Rebirth of the God of Comics

Chapter 380: The most severe situation

BJ, in a room in the suburbs!

Li Mingyang sat on the sofa with steaming tea in front of him. And beside this tea, is the latest issue of "Youth".

"Unexpectedly, Wu Jiahao's new manga has reached this point, and Chen Ze can't do it this time."

Li Mingyang picked up the teacup in front of him and thought about it while sipping tea. He also just watched Wu Jiahao's new comics. After reading it, he felt that this new issue was more breakthroughs and surpasses than those of Wu Jiahao's previous comics.

With the quality of Wu Jiahao's new comic, coupled with the popularity and reputation accumulated in the past, Li Mingyang feels that it is indeed very difficult for Chen Ze to defeat him.

"Just so, I will take this opportunity to see where your limits are? If you can overcome this obstacle, then you may really be the one who will lead the new wave of Chinese comics in the future." Li Ming looks like I thought of something, smiled slightly.


After this new issue of Wu Jiahao's comics came out, the supply of goods was sold out, and for a while, Luoyang paper was expensive. The grand occasion it set is straight up to Li Ming-like of the year.

After reading the content of the new comics, various netizens have different reviews. But everyone has a consensus. The final chapter of "Hunter of the End", in terms of its brilliance, is still above all previous series, and it can be said to be the pinnacle of "Hunter of the End".

The popularity of "Hunter of the End" and Wu Jiahao have also taken a step further.

Under this circumstance, the first day of comic release ended early in the morning on the second day, and the sales of the new issue of "Shounen" were counted, with 1.93 million copies on the first day.

1. Nine hundred thirty thousand, this is an incredible number. You must know that under the impact of physical publishing by the Internet, a first-class magazine with sales of more than one million copies on the first day can already support a first-class magazine.

But this new issue of "Youth" actually has 1.93 million copies. Although it is said that because of the serialization of Asakura Kyrgyzstan's "Ninja City", "Shounen" has stabilized the sales volume of 1.5-6 million on the first day of each issue.

But as mentioned before, once a magazine’s sales on the first day exceed one million, it is extremely difficult to continue to increase.

It's like "Boyman" with "Ninja City" before. Or "Manke Weekly" which owns "Naruto", the two most popular magazines of Chinese comics today, after easily breaking through one million at that time, it took a lot of time, bit by bit increase, and finally This only reached 1.56 million sales.

But now "Youth" is only the first issue of the final chapter of Wu Jiahao's "Hunter of the End" has been released. It quickly increased from the first day's sales of 1.56 million to 1.93 million, an increase of 400,000 in sales.

One magazine originally had sales of 1.5 to 600,000, and just relying on another serialized comic, the time for the first issue increased by more than 400,000. This, this is really terrifying.

Manga that can do this. Only those absolute classic comics that can be mentioned in the past thirty, forty, or even a hundred years. And this kind of classic comics, before that, only Li Ming-like comics could do it.

But there is no doubt that from the performance of this first issue, Wu Jiahao's "Hunter of the End" has been promoted to this level.

Once you have reached this kind of palace-level comics, you will want to surpass the comics, or comics of the same subject. This difficulty is similar to that of the sky.

In China's decades of comic history, no one has ever done it.

"The sales volume of "Junior" broke 1.9 million copies on the first day, and "Hunter of the End" has officially become a hallowed comic"

"The Hunter of the End has only been serialized for one issue, and the sales of "Youth" increased by 400,000 copies a day. The Hunter of the End may become the most successful comic in recent years."

"Breaking, the sales volume of "Hunter of the End" was amazing on the first day, and Wu Jiahao's victory is almost a foregone conclusion."

After the major media magazines learned of the first day of sales of "Youth", they were surprised and immediately published the explosive news.

When all magazines published this news, they used the word miracle to describe the performance of "Hunter of the End". Not only that, all the media have always believed in this duel between Chen Ze and Wu Jiahao. Although Chen Ze didn't even have time to release the comics, he had already lost.

This happened more than once in the past, and Chen Ze fell into a desperate situation of extreme hardship. None of the media reporters believed that Chen Ze still had hope, but in this case, Chen Ze always made a comeback.

So to say this time. Media reporters will no longer easily say who wins and who loses, so as not to be slapped in the face by Chen Ze again. But the performance of "Hunter of the Last Days" was too strong. For such a hallowed comic, they thought that Li Ming had come, and they didn't dare to say that they were sure of winning.

No matter how genius Chen Ze is, there is absolutely no chance of a comeback this time. In this case, these media reporters dare to make bold predictions again.

Of course, if Chen Ze slapped his face again this time, the reporters would have no regrets. In the face of such comics that have been left in history, if Chen Ze can still make a comeback, it can only show that Chen Ze has the ability to become a real historical-level comics master.

And being able to witness the birth of another manga master, and even Li Ming-like manga genius who may surpass the first man in the manga today, even if he was beaten in the face, this group of reporters felt happy.

The reports of these reporters naturally caused a huge sensation in the fanfare of netizens. If you want to say what is the most interesting thing in the comics industry, it is naturally the comic showdown between Wu Jiahao and Chen Ze.

Now that Wu Jiahao's cartoons are so strong, the results of this time have been pronounced almost before Chen Ze's cartoons are released, which naturally attracted a lot of discussion among fans.

"What, "Hunter of the End" actually sells so well. Although I like the "Hunter of the End" series very much and think this series is the best comic I have ever seen, I didn't expect it to sell so well."

"Haha, I expected it. In just two hours, all the magazines on our side were sold out. This is something that I haven't done for many years. Since I heard about it, I have known The sales this time must be terrifying. Congratulations to Mr. Wu Jiahao."

"It's so happy. I grew up watching "Hunter of the End" since I was a child. Now that his ending can end this way, it is really great. Originally, I was a little worried about the duel between Wu Jiahao and Chen Ze. I am afraid that "Hunter of the End" will lose, and now it seems that the victory is set."

"The victory is indeed set. Chen Ze is the most talented cartoonist I have ever seen. In the same grade, I doubt that Li Mingyang is his opponent, but after all, he is still young. Now I want to challenge Wu Jiahao. It's a bit early."

The above is the reaction of "Hunter Doomsday" and Wu Jiahao's fans when they heard the news. For them, knowing that the final ending of "Hunter Doomsday" can be so strong, they are naturally very happy.

They also agreed with the opinions of the media reporters. No matter how he looked at Chen Ze this time, he was defeated. No matter from which aspect, there is no hope of winning at all.

"This time it seems that there is no hope at all. I am afraid this is the first time Chen Ze has lost in a test comic. I hope he will not be too sad."

"No way, after all, the opponent is really too strong, and this "Doomsday Hunter" is the pinnacle of Wu Jiahao's masterpiece. It is normal for Chen Ze to lose."

"Why do you all say that Chen Ze is a Now Chen Ze hasn't even published his comics yet, I think there is hope."

"There is no hope. There will be more than 1.9 million sales on the first day of the first phase. After that, the sales will definitely be higher. This is already the level of the hall-level comics, even if the level is the teacher Li Mingyang himself. Shots may not be able to save the situation. However, I think Chen Ze is already very powerful at his young age, fighting to the point he is today."

"I also think it's okay if I lose this time. I believe that in another ten or twenty years, by that time, Chen Ze will definitely become the first person in the Chinese comics circle."

This is Chen Ze Manfan's discussion after learning about the sales of "Doomsday Hunter". Almost all of them thought that Chen Ze might have lost this time.

This time the opponent is different from the past, it is so powerful that it is outrageous. All fans know that Chen Ze is now caught in the most severe situation since his debut for so many years. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote recommended votes, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to read.)

PS: The second is more, still seeking rewards, seeking subscriptions, seeking monthly passes

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