressions of the past were gone, as if they were begging for something in a low voice. At this time, my uncle's temples were already gray-haired, and he suddenly became an old man!

  After that, it was the cousin and the cousin who were constantly quarreling, and the cousin took the child and fell home and left.

  Xia Shao opened her eyes wide and looked at these images in shock. The images were so real as to be vividly visible. In the end, she felt someone push her.

Those scenes disappeared immediately, Xia Shao turned her head and saw her mother looking at herself strangely, "You child, don't eat food and watch what your aunt and uncle are doing?" He said while putting a piece of fish into her. In the bowl, "Hurry up and eat."

  Xia Shao nodded, holding the bowl and lowering her eyes, but her heart kept beating wildly.

  Just now, what were those she saw?

  ------Off topic------

  Dear friends~new people and new articles, need support. Now the number of words is still low, and I know there is nothing to comment on, but if it is convenient, let’s bookmark it! Data is motivation!

  Maybe to reveal that this article is divided into two lines, one line is business, and the other line is the aspect of metaphysics and rationality. Combining the two, the heroine will be prosperous, and in short, everyone will not be disappointed.

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