Rebirth of the God of Comics

Chapter 323: 10 years (on)

"Stranger in ten years? What is this?"

Hu Na was stunned, this title made her a little stunned. In the past, the title of "Detective Conan" always used something like murder, which simply and clearly pointed out what the content of this issue was.

But this stranger ten years later is completely different from the previous Chen Ze's style, making Hu Na really puzzled.

With this doubt, Hu Na opened the content of this issue of "Detective Conan".

"It doesn't matter Conan, I see you sneezing all the time." At the beginning of this issue of the manga, Xiao Lan asked Conan with a worried look at the Mao detective office.

Conan flushed and sneezed constantly. It was obvious that he had a cold.

"Sister Xiao Lan, no problem, a sleep today will definitely be fine." Conan smiled and comforted Xiao Lan.

Seeing this, Hu Na became a little excited. Although I just saw the beginning, at least Xiaolan has already come out. Moreover, according to Wei Ai Xinlan's chat in the group just now, this new issue must have more of Xiaolan's scenes.

"Then you have a good rest today, I'll help you ask for a leave from the school." Xiao Lan said, she was still going to say something, but there was a urging sound from the garden, and she had to leave Conan with some worry. , And Yuanzi went to school.

"Lunch is ready for you, don't worry, Dad will bring it to you. Cover the quilt and sleep at ease." Before going out, Xiao Lan turned her head and smiled.

"This is Xiao Lan. Such Xiao Lan is not a perfect match for Shinichi. What kind of one is it? I really can't figure out. I already have such a good heroine, so I have to get a cola."

Looking at Xiaolan's gentle look in the comics, Hu Na thought to herself. Although she is also a girl, she especially likes Xiaolan's gentle look in the comics. In her opinion, such a gentle Xiaolan must be the **** heroine.

"That. Hasn't Shinichi called you recently? For such an irresponsible person, just dump him. Find another one, such as a new doctor, he is very good!"

Just when Hu Na thought so, the plot in the comic continued to develop. After Xiaolan came out, the garden said this to Xiaolan. Her voice was so loud that Conan, who was lying in the room, heard it clearly.

"Damn it. Yuanzi this woman!" Conan thought in his heart. At the same time, he wondered when he would become a high school student because of his illness.

Then the plot of the manga continued to develop. Conan lay down and didn't know how long he had been asleep. Suddenly Xiao Ai called. It is said that a new antidote has been made.

Conan was overjoyed, regardless of his high fever, and immediately ran towards the doctor's house.

"Xiao Ai, the medicine? Give it to me quickly." Conan ran into the doctor's house holding his high school uniform, and shouted as soon as he entered the house.

"Well, let me take a look first."

Xiao Ai first checked his physical condition of Conan. The body temperature was 38 degrees and seven. Seeing this temperature, Xiao Ai was a little worried about Conan.

"Don't worry, hurry, just give me the new antidote." Conan shook his head, and after getting the medicine, he went to the toilet, intending to recover. Change clothes inside.

As usual, Conan regained a new body under a severe pain.

"Conan is cute, but Shinichi is really handsome."

Seeing Shinichi in the high school uniform in the comics, Hu Na thought to herself. She is also an old manga fan who has read a lot of comics, and has liked a lot of comics owners. But if his favorite is the new one in Detective Conan.

It's not just she likes it. In the survey reports of some investigative agencies, Shinichi is now one of China's most popular cartoon heroes.

After the new comic came out, it was discovered that Xiao Ai was no longer at home, and the doctor's house was empty.

"Xiao Ai. Xiao Ai? It's strange, why did she disappear after a while?" Conan asked strangely.

However, he didn't take it seriously. He was finally able to return to normal for a short time. Now he was excited, and his plans to go to school surprised his classmates.

"How could his classmates be surprised?" Hu Na was also a little excited when she saw this, she could imagine that once Shinichi suddenly appeared in school, it would definitely cause a sensation.

She didn't care much about others, so she wanted to see how Xiao Lan would react. In Hu Na's opinion, the big surprise mentioned by Wei Ai Xinlan in the group must be that Xiaolan discovered that something happened after Xinyi came back. What happened?

Hu Na guessed several possible situations, and the more she guessed, the more excited she became. She wanted to turn to the back now to see what happened. But in the end, Hu Na still held back. After all, she also knows that comics like comics are best seen only from the beginning to the end.

Thinking about this, Hu Na looked down with anticipation.

At this time, some strange things appeared in the comics. Shinichi found that his tree seemed a lot taller on his way to school. On both sides of the street, there were also more buildings he had never seen before.

"Is it because I couldn't see these changes now from the eyes of a child?" Shinichi gave some guesses, but he was faintly worried. As for what he was worried about, he didn't know.

After arriving at the school, something strange happened again. One is his physical education teacher, who hasn't seen him for a while and feels a lot older.

The other is that Shinichi originally wanted to surprise his classmates, so when he walked into his class, he shouted: "Everyone, it's been a long time."

As a result, none of the classmates in his class were surprised after seeing him. As if he never left. Xinyi also took a closer look at this time, and found that he didn't even know any of the people in his class, they were all strange faces.

"It's weird, what is going on?" Xinyi felt that something was wrong at this time.

In addition to the comics, Hu Na also feels that something is wrong, and it cannot be an illusion. Generally, comics will draw such an error, which shows that there is absolutely something wrong, especially the detective comics like "Detective Conan". That's even more so.

But although Hu Na knew something was wrong, she didn't know what it was. She didn't like detective manga very much. I like "Detective Conan" because of other factors.

"Forget it, let's find Xiaolan before talking."

Shinichi thinks this way in the comics. He doesn't have much time and doesn't have the heart to think so much. Thinking of this, he walked towards the karate club where Xiaolan was.

"Huh, is it closed?" Shinichi found out when he walked to the door of the Karate Club. He was a little disappointed at this time. Suddenly, he happened to be next to the karate club, and a detective club appeared.

"The detective club, when was this established?"

Shinichi was a little curious. He stretched out his hand to open the door of this club. As a result, what surprised Shinichi and Hu Na outside the comics happened.

There were three people sitting in this club. These three people were wearing high school uniforms. Although their hairstyles and heights had changed a bit, Hu Na recognized them at a glance.

These three people are not the classmates of Conan's elementary school, and Ayumi from the Junior Detectives. As soon as the three people saw Shinichi walk in, they immediately walked up with a familiar look.

"What's the matter, how is it possible, they are obviously elementary school students, how can they be dressed up as high school students? This is too weird."

Seeing this scene in the comics, Hu Na was very shocked. This kind of thing beyond common sense was really something she had never thought of before.

Obviously Shinichi, after he became Conan's classmates, he was all elementary school students, how could he suddenly become a high school student?

"This, what's going on. How are these guys here?" Shinichi obviously didn't think of this kind of thing at all in the comics, and looked at them with a surprised expression.

"Hey, Conan is a little weird Step Mei looked at Xinyi and suddenly said.

"I know, it's because I didn't wear glasses." Mitsuhiko said.

After listening to them, Shinichi realized that there was a pair of glasses in his chest pocket. He took out the glasses and put them on his eyes, then turned his head and looked at the mirror next to him.

"Conan, glasses, these guys..." Xinyi had some bad guesses in his heart.

At this moment, a face appeared in the mirror next to him with black-rimmed glasses. This face is exactly what Conan looked like when he grew up!

"Difficult, is it?"

The stranger ten years later is a special feature of the first issue of "Detective Conan". Students who like Xinlan can take a look. It is very beautiful and very touching. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote recommended votes, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to read.)

PS: Today is the third watch. If you have watched strangers in ten years, you can check it out. I think this episode is pretty good.

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