Rebirth of the God of Comics

Chapter 317: Resurrected Giant Tiga

"This meteorite is not simple. According to the results of my measurements, it was artificially made. It is a stone 30 million years ago."

A scientific researcher wearing a white coat on the TV said that she had just tested it, and this stone seemed to be a stone on the earth 30 million years ago.

"Thirty million years ago?"

Seeing this, Cao Yuhu suddenly reacted. The video he watched was only a few tens of seconds, doesn't it mean that the super ancient civilization was 30 million years ago? Could it be said that this stone was made by that ruined civilization?

Just as Cao Yuhu was thinking about it, the meteorite on the TV was cut open. At this time, a white and silver pyramid appeared in front of everyone.

"This one!"

Cao Yuhu can remember clearly that in that short trailer of tens of seconds, this exquisite little pyramid was left to modern civilization by the ultra-ancient civilization.

It is precisely in this that a figure appeared, and the Victory Team and the Earth Peace Organization knew that the big change was about to begin. To fight against the monsters, only the giant of light must be resurrected.

Sure enough, after this little pyramid appeared on the TV, a beam of light was immediately projected. In this burst of light, a figure of a white-haired woman appeared.

The woman seemed to be saying something, the victory team didn't understand at first, but after using the voice translator, they understood what she was saying.

"Everyone, I am the head of the Earth Guard, You Lian. The arrival of this time machine on the earth means that the earth will undergo a lot of great changes one after another. The first signs are the monster Golzan that shakes the earth and the one that cracks the sky. The monster Merba is resurrected."

On TV, everyone on the scene was very surprised after hearing this woman's words.

"Gelzan, the monster that shakes the earth? The monster that appeared in Mongolia is Golzan!" Daguxiang thought of something, and said immediately.

When Cao Yuhu saw this, he also thought of that vicious monster. Chen Ze's investment, coupled with CCTV's original technology, made the monster in this "Ultraman Tiga" compared to the previous life. Also lifelike.

Especially the monsters Golzan and Melba that appeared in the first episode. In order to attract the audience, Chen Ze and CCTV took great efforts to model these two monsters.

Therefore, the images of these two monsters are very impressive. As soon as Cao Yuhu heard Dagu's words on the TV, the figure of the monster Golzan immediately appeared in his mind.

"The monster that shakes the earth, it really deserves this title."

"The only thing that can protect the earth from the disasters of mutation. Only the giant in the pyramid. That giant is the protector of the earth. It hides the body used for battle in the huge pyramid. My descendants, the more dangerous it is. As you get closer, your time is running out now, and you must find and resurrect the giant immediately."

The figure projected in the time machine continued: "If you want to resurrect the giant. There is only one way, and that is..."

When talking about this kind of most critical moment, the figure suddenly stopped and couldn't listen to the following words at all.

Everyone on the TV did not believe the words of the people in this time machine. Only Dagu believed firmly: "This must be true. She said the monster Golzan will appear. Isn't that right?"

But a pity. Only Dagu believes it. Everyone else feels that this is a bit too ridiculous.

At this moment, the alarm rang in the lobby of the Victory Team, and then a figure appeared on the big screen. This figure is a foreigner, and he is wearing the uniform of the Earth Peace Alliance. Judging from his appearance, he should also be a member of this organization.

"A monster appeared in Istan, and now it transmits the image taken by the satellite."

Following this person's words, one end of the big screen is also tens of meters high. With a pair of wings on his back, it was extremely vicious, and a monster with sharp teeth and fangs appeared.

It exploded out of a mountain and screamed up to the sky. With the calls and episodes on TV, it makes people feel shy.

Cao Yuhu prided himself on his courage, but when he saw this place, he couldn't help but swallowed his saliva. Those special dramas he watched in the past. But no one is as real and shocking as this "Ultraman Tiga".

"It's Melba, it's Melba that broke the sky. It's also appeared."

At this time, everyone on the winning team reacted. It turned out that everything that the time machine said was actually true.

Golzan, who shakes the earth, and Melba, who cracks the sky, they both actually appear.

"The giants in the pyramids can only save the earth if they find the giants in the pyramids," Dagu said at this time.

Everyone knows that there is only one way to go now. But where exactly is the pyramid, no one knows yet.

"If I can find the pyramid, I have a way to find the pyramid."

Just when everyone was in trouble, another team member spoke. He manipulated it on the computer, and the satellite image on the big screen gradually zoomed in, and the last place stayed in China Sichao.

Based on the analysis of ancient languages, they inferred the approximate location of the pyramid. Then as soon as the camera turned, the members of the winning team flew toward Sichao in a plane.

Seeing this, Cao Yuhu did not blink his eyes. He had completely forgotten what purpose he was watching "Ultraman Tiga", at this moment, he was deeply attracted by the plot.

After arriving at Siqi, Dagu and the others began to move separately, looking for the pyramids everywhere. Others felt that in this deep mountain, how could there be a pyramid of light.

On the other side, a voice rang in Dagu's ear, and under the guidance of that voice, he was the first to find the Pyramid of Light.

"So this is the Pyramid of Light."

Seeing the appearance of the pyramid on TV, Cao Yuhu was a little shocked again. I saw that the pyramid was tens of meters high, shining with light, and it was indeed in line with the title of the pyramid of light.

On the other side, the rest of the winning team members also discovered the pyramid. They merged with Dagu and entered the pyramid together.

Sure enough, as predicted by the time machine, in this pyramid, there are three stone giants.

"This is the patron saint of the earth, the giant of light?" a member of the victory team asked. Everyone on the scene was immersed in shock.

But at this moment, the monsters Gorzan and Melba appeared near the pyramid. Seeing their appearance, they were directed at the giant. Hope to get rid of the giant before it recovers.

"Oh my god, it's terrible, is this a monster?"

All the members of the winning team got on the plane. On the plane, they could see the looks of Golzan and Melba clearly.

At the same time, Gorzan and Melba each aimed at a stone statue, and soon, two of the three stone statues were crushed by them. Even if a way to resurrect the giant was found, there was no way to resurrect the two stone statues.

"Nothing will happen to the third seat, this one must be the giant of light Tiga Ultraman."

Seeing this, Cao Yuhu was a little nervous and anxious. But he knew that the third stone statue would definitely not be destroyed by the monster just like that.


On TV, Dagu was equally He knew very well that if there were no stone statues, then the giant would definitely not be able to recover. In order to protect the last stone statue, he used an airplane that could only fire smoke bombs to attack the monster.

It's a pity that this attack didn't work, and the two monsters easily knocked down the plane he was flying in. Dagu wanted to jump on a parachute at this time, but found that the parachute had malfunctioned and could not be opened anymore.

If there is no parachute, from this height, there must be death.

"There will be nothing, there is definitely nothing going on." Cao Yuhu felt even more nervous when he saw this. He knew that this Dagu was the protagonist of "Ultraman Tiga", how could he just die here like this.

However, seeing this situation, Cao Yuhu's heart was still agitated.

In the end, at this critical moment, Dagu's body turned into a beam of light and entered the body of the giant stone statue. Then, the giant Tiga Ultraman was revived. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote recommended votes, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to read.)

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