Rebirth of the Great Entertainment Empire

Chapter 298: disappear for 1 time

Is it realistic to hollow out TVB with 300 million Hong Kong dollars?

Before answering this question, let’s talk about some data first. √

Before the filming of TVB's big drama "Apostle Walker", the remuneration of TVB's popular actors who came to the mainland (remuneration per episode of TV series):

Lin Feng, 200,000.

She Shiman, one hundred thousand.

Luo Jialiang, one hundred thousand.

Yan Yaowen, one hundred thousand.

Wu Qihua, 80,000.

Zheng Jiaying, 80,000.

Guo Xianni, 80,000.

Deng Cuiwen, 70,000.

Myolie Wu, fifty thousand.

This remuneration is still raised by the various heads of TVB in order to make money for filming in the Mainland. Their remuneration in TVB is far less high!

According to a gossip reporter, on TVB (the pay per episode of TV series):

Guo Jinan, 60,000.

Zheng Shaoqiu, Wu Qihua, fifty thousand.

Lin Baoyi, Ouyang Zhenhua, 40,000.

Tao Dayu, Chen Haomin, 25,000.

Ma Jingzhong, 20,000.

Lin Feng, fifteen thousand.

Wang Mingkui, Zheng Yuling, Xue Jiayan, Guo Keying fifty thousand.

Li Ke, Cai Shaofen, forty-five thousand.

Xuan Xuan, twenty-five thousand.

She Shiman, Zhang Keying, 25,000.

The above remuneration is still the treatment that TVB has only increased after the reform of the 20th and 30th years and the countless struggles of the artists.

From this, we can see how low the treatment of TVB personnel is now, in the early 1980s.

By the way, on this list, the remuneration of Sun Li and Niangniang is almost equal to the sum of the remunerations of all TVB masters.

Also, TVB's leading niche Jiang Hua sells insurance, Ouyang Zhenhua was almost given up by TVB for a pay increase, Zhang Weijian was refrigerated by TVB for a pay increase, Hong Kong male champion car washes, Liang Peiling is Ren Yingying in the arrogant world to make ends meet Selling health products, etc. all show how stingy TVB is!

Therefore, if Xu Cun spends 300 million Hong Kong dollars to poach TVB people, even if he can't hollow out TVB, he will definitely be able to dig up TVB's talented managers, producers, and artists, and make TVB a few years old. Can't slow down inside!

Xu Cun's handwriting was so great that Zhou Liang Shuyi and Xu Xiaoming were stunned!

But after Zhou Liangshuyi and Xu Xiaoming reacted, they both became fiery in their hearts - not to mention that they are the direct beneficiaries of the top leadership of Phoenix TV after the expansion of Phoenix TV, just saying that the grievances between the two and TVB Let them execute Xu Cun's order without reservation!


Zhou Liang Shuyi said confidently: "I still have some contacts in TVB, as long as you are willing to pay liquidated damages for them, Mr. Xu, and give them a 30% increase in treatment, I am sure to dig one-third of TVB's management staff and employees for you. Producer."

Xu Cun looked at Zhou Liang Shuyi and said, "Up 50%, I want more than 70% of TVB's management and production staff."

Zhou Liang Shuyi thought about it in her heart, and then said, "I will try my best."

It is naturally impossible for Xu Xiaoming to let Zhou Liang Shuyi specialize in beauty! He rolled his eyes and said, "Only give TVB's people a higher salary, and don't give us Phoenix TV's people better treatment, I'm afraid there will be problems. Why don't we do this, let's go to TVB to poach people, as long as we dig up people from Phoenix TV. Talented and useful people, we will also increase the salary of those who have poached them. Of course, whether it is TVB people or our Phoenix TV people, the salary should not be too outrageous, I think the maximum increase is 30% , and the people who are of great use have to sign a long-term contract with our Phoenix TV, and set a high liquidated damages, lest they be dug back by TVB."

Xu Cun added: "I want to be a student of the wireless artist training class."

Zhou Liang Shuyi and Xu Xiaoming nodded at the same time, indicating that they remembered.

Then, Xu Xiaoming said again: "Mr. Xu, in order for this to happen, you must do one thing!"

Xu Cun looked at Xu Xiaoming and asked in confusion, "What's the matter?"

Xu Xiaoming replied, "You have to disappear for a while."

Xu Cun repeated puzzledly, "I disappeared for a while?"

Zhou Liang Shuyi rushed ahead of Xu Xiaoming and said, "That's right, for this to happen, you must disappear for a while, Mr. Xu... Our move can be said to be destroying the foundation of TVB, so Shao Yifu will do everything possible to stop us! Shao Yifu has a huge network in Hong Kong, if you don't disappear, there will be countless people you can't think of to intercede for Shao Yifu, and even the Governor of Hong Kong will intercede for him, after all, Shao Yifu is a knight conferred by Queen Elizabeth II."

Thinking that I still have a little friendship with Shao Yifu, and if there are some people who I can't refuse to intercede, this matter may be abandoned halfway.

In addition, there was one thing that Xu Cun took for granted, but he still couldn't make up his mind to do it. If he really had to disappear for a while, it could help him make up his mind.

He also considered that all his properties are sole proprietorship or he owns absolute shares, and none of the properties are listed. Therefore, even if he disappears for a period of time, his industry will not have much impact.

So, Xu Cun made up his mind and said, "Okay, then I'll disappear for a while!"


Although there were some small problems during the live, in general, the Spring Festival Gala on Phoenix TV was relatively successful - Deng Lijun's "I Only Care About You", Mei Yanfang "Woman Flower" by Ye Qianwen, "Superstar" by Happy Girls, "Drunken Fist" by Cheng Long, "Iron Heart" by Luo Wen and Zhen Ni, "Silence is Gold" by Zhang Guorong, Tan Yonglin's "Water Flower", Liu Dehua's "Chinese", Chen Baiqiang's "I Hate to Like You", Su Rui's "Hand in Hand", Cai Qin's "Your Eyes", Yang Panpan's gecko work, Zhou Xingchi and Wu Mengda's Cantonese cross talk, The Peking Opera "Mu Guiying Takes Command" by Liu Xun and Zunlong, the Cantonese Opera "Emperor Flower" by Fen Chrysanthemum and Lin Zhengying, the songs of some students in "The Voice of China", and other programs were all extremely successful!

Afterwards, the audience rating of the Spring Festival Gala calculated by the staff of Phoenix TV made people's eyes shattered - the audience rating of the Spring Festival Gala exceeded 90 at its peak!

This result can definitely be called an earth-shattering cry!

The average viewership rating of the TVB annual meeting against the Phoenix Spring Festival Gala was only in the early twenties—you must know that tonight is New Year’s Eve, and most people in Xiangjiang are watching TV at home during this time! Therefore, the TVB annual meeting, which has always had an audience rating of 50, 60, or even more than 70, only achieved an average audience rating in the early twenties, which also made countless people's eyes shattered.


No matter how high the ratings of the Phoenix Spring Festival Gala or how low the ratings of TVB's annual meeting, when Ye Qianwen (the last one of Xu Cun's women to appear on stage) finished singing "Rap Face Makeup", Xu Cun brought all the girls with him. I went home for the Chinese New Year - the sky and the earth are big, and the Chinese New Year is the biggest! So, how could he not spend the New Year with his family?


(To be continued.) 8

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